
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dalton McGuinty .... worst Premier EVAH

This man puts the Silician Mafia to shame.

Dalton McGuinty cut a secret deal with leaders of OPSEU to give 38,000 employees an additional 1 percent top up to their salaries, and then hired lawyers to try to bury the evidence.

Today, the Ontario PC Caucus called on Deputy Premier Dwight Duncan to reveal how much Ontario families will be forced to pay for Dalton McGuinty’s secret deal with Ontario’s largest public sector union – a deal that will see its employees receive a secret salary top up, conveniently after the next election......

The Ontario government is under fire from the opposition over a “secret deal” it struck with the province’s largest public sector union, awarding its members an additional wage increase of 1 per cent for 2012......

h/t: Pam
h/t: a reader for the pic ... sorry forgot who it was.  Had saved the pic though.  So fitting.

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