
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Will the UK go to referendum to untangled from the EU ?

If they want to survive they should.

Talking of referendums ... why can't we have a referendum in Canada about Quebec? My fingers are itching to put a big X in favor of  "independence" for Quebec.

"I am leaving you, but others will follow, until Quebec becomes a country," Duceppe told despondent supporters, many of them weeping bitterly.
Think about this folks. If Quebec separates, Canada will always remain Conservative. Do the math. So.... I simply cannot understand the reluctance of non-French speaking Canadians and especially Conservatives for being constantly on suicide watch for the province of  Quebec.  Think of it as blessed  euthansia because the poor dears are suffering untold pain and anguish. Why let them suffer in pain and tears? Be kind and good to the Frenchies ... let them go.  We already have the recipe for their yummy french fries ... what more do you want?

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