
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

New military strategy from the USA

As America tries to wean herself off Middle Eastern oil and in so doing also refrain from going headlong into the constant wars and conflicts in that region, the Obama administration, very rightly, wants to cut down on military budgets and expenditures. Watch out for warmongering republicans to come out screaming, especially people who think going abroad to kill people on behalf of other nations is the done thing.  It's nothing but contract killing and when did that become fashionable?  Why are warmongers avoiding the fact that thousands upon thousands of  soldiers coming back from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are coming back as basket cases (and by that I mean both "mental state" and what the phrase also means) and that spells additional burden on the health system plus  broken marriages, broken homes, violence, murder, etc., all stemming from the young men and women back from the Muslim hellholes.

From IndianDefenceforums:
A smaller budget and scaled down military: Hagel at CSIS.  

During a speech at the Center for International and Strategic Studies (CSIS) on Tuesday, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said the US military needs to reshape its role in the world in the face of large budget cuts while avoiding isolationism.

He said that the US "will need to place more of an emphasis on our civilian instruments of power" as the military would not be able to face down security threats alone.
Hagel said that the military will "remain an essential tool of American power and foreign policy, but one that must be used wisely, precisely, and judiciously"......

....Hagel was concerned that people in the US, along with its elected representatives, are becoming "skeptical about our country's foreign engagements and responsibilities" while acknowledging that America needs to be careful of flagrantly throwing around its power.

He said that "only looking inward is just as deadly a trap as hubris, and we must avoid both in pursuing a successful foreign policy in the 21st century."
According the AFP, “Hagel's comments come as the Pentagon prepares for another round of automatic budget cuts adopted by Congress that are due to take effect in the new year.
Under the budget reductions, known as sequestration, the Pentagon faces nearly $500 billion in cuts over ten years, in addition to about $487 billion worth of cuts to planned spending already underway.”.......

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