
Friday, November 1, 2013

Turkey's turkey raises hand in Muslim Bastardhood salute ....

it reminds me of the "heil hitler" salute of the nazi lovers. 

Ryan Mauro writng at ClarionProject:
....Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan used a hand signal    to show his support for the Muslim Brotherhood on October 23. This is the second time he has done so since August, not including the time he cried after hearing a pro-Brotherhood poem. His speech also expressed neo-Ottoman aspirations by declaring that Kosovo and Turkey are one.

In his speech, Erdogan told a Kosovar audience, “Do not forget that Kosovo is Turkey and Turkey is Kosovo.” At the same time, he flashed the “Rabia” hand signal that shows solidarity with Muslim Brotherhood protestors that the Egyptian government cracked down on. (Erdogan blames Israel for the Brotherhood’s loss of power.)

In that single move, Erdogan showed that he sees Turkey as reclaiming its place as the guardian of the region’s Muslims. His vision has earned him the admiration of Arab Islamists who desire the resurrection of the Caliphate.

The Islamist Turkish government was openly dismayed at the popularly supported military intervention that toppled the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. According to the Arab newspaper Al-Arabiya, Turkey has since “become the regional hub for the Muslim Brotherhood’s international organization.”

That includes the Brotherhood’s Palestinian wing, Hamas, a group designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the U.S. government. Israeli intelligence has discovered that Hamas has a command post in Turkey.

Hamas is looking to Turkey and Qatar, two U.S. “allies,” for support since the Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown in Egypt and had a falling out with Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states. Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal recently met with Erdogan in Turkey at the same time as the group began calling for a new intifada against Israel.

An Arab newspaper reports that Hamas is so dependent upon Turkey that Erdogan exercises significant control over its actions. The Turkish government even had Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh change one of his speeches and stopped the group from trying to reconcile with the new Egyptian government.

Turkey told Hamas that it was not time to make amends with Egypt. Erdogan believes the Muslim Brotherhood can still be victorious in Egypt with help from Turkey, Qatar and the international Brotherhood apparatus.

The Erdogan government’s involvement in the Syrian civil war is motivated by Islamist interests, not just disgust over the Assad regime’s oppression. Anti-Islamist Syrian rebels and Kurds have complained about Turkish support for the Muslim Brotherhood from the very beginning.

Turkey has even been accused of supporting Jabhat al-Nusra, an Al-Qaeda affiliate that fights on the side of the Syrian rebels. The Erdogan government reacted with anger when the U.S. designated Jabhat al-Nusra as a foreign terrorist organization, even though it says it has never supported the group......

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