
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Egypt's Black Bloc

As far as I can see, secular Egyptians are at the losing end in Egypt's over for them.  It's a total shame because Egypt, under Mubarak, was a country where different kinds of people were still able to get along and if they didn't the dictator was there to make sure they did by coming down hard on the aggressors.  The aggressors were almost always Islamists trying to show their might over the minority Copts and secular Egyptian Muslims.

Will the new movement calling themselves "Black Bloc"  be able to topple the Muslim Brotherhood??  Time will tell.  The MB has firm support not only from the USA but from the new caliphate of oil rich Libya with coffers full of an unending supply of  money.  Also, Qatar is firmly on their side, again with coffers of unending money dropped into its lap by the West.  Things are not looking good for secular Muslims in their own countries .... but surprise, surprise ....  when these same folks migrate to the West they morph very quickly into Islamists themselves.  Must be the water here.

One thing I am not fully able to grasp is the disconnect between Saudi Arabia and Qatar.  It appears that Saudi Arabia wants to force Sunni Wahhabism on all Sunnis and Qatar wants to force feed Sunni Salafism on all Sunnis.  What's the difference?  Does the Saudi shit  mean cutting off heads in one clean blow whereas the Qatari load gives allowance to headchoppers to take their own sweet time with the jugular?   Well...the good thing is;  after the ongoing Sunni/Shiite bloodshed we might be entertained with the Sunni Wahhabism/Sunni Salafism bloodbaths.  Good times ahead for us infidels to watch muzzies offing each other.

As at this moment in time, the Black Bloc has been designated  as a banned group  by the MB government and several people associated with the group are languishing in jail.

Don't associate Egypt's Black Bloc with the USA's group with the same name.  According to  this at CanadaFreePress, they are  exact opposites.  The USA one roots for the MB ... (must be Obama's secret army of hoodlums). hahahhaahah !

Ashraf Ramelah writing at GateStoneInstitute:
Clad in black, faceless in black ski masks,  the nameless Black Bloc soldiers lock arms to create a human shield in defense of pro-freedom protesters -- the Black Bloc's number-one priority -- in the streets and squares of Egypt. Expert in martial arts and ostensibly military-trained, Black Bloc warriors only recently surfaced in Egypt to safeguard fellow freedom-fighters from their arch-enemies, the foes of democracy: President Mohamed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas militia.

Originating out of a plan to protect women protesters from sexual assault, this huge band of men and women numbering in the thousands (the exact number is not known) form a dedicated and determined corps of combatants divided into local groups of 30-50 individuals in Egypt's communities. Self-described as "anti-Muslim-Brotherhood," and generated out of disgust toward years of police and military brutality, the Black Bloc is, for modern Egypt, a completely new phenomenon.

As participants in this well-organized system for safety and preservation, the secret members of the "elite" Black Bloc guard first appeared in the streets of Cairo this January, when revolutionaries commemorated their two-year anniversary with protests in Tahrir Square. Now everywhere the Egyptian opposition stages protests, the rank-and-file Black Bloc, whose leaders remain unknown to them, dutifully move in to police the area on behalf of fellow protesters.

Deemed "terrorists" and "outlaws" by the Morsi regime, the shadowy Zorro-like heroes refer to their network as the "United Ghosts Revolution" and represent a just cause in the ongoing rebellion against Egypt's Islamist government. The Black Bloc mission is to ensure that no more assaults, kidnappings, and torture occur from Morsi's security forces [the Muslim Brotherhood militia] and so-called law enforcement, and that a "camel gazwa," [invading crowds on galloping camels] as in the early days of the revolt, never takes place again. Many Black Bloc members carry firearms, most likely acquired through the illegal networks smuggling weapons from Libya and Gaza.

If the best defense is a good offense, the forceful Black Bloc has aggressively expanded its scope beyond the scene of gathered protesters and their protection. With a physical presence in more than eight cities across Egypt, the anonymous soldiers have claimed responsibility for ransacking at least eight separate Muslim Brotherhood Freedom and Justice Party offices.

At first, the shrouded Black Bloc raised the fears; the public saw them as terrorists. This wrong impression, however, was soon dispelled as their image as guardians took shape. Appearing first in the social media, the Black Bloc now has the moral support of more than 57,000 Facebook members for the purpose of countering Islamic supremacy and brutality.

Their core concern is to .........


  1. I watch a fair amount of news albeit the MSM(CTV,CBC,CNN) and never saw any reference to this Black Bloc. But they exist. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

    1. 99.9% of the news media here in North America happens to be die hard Left. Any news item that comes by their desk that would throw even a shadow on their king Obama, will be thrown in the bin. Even FoxNews is only about 50% up front and SunTV is about 70% up front but we still consider both to be on our side. Beggars can't be choosers.
      The real state of affairs of the world is to be glimpsed only through the internet....and thank the good Lord for the blogs.


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