
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fatwa issued on Syrian women by award-winning employees of the USA, UK and France

Looks like Assad's army has still not been able to liberate some parts of Syria's once prosperous Aleppo. The USA, UK and France  along with their masters Saudi Arabia, Qatar and others ...  are holding on fast to some of the many neighbourhoods of the city.

From RTNews:
Syrian rebels have issued a ban on women  using make up or wearing “immodest dress” in a neighborhood in the city of Aleppo. Critics have blasted the move as another attempt by Islamists to impose Sharia in rebel-controlled territory.

The fatwa (an order based on Sharia law) was issued by the Islamic law council in Aleppo's Fardous neighborhood. 

"Muslim women are banned from leaving the house in immodest dress, in tight clothing that shows off their bodies or wearing makeup on their face. It is incumbent on all our sisters to obey God and commit to Islamic etiquette," the statement on the Fardous council's Facebook page says as cited by Reuters, which reports that Aleppo residents have confirmed the news.   

Some of the comments showed support for the ruling, arguing there was nothing wrong in requiring that people follow “certain etiquette in public". Critics lashed out at the Islamist-led rebels for abusing their power.   

The women’s clothing fatwa has been viewed as the latest example of Islamic radicalism growing within rebel-controlled Syrian areas.....

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