
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sarah Palin: "Would someone call Obama on his hypocrisy"

Whip in hand, Palin goes after Obama.

Obama’s Predictable, Tiring, Ineffective Lecture Would Someone Call Him on the Hypocrisy, Please? Congress’ approval rating is at 11% because politicians thwart the will of the people, explode our national debt, and practice reckless deficit spending while hoping we’ll sit down and shut up about their nonsensical agenda. President Obama just made the AFL-CIO suffer through another “Blame Bush” lecture today as he, as usual, put the car in reverse and looked backward to find someone else to blame for problems he helped cause and now aggressively perpetuates.

Okay, Mr. President, you tell us we have to keep looking backward (as we’re steered toward the cliff), so let’s go:
Barack Obama was part of the problem while in Congress. Senator Obama pushed the fiscally irresponsible measures that Democrats, who held the majority, advanced while holding the government’s purse strings. And now, as President, he’s not just one of the pack anymore as a mere contributor to the problem – he now leads the problem. We are sick and tired of President Obama pointing his finger and screeching through his blame game about what he “inherited.” Up until 18 months ago he was fully engaged in that Congressional herd mentality of the Left as he just went with the flow, adding to the debt and deficit, instead of bucking his party’s leadership to stop the recklessness..............

UPDATE August 5:
Sarah Palin doesn't let up and goes after the fact-checkers themselves who tried to dispute her claim about the 3.8 Trillion tax hike she spoke about yesterday.

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