
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Turkey Talks

One of the most incessant drummers.

From ChannelSTV:
Erdogan Slams U.N.,Says Its Time For Action Against Syria   Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has slammed the United Nations for not going headlong against Syria saying that it was time to take action on Syria in a televised address to the nation on Saturday.
Erdogan rebuked Russia and China for blocking a U.N. Security Council resolution on Syria and called on the international community to establish a volunteer coalition to stop the killings in Syria........

Ivan Watson and Gul Tuysuz writing at CNN:
.... Demonstrators congregated in central squares    in Istanbul on Sunday, blowing giant bubbles, blaring music and chanting "down with the government" for a "Peace Day" rally.
The annual anti-war protest was organized amid a Turkish government effort to push the U.S. to intervene militarily in neighboring Syria.
Turkey's prime minister has made no secret of the fact that he would like the U.S. to lead an effort to topple Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.
On condition of anonymity, Turkish government officials have shown respect for the American democratic decision-making process, while also expressing disappointment at President Barack Obama's announcement 
Saturday that he would seek congressional approval before launching any attack on Syria.

"We are not thrilled with the delay and uncertainty that today's announcement entails," wrote one Turkish official, describing his government's reaction.
On Friday, as the Obama administration was still mulling the possibility of a strike against the al-Assad regime, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told journalists "a limited intervention will not satisfy us."

"It should be like the one in Kosovo," he added, referring to the 1998-99 U.S.-led campaign to drive Serbian troops out of that contested region in the Balkans.
"The intervention shouldn't be a one- to two-day hit and run. It should bring the regime to the brink of giving up," Erdogan said.............

From IsraelNationalNews:
What some may see as an improvement    In in relations between Israel and Turkey, Turkish President Abdullah Gul invited a senior Israeli diplomat to the Victory Day reception held on August 30, reported the Turkish daily Hurriyet.

It was the first such invitation since the Mavi Marmara incident in 2010.
The Chargé d’affairs of the Israeli Embassy in Ankara, Josef Levy Safari, attended the Victory Day reception, marking his first appearance in such a state reception, the newspaper reported..........

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