
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Archbishop Elias Chacour ...Lover of Peace in every sense of the word

Although he has been nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize,  others,  like warmonger Barack Hussein Obama,  have been running away with an award that's given by the blind to those who make them so.

Archbishop Elias Chacour of Israel's Greek Catholic Church:
....“Arab Spring is not the right term. This was no spring. It was a monumental bloodbath. So many died, but the biggest losers are the Christians…” Elias Chacour, the Archbishop of Akko, Haifa, Nazareth and All Galilee of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church is the elder of one of the largest communities of Arab Catholics in Israel. The Church has 80 thousand faithful, 32 parishes and 28 priests. The archbishop met Vatican Insider and other Italian media in his residence in the Israeli city of Haifa, a shining example of peaceful co-existence between religions. During his meeting with journalists, he expressed his concerns about the fate of Christians who have been forced to flee Syria, about the dialogue process with the Orthodox Church and about Pope Francis.

“I do not know why so many lost their lives in the Arab “Spring” – which was not a spring at all since it produced no fruits and new life was nowhere to be seen. The Chaldean bishop in the U.S., Ibrahim Ibrahim told me that Detroit’s 4000 Chaldean Christians have now become 130 thousand because many fled the countries where they had previously been living. I ask myself why the West is doing nothing to stop what is going on in Syria. 160 little Christian villages have been completely abandoned. Many are fleeing to Lebanon but we do not know how many. I saw our bishop of Damascus cry like a baby: every single Christian in Syria needs our help; they need every bit of bread and every glass of water they can get…”

Archbishop Chacour said all that has happened in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Syria over the past few years has been “a turning point in Islamic history. Before, leaders would engage in power struggle without involving the public. We were not happy with the totalitarian regimes but we are not happy today either. This is partly because of the risk of Islamic Sharia law coming into force, which would be abominable. We don’t know what will happen further on down the line,” the archbishop said.........

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