
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The first draft of Obama's speech to the kids

Obama and his administration are so out of touch with reality, that instead of getting frustrated with the whole sorry lot of them, it is best to ridicule the idiots to our hearts content. I found this piece of satire over at American Thinker.Unfortunately, if these clowns keep on polluting the White House, this piece of satire might actually become a reality.
...First, let me get the crappola over with -- stay in school, do your homework, yada, yada, yada (like the Left wants an educated public -- Ha!)

What I really want to talk to you about, my little brothers and sisters, is how you can change the world. Our beautiful planet and all the wondrous animals and plants are dying an excruciatingly painful death, minute by minute, second by second, just because your folks mucked it all up.

.....Take it from your Prez, you will love being a community organizer. You walk into a neighborhood where people are sitting around chilling, drinking Pepsi and beer and laughing their sides off and dancing to the music.And before you're done with them, they feel so oppressed and victimized, they're spitting bullets. Right before your eyes they morph into really pissed off dudes. It's like magic!

....Speaking of religion, my good friends at the United Nations have done a great thing for my little compatriots. They issued a proclamation that children should be free to choose their own religion. So if you find church a bit of a snooze, announce to your parents that you've become an atheist. Or change your name to Hassan or Hussein and become a Muslim. If your parents give you any lip, just call my good friends at the ACLU.

....Well, one great piece of news is that you'll be getting more sex. My good pals at the United Nations, in fact, have passed new sexuality regulations to "guarantee" the sexual rights of children. With the Left in charge, you'll not only get to twitter but to twatter.

and lots more

1 comment:

  1. Came across this while doing research for a blog post - but what, precisely, is wrong with children being able to choose their own religion? Present all mythologies to them until they're of an age where they can make a choice, and then let them choose what suits them best.

    Heck, if you've raised them right, they might realize that all the religions crib their stories from one another, and that the contradictory nature of most of their holy books doesn't lend much credence to them being "the Word of God".


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