
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Did Canadian Conservatives ever think there would come a day they would agree with David Suzuki

and disagree with  Jason Kenney ??   Of course, some will side with Kenney although they know the Cons are conning all of us.

The Conservative govt. has become like how the Liberals were and come the next election I hope voters will show them what's what.   All the Conservative party wants to do is bring in more and more immigrants without actually creating jobs for them or for the millions already here sans employment.  And, mind you's not just the  new immigrants or recent immigrants either.   The unemployment numbers in Canada are dismal....but somehow the Harper govt. is able to massage them into acceptable margins and frilly quotas.  I am not a believer in those numbers ... not by a long mile.  

Andy Radia  writing at YahooPolitics:
.... The old Reform Party was always accused of being anti-immigration.
'They'll close the doors' was a narrative perpetuated by the left as a scare tactic against the upstart renegades from the West.
But Jason Kenney — Canada's most pro-active immigration minister in recent memory — has proven that was far from the truth.
Oddly, Kenney's party is being accused of being too immigrant friendly. And the one doing the accusing is environmental activist David Suzuki.

In a Canada Day interview published in French newsmagazine L’Express, Suzuki lauded Canada's multicultural harmony but also said that our immigration policy is "crazy."

Here's an excerpt of the interview as translated by the National Post.
Canada is full too! Although it’s the second largest country in the world, our useful area has been reduced.Our immigration policy is disgusting: We plunder southern countries by depriving them of future leaders, and we want to increase our population to support economic growth. It’s crazy!
Suzuki's parents — of course — weren't born in Canada either.
But he said that immigration is okay when you welcome people who are struggling in other countries.
Suzuki's comments have angered Kenney, and he took to Twitter to voice his displeasure:...........

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