
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Big Lies easier to believe than small lies?

Yeah .... that's probably true.  It worked for Hitler, so why not now for the leaders of the Judeo-Christian nations who keep telling us the big ones:  "Islam is a religion of Peace"  and that there's an invisible species known as "moderate Muslims." 

The Rev.Michael Heidt writing at VirtueOnline:
...."In the primitive simplicity of their minds they more  readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie," Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

When it comes to Islam, the governments and media of the Western world have shown a strange willingness to lift the big lie principle out of the mad Fuhrer's propaganda playbook. Mohammedanism, we're told with a kind of brazen effrontery in the face of the facts, is a religion of peace and tolerance, a sort of Arabian Nights variant on Buddhism, or the all-inclusive Episcopal Church (TEC). Who knows, repeat it enough and you might even start believing it, but let's not be too cynical; it could be that some of the opinion-makers within our press rooms and government offices are actually convinced by their own PR. 

Maybe in the primitive simplicity of their minds they've managed to persuade themselves that the life of Mohammed, Jihad, Dar al-Harb (House of War) and the 9th Sura don't actually mean what they say, and Islam doesn't have violent, savage conquest written into its DNA. Perhaps the framers of our culturally dominant discourse about this religion really do think that it's a kind of Quakerism written in Arabic and we'll return to this curious narrative later. In the meanwhile, try telling the "religion of peace" story to the Jews at Medina, who Mohammed had a personal hand in beheading, or more recently, the victims of Islamic tolerance in the Nairobi Mall massacre, the All Saints, Peshawar, suicide bombings, the Nigeria slaughter, or the ongoing attacks on the Christian community of the Middle East.

Islam is a religion of peace? 15 year old Mariam, who lived in the Syrian town of Qusair, might disagree. She was captured earlier this year by Jihadi holy warriors, who were fighting for U.S. backed Jabhat al-Nusra against President Assad. Unfortunately for her, a Fatwa issued by a Jordanian cleric, Yasir al-'Ajlawni, allows Muslims fighting the Assad regime to rape captive women, a practice sanctioned by the Koran in the 4th Sura and confirmed by canonical biographies of the Prophet Mohammed (Hadiths). The al-Nusra fighters weren't slow in taking advantage of their privilege; Mariam was forced into an Islamic marriage with the commander of the terrorist group, who then proceeded to rape and repudiate her. This left the young girl available for fifteen other men, who repeated the process in turn over the course of fifteen days. 

At the end of this Mariam was insane and being of no further use, her captors killed her. Consider, for a moment, the young girl's name and the purity associated with it, consider too the savagery of the fighters who did nothing other than follow the example of their Prophet, known for the forcible marriage and rape of captive women. (Hadiths: Bukhari 1:8:367, Abu Dawud 29:3920) But Mariam's experience of brutality at the hands of Muslims is far from unique. Here's another example, again from Syria......

.....This brings us back to the Hitlerian big lie. Despite all the evidence, our government and its friends in the media continue to peddle the myth that Islam is a religion of peace, love and tolerance. According to this narrative, Muslim atrocities are one-off, isolated events committed by unrepresentative fanatics, or in the language of Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch, by "misunderstanders of Islam." Well, there's nothing like ignoring unpleasant truth when it's staring you in the face, but why is the lie being told? We can speculate about motives. 

The vague spiritual relativism that passes for today's popular Western religion is partly to blame. "All the world," said George W. Bush in 2003 to the Al-Arabiya news service, "prays to the same God." For Bush and millions like him, all religions are really, when you get down to it, one religion and a good, peaceful one at that. If only, it's implied, we could get behind all those divisive dogmas, we could at last settle down to a Miss World utopia of peace and love. There's no room in this creed for a religion that's inherently violent or brutal; Muslim atrocities are therefore downplayed, glossed over, or ignored. Ironically enough, the younger Bush finds himself in the unlikely company of good old-fashioned leftists. These hate the West and Christianity, and see both as evil aggressors on the world stage. It's a short journey from that to making common cause with Islam against a mutually despised Great Satan. As with the relativists, the leftist is happy to airbrush facts out of the picture, leaving us with Islam as an awkwardly violent religion of peace and love. .....

.........But lies, no matter how large, cannot stand and the attempted genocide of Christians by Muslims cannot be ignored. Surely, in the words of Russia's Patriarch Kirill, "the countries which belong to the Christian civilization bear a special responsibility for the fate of Christians in the Middle East." And if the countries of the West bear a responsibility, how much more so their churches? These and their people need to stand up and be counted on behalf of their persecuted brothers and sisters.......

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