
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The UK and others, closer and closer to taking control of the Suez Canal

Did some of us suspect this would happen?  You bet !!

This would be a kind of  "soft" colonization couldn't you say? The whole idea is to deploy a force to the Suez Canal to ensure that the oil routes are not blocked by Iran.

The vid below from RoyalUnitedServicesInstitute's website is enough to tell us that the powers-that-be have everything charted out and the game is on. We, the ordinary Joes and  Janes can come to our own little analysis on different aspects of the war games being played out,  but try as we might we will never ever know the original plans as laid out, probably many years ago by our lords and masters.  Do you think the Muslim Brotherhood got all that support from both the USA, UK and others for nothing?  Our lords and masters need Egypt in their corner for the success of this plan and there must have been an agreement between MB and the powers-that-be long before the MB were brought to power.

We truly are the sheeple.  How our lords and masters must be laughing at us !!

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