
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Maaloula (Malula) Christian city in Syria still under siege .... September 12, 2013

 Let all Christians give thanks to those who are aiding, funding and arming the terrorists.  Western Christian nations are helping kill Christians in the Middle East.  Glorious ... isn't it ?!

Ethnic cleansing is what is desired by the Muslim Bastardhood groups and the USA and other powers are going out of their way to help them achieve that objective.   The RT vid starts off trying to say that the rebels have been defeated but midway it almost costs the crew their lives.

From NewsAustralia:
....Jihadists who overran Syria's Christian town of Maalula last week forced at least one person to convert to Islam at gunpoint and executed another.

"They arrived in our town at dawn on Wednesday and shouted 'We are from the Al-Nusra Front and have come to make lives miserable for the Crusaders,'' an Islamist term for Christians, said a still frightened woman who identified herself as Marie.

She spoke in Damascus, where she was attending the burial with hundreds of others of three Christians from Maalula killed in last week's fighting, the long line of mourners led by a brass band playing dirges.
"Maalula is the wound of Christ,'' mourners chanted as they marched through the narrow streets of the capital's ancient Christian quarter, their voices nearly drowned out by the rattle of automatic gunfire in honour of the dead.

Recalling the events last Wednesday, 62-year-old Adnan Nasrallah said an explosion destroyed an archway just across from his house that leads into the town.
"I saw people wearing Al-Nusra headbands who started shooting at crosses,'' said Mr Nasrallah.
One of them "put a pistol to the head of my neighbour and forced him to convert to Islam by obliging him to repeat 'there is no God but God.'''
"Afterwards they joked, 'he's one of ours now.'''
Mr Nasrallah, who spent 42 years running a restaurant in the US state of Washington named after his hometown, said he was devastated by what happened in Maalula.

"I had a great dream. I came back to my country to promote tourism. I built a guesthouse and spent $2000 installing a windmill to provide electricity in the town.
"My dream has gone up in smoke. Forty-two years of work for nothing,'' he lamented.
But worse, for him, was what he said was the reaction of his Muslim neighbours when the town was seized by the rebels.
"Women came out on their balconies shouting with joy, and children ... did the same. I discovered that our friendship was superficial.''

But Mr Nasrallah's sister, Antoinette, refused to condemn everyone.
"There are refugees from Harasta and Douma (in the suburbs of Damascus) that we have taken in, and they are spreading the poison of hatred, especially among the younger generation,'' she said.
The most tragic story was that of Rasha, who recounted how the jihadists had seized her fiance Atef, who belonged to the town's militia, and brutally murdered him.

"I rang his mobile phone and one of them answered,'' she said.
"Good morning, Rash rush,'' the voice said, using her nickname. "We are from the Free Syrian Army. Do you know your fiance was a member of the shabiha (pro-regime militia) who was carrying weapons, and we have slit his throat.''
The man told her Atef had been given the option of converting to Islam, but had refused.
"Jesus didn't come to save him,'' he taunted.

M. Klostermayr writing at  SyriaNews
The new reports about the current situation    in and around the ancient Syrian village of Maaloula  say that the units of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) were able to retake the control about 60 percent of the Christian village, which is located in the north of the capital, Damascus.
It is also mentioned that the operating units of the Syrian Army in and around the mountainous Christian village of Maaloula (Ma’loula) have resumed the mop-up operations against the foreign-backed terrorist groups and the armed jihadist forces of the so-called Jabhat al-Nusra (al-Nusra Front)............

Jenny McCartney at TelegraphUK:
 .....The 3,300 occupants of Maaloula have mostly fled, save for about 50 people. Rebel fighters, a sizeable proportion of whom are said to be from the jihadist Al-Nusra front, are battling with Syrian Army troops for control of the village and its surrounding areas. It was rumoured that a church had been burnt, and Christian families compelled to leave town by Islamist gunmen. .....

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