
Friday, May 6, 2011

OBL's best friends and the only mourners = Palestinians

Pew Research shows that Palestinians were always hot for the Numero Uno Terrorist. What else is new, eh?!

And talking about polls, how about this very revealing one. Just goes to show that there are plenty of moslems who will do anything to get out of their hellholes ... even if they leave their hearts in the cesspool that do them wrong.

A couple of evenings ago, I happened to watch BBC's HardTalk doing an interview with the Hamas' Deputy Foreign Minister on the issue of the two-state solution and relations with Israel and the man was so slippery and evasive in his responses .... he would be able to beat the slippiest  eel  hands down. You just can't get a straight answer from these crooks. Sackur did his best but it was a prime example of how the graduates from the University of Taqiyya can outdo even one of the toughest interviewers we have today.

h/t: Steve

1 comment:

  1. Actually, that poll shows a steady decline in Palestine rather than perpetual hotness.


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