
Thursday, September 12, 2013

One third of EU's population headed to poverty by 2025

Naturally!  When you have more takers than givers,  that's the natural outcome. However, I don't think the analysis has taken into account the number of fresh refugees from the Syrian crisis who are already  flooding into the EU and will continue doing so for years to come.  That influx of more takers will make the expected poverty quota  to happen by 2020, if not sooner.  Expect the poorer nations of  the EU to accept  aid and whatnot from Saudi Arabia and Qatar and other sheikhdoms,  thus strengthening the Caliphate's foothold in EU.  It's going to happen, sooner or later... whether you like it or not. Pandora's Box once opened, remains open forever.

Jerin Mathew writing at Intl Business:
....Almost a third of the European population will be dragged into poverty by 2025 due to the region's austerity measures, according to a report.

Charity organisation Oxfam said the austerity policies will create up to 25 million more poor people in Europe by 2025, bringing the total number of poor to 146 million, representing almost a third of the population.
In the UK, about 800,000 children and 1.9 million adults are expected to be pushed into poverty by 2020, according to the international agency.

In Europe, persons are considered at risk of poverty if their equivalised disposable income is below 60% of the average disposable income after social transfers.
Oxfam also warned that it could take up to 25 years for Europeans to regain the living standards they had five years ago.

"Austerity is making an already bad economic situation far worse in the UK and across large parts of Europe," Max Lawson, Oxfam's head of advocacy, said in a statement.  
"Cuts to social security and public services are combining with falling incomes and rising unemployment to create a deeply damaging situation in which millions are already struggling to make ends meet."

Oxfam cited the example of the rising number of Britons who are in need of emergency aid from food banks, indicating the seriousness of the problem............

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