
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Would patriotic Syrians give an invading force a map of targets to be bombed?

The "Syrian"  terrorist gangs rampaging in Syria on behalf of the West,  if they were really Syria-loving, do you think they would want an outside force to destroy all that Syria has built up, whether  arsenal-wise or not,  to make the country stronger?  Here in the West we go bonkers if any restrictions to the "right to carry arms" is even whispered .... but a country in the Middle East can't build up arms to safeguard itself?

I put myself in the shoes  of the FSA crooks for a  minute or two (yucky ... but it's  an experiment to understand  how an unscrupulous person without a conscience might behave)  and realized that,  if  I had no regard for either Syria as a country or Syrians as a people, whether they be Sunni or Shiites,  and had my eyes on only an important new portfolio in the promised Muslim Bastardhood and tonnes of money from the oil cartels,  I would do exactly what the "Syrian"  traitors calling themselves the FSA are doing.   A patriotic well-meaning Syrian would have never consented to the destruction of one's own country ... does not matter even if the targets were rumored to contain a billion tonnes of CWs.     

From AlAlam:
The so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the United States intelligence services are working together on targets that may come under the possible US attacks in the future, according to FSA commanders.
Senior militants in Aleppo have claimd they have provided five specific targets that will degrade the Syrian army, will not impact on the civilian population and will give them the upper hand in the coming months.
It is widely acknowledged in northern Syria that this type of information is being passed to US "handlers" across the battlefield that is now Syria.
The move means that militant groups are passing on a picture of the Syrian armed forces position throughout the country to the CIA.
It is an open secret that the US is training, and heavily linked to, the FSA and foreign-backed militant groups in Turkey and Jordan.
British advisors are assisting militant groups on a variety of levels but the Government continues to insist that it is "non-military".
FSA sources tell Sky News that is true, but only in the "broadest sense" of non-military assistance.
The key question for militants is how significant the US attacks, if they come, will be.
In an Aleppo Christian church they have taken over a 3D model of the entire city. It is now covered in marker pins identifying militants and government positions.
This is part of their planning meetings and indicates a new level of sophistication in their thought processes. They have been hopeless at times.
"We have targets and we have passed them onto our American contacts and we hope they will follow our advice," the number two commander for FSA's Ahrar Souria Brigade, Abu Nabhan, said.
"I won't tell you the targets but they are specific and they will help us," he said..........

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