
Thursday, September 5, 2013

SACRILEGE: Malula, town of Jesus's relatives in Syria attacked by the armies of the USA and France

Many places in Syria have the descendants (many of whom are modern day Christians and Muslim Syrians) of the tribes of Levi and Judah ... the original relatives of  the Jewish man Jesus, the founder of our Christian faith. Jesus's mother Maryam and her relatives all spoke Aramaic, an ancient  language of many of  the Jewish tribes.  According to some sources, Jesus's  father Joseph and his relatives preferred speaking Hebrew.  

Hebrew became the official language by decree, but that happened several years later.  However, relatives of both Maryam and Joseph, who were in places far away from the central area of the region known as Palestine in those days,  places like modern day Syria, Turkey,  Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and even border regions of Saudi Arabia ... managed to keep Aramaic (probably a dialect derived from Hebrew and a slew of other languages) alive and well for many centuries before the language disappeared almost entirely because of the murderers of the new religion islam, doing away with Christians.

One place that kept Aramaic alive and well, and thus keeps alive the living history of Christ's lineage, is Malula or Maaloula   in Syria, a place heavy with Christians and Alawites.  Some sources even link the place as residence at one time to Maryam's one or more children,  siblings of  Jesus Christ ... born after him, and to the horde of  descendants from that same DNA.... and by that I mean the same DNA Jesus acquired from his parents Maryam and Joseph.  Oh ... my statement is another sacrilege?  Not to people who have their feet  planted firmly to the ground.  It's highly unlikely that the young Maryam stopped producing babies after Jesus ... isn't it?  What was her age when she had Jesus?   Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen?   And, has anyone wondered why Jesus himself kept commuting between Nazareth, Jerusalem  and  Syria several times a year?  Who was he visiting and why?

Check the vids and the article below to see what the Judeo-Christian nations are now doing to Jesus's heritage.

Look, please note that I am no scholar of religion, so whatever I have said above is from memory of different opinions and stuff I have read .. and  might be crazy as hell .... so don't crucify me for those statements.  I acknowledge I might be wrong.

Douglas Jehl writing for Cornell Library, coincidentally on September 4, 1999:
MALULA, Syria    -- These days, Damascus lies just 45 minutes away, on improved roads that mean that the journey between this isolated village and the capital no longer strikes anyone as forbidding.

But linguistically, Malula is still a place unto itself.

Here in the barren Qalamun Mountains the people do not speak Arabic, at least among themselves. That language has been the lingua franca in this part of the world for more than 1,000 years, but theirs is even older, going back nearly 3,000 years to around 900 B.C.

The language is Aramaic, the one spoken by Jesus Christ. Everywhere else, it died out centuries ago, but here, somehow, it has endured, insulated by isolation and nurtured by pride. Only in Malula, with a population of about 5,000, and in two nearby villages does Aramaic survive.

"Even in Damascus, people look at us funny, and they ask what language are you speaking," said Assad Barkeel, 24. Like nearly everyone else here, Barkeel learned Aramaic from the cradle, and also like nearly everyone else, he says he is determined to pass on the gift to another generation.

As home to several Christian holy sites, including the fourth-century St. Sergius' Church, which was built to honor soldiers slain by a Roman emperor because of their beliefs, Malula has long been a haven for Christians. They make up about half the population, a far larger proportion than the 13 percent in Syria as a whole.

But even if the link to Jesus Christ makes some Christians more passionate about preserving the language, there is no divide when it comes to Aramaic in Malula. Muslims and Christians alike chatter in a language that is incomprehensible to most other Syrians and to almost everyone else.

In what are now Syria, Lebanon, Israel and the Palestinian territories, Aramaic was for centuries the language of daily life, and it was thriving at the time of Jesus. (Hebrew was reserved for religious worship.) Parts of the Bible were written in Aramaic, scholars say, as were parts of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Yet even as a spoken language, it was overtaken in the seventh century, giving way to others, including Syriac and Arabic. It has disappeared entirely as a written language, with parts of its alphabet utterly lost to memory..........

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