
Saturday, November 2, 2013

Logic from Israel and Saudi Arabia: The enemy of my enemy is also my enemy so that makes us fast friends for now ...

and together  we can finish off that common enemy before we focus on each other until one or both  of us are destroyed.

A world gone mad!  A nation many of us admired is now in bed with Saudi Arabia, the worst nation on planet earth. Ugly Israel, uglier Saudi Arabia.  Ugh!!

Jonathan Spyer at PJMedia:
Recent remarks by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu   have fueled renewed speculation of behind-the-scenes links between Israel and the Gulf monarchies.

Netanyahu, speaking at the UN, said that “the dangers of a nuclear-armed Iran and the emergence of other threats in our region have led many of our Arab neighbors to recognize, finally recognize, that Israel is not their enemy.”
He added: “This affords us the opportunity to overcome the historic animosities and build new relationships, new friendships, new hopes.”
There have been subsequent rumors of visits by senior Gulf officials to Israel, to discuss matters of common interest.

While it is difficult to acquire details of these contacts at the present time, it is a near certainty that they exist, on one level or another. Conversations with Israeli officials suggest that much is happening behind the scenes.

Israel and the key states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (most importantly, Saudi Arabia) share core views on the nature of key regional processes currently underway, and their desired outcome.  These commonalities have existed for some time, and it is likely that the contacts are themselves not all that new.

There are three areas in which Israel and the countries of the GCC (with the exception of Qatar) are on the same page.........

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