
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Time to send a "Thank You" note to the Toronto Star .... the best PR entity working towards reelecting Rob Ford

Won't the Toronto Star and Mayor Rob Ford's enemies ever learn?  Torontonians don't give a shit that the guy probably smoked crack and played around with Somali drug dealers. We like him better than any of  the umpteen other candidates being pushed into our faces.  If the push means getting our faces stuck in one big, big, big fat stomach,  we know it won't  break our noses.  We prefer a soft pillow rather than getting entangled in dread locks or in-between the sheets of homos, lesbos. liars and cheats.

Joe Warmington writing at TorontoSun:
“Do not press an enemy that is cornered” -- Sun Tzu, The Art of War  
Mayor Rob Ford is in a corner and the jackals are swirling.
But he’s not dead yet and appears to be prepared to fight on.
A new Forum Research poll shows the mayor’s approval rating post Chief Bill Blair’s confirmation of an alleged crack video gained five points from 39% to 44%.
Not so fast, those sizing up the mayor’s potentially vacant chief magistrate’s chair.
Who knows what next week’s phone call intercept revelations will show or how high an approval rating Ford will go as a result?
Few are changing the channel on this drama.
Ford is down but still holds some cards — the biggest being he is still the mayor with a mandate for one more year.
You can’t fire an elected mayor.
Not because his supporters or enemies on council believe he should be. Not because those behind a political-assassination-script are rolling it out on queue. Not because newspapers have called for his resignation.
And certainly not because the chief is “disappointed and concerned.”
Even if police end up charging Ford, they still can’t sack him.
Only the voters can........

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