
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The public-funded CBC never tires of lying to us

Where do they get the stamina to keep on lying right, left, centre, above, below, underneath ... all day every day, year in and year out, is a phenomena not worth thinking about lest it does nasty things to your blood pressure.

From SunNews:
CBC's bombshell claim that the National Security Agency    (NSA) spied on Canadian soil with the support of the Harper government was blown to bits Monday after the state broadcaster released its source documents.
Last Wednesday, CBC's The National trumpeted a story of American spies targeting foreign leaders.
"Stephen Harper's government allowed the largest American spy agency to conduct widespread surveillance in Canada during the 2010 G8 and G20 summits," the headline on CBC's website read.
The documents, released online Monday, don't support that claim and read more like a standard security briefing ahead of an international summit.
Wesley Wark , a visiting professor at the University of Ottawa, said the claims made by the story and the words in the documents don't match.
"There was no support in the document for the claim originally made by the CBC that CSEC (the Communications Security Establishment Canada would lend its technical expertise to the NSA effort," Wark said.
Security analyst David Harris of Insignis Strategic Research agreed with Wark that the documents don't support the claims CBC made in its original story.........

I don't agree with the SunNews folks on their views viz Snowden and Greenwald. Transparency in all things government-wise is desired if we the public want to remain vigilant to ensure that our freedoms not be taken away.  I haven't formed an opinion of Greenwald,  but  Edward Snowden is a young man of not only an actively clean conscience but he is a person willing to sacrifice all for the sake of keeping it clean and has already done so in so many ways. I hope he does not regret listening to his conscience just because there are people criticizing his move.  People like Snowden are a  rare commodity even if most people on the Right want to think of him as a traitor.

Below is a long article by Janet Reitman at RollingStone which is interesting.
....Right now, Greenwald, who says he remains "infected" by Snowden's heroism, is determined to work in his stead. His first step has been to take the remaining documents, which exceed 10,000 in number, and start a new media enterprise with Poitras and investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill, funded by a $250 million investment from tech billionaire Pierre Omidyar, the founder of eBay – who came to Greenwald specifically because of the Snowden leaks. The venture – currently dubbed "NewCo" – will be dedicated to investigative journalism and will purposely seek conflict with the government. "So we'll do the journalism, and then be like, 'OK, government, come get us,'" Greenwald says, clearly delighted at the prospect......

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