
Friday, May 10, 2013

Conservative govt. to blame for unbridled Muslim immigration to Canada

Tell the truth and shame the devil !!   You die-hard Conservatives, whether you are  big "C" or small "c" conservatives better get used to the idea that there will be plenty more skeletons popping out from the closets of this present government with regard to the failure of background checks done on refugee applicants, student visa applicants  as well as Muslim immigrants coming to Canada.  The Liberals were not the only ones whoring themselves for votes from the followers of the murderous cult and other minor cults. The Conservatives have gone several miles deeper into the murky gutters of diversity.

Take note of the year  the Al Qaeda operative Abbassi  gained access to Canadian soil.  It was under the Conservative government and we should not forgot that.  Politicians, even if they were "Conservative" before going to Ottawa,  once they get there they only think of votes and how to get them to retain their power and become worse than many of the Liberals we find fault with.  I wouldn't trust any politician of any party anywhere ever.  They are all cut from the same lying, deceitful, corrupt cloth.   Not only are the politicians working against us,  the universities and learning institutions all over Canada are also doing the same.  These places advertise aggressively for foreign students and are in competition with each other to net the highest number.  What great opportunities for terrorists and jihadists to enter Canada and through Canada to their number one enemy, the USA!!!  They are wooed by the universities to come kill us.

Stewart Bell and Graeme Hamilton writing at NationalPost:
.....The documents unsealed by the U.S. District Court in New York paint Mr. Abassi as a ringleader, saying he “radicalized” Mr. Esseghaier, a fellow Tunisian who subsequently received “overseas training and plotted to engage in terrorist activity in the West.”

Mr. Abassi spent fewer than three years in Canada, arriving in 2010 as a visitor but then applying for a student visa, initially to study at the Université de Sherbrooke. When rejected, he reapplied to study at the Université Laval. He received the student permit in 2012 but subsequently left Canada.

After arriving in the U.S. in mid-March, Mr. Abassi maintained “regular contact” with both Mr. Esseghaier and the undercover FBI officer, who recorded conversations in which Mr. Abassi “expressed his desire to engage in terrorist acts” against targets in the U.S. and elsewhere.

Mr. Abassi also spoke about providing support to terrorist groups such as the Al-Nusrah Front in Syria and al-Qaeda in Iraq, and told the undercover officer about “like-minded” associates he thought would be willing to engage in terrorism, prosecutors said in a letter sent to the judge Thursday.

“The defendant, Esseghaier and the UC [Under Cover] also spoke about Esseghaier’s proposed terrorist plots. Among other things, the defendant told the UC that while Esseghaier’s plans were good, the time was not right. The defendant noted that he had suggested an alternative plot — contaminating the air or water with bacteria in order to kill up to 100,000 people — but that Esseghaier was dismissive of the plan,” the letter said.....

........Officials at Université Laval in Quebec City, where Mr. Abassi was a master’s student in chemical engineering, said they were forbidden by privacy law from discussing his time there as a student. Spokesman Jean-François Huppé said university personnel had been instructed not to discuss the matter.......

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