
Saturday, May 10, 2014

Enhanced diversity with even more imported Afghans and ...

pretty soon more of those escaping from the membership of the "opposition government" in Syria, the "opposition"  that's being armed and funded by the USA and given logistics support and probably even more, by Canada. Additionally, does anybody really know how many Libyans have  been granted Immigrant visas to North America after their praiseworthy work as seen in the sodomization and death of Gadhafi?

Yup!  It's only right and fair to give immigrant visas to those who helped the invaders democracy bringers. Canada must have increased the quota for Afghanistan but I am too lazy right now to go find the latest figures ... take it for granted the powers-that-be must have done it.  The figures below are from 2012. 

So many delusional Canadians around who clamor for Canada to go into this war and that war and here and there where we don't belong but they just don't have the sense nor the basic  intelligence to look a few years into the future to see what that involvement overseas will entail  when it's time for the invaders democracy starters to come back home. What's going to happen to all the native people of those countries who were helping the invaders democracy loving heroes? Do you think they and their extended families will be left alive after their protectors are no longer around? 

One visa to a "principal applicant" as stated in the bureaucratic lingo, would very well mean that that "principal applicant" could have anywhere between 4 to 20 or even more people attached to his name.  In many Muslim countries, one bread earner would be looking after his wife, his parents, probably his wife's parents if they don't have a son who can look after them, plus his own children and his younger siblings and all unmarried sisters and maybe even uncles and aunts who are unable to provide for themselves. It's tough for the Western culture to understand this mode of family life in other countries. All that they know how to do best is how to manufacture weapons of death and then play proxy games with those weapons.

So dear sweet warmongering Canadians and Americans .... start enjoying the enhanced diversity.  One gets what one deserves.  You brought this upon yourselves.  It's time you started enjoying the fruits of your grandiose.

From CanadaVisa:
Over 800 Afghans have settled in Canada thanks to a special program created by the Canadian government. The program allowed Afghans who acted as interpreters for Canadian military and diplomatic personnel to live in Canada with their families.
Originally, only about 450 Afghans were expected to move to Canada through the program. However, since the program ended it has now become clear that over 800 individuals were approved to become Canadian Permanent Residents.

Afghan interpreters were highly valued by Canadian forces throughout their efforts in Afghanistan. In addition to providing on-the-spot translation, they often took on tasks such as liaising between soldiers and the local population. During 2006 and 2011, at least 6 interpreters were killed alongside Canadian forces, and others were wounded..........

From StateDept USA:
Special Immigrant Visas for Afghans - Who Were Employed by/on Behalf of the U.S. Government. Iraqi and Afghan SIV Programs Extended
This page describes one Special Immigrant Visa program available to persons who worked with the U.S. Armed Forces or under Chief of Mission authority as a translator or interpreter in Iraq or Afghanistan. This program, which offers visas to up to fifty persons a year, remains active.

The Department of State’s authority to issue Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs) to Iraqi nationals under another program, the National Defense Authorization Act of 2008, has been extended. As of January 1, 2014, 2,500 visas may be issued to principal applicants under that program, and the program will end when all visas have been issued. The deadline for applying for Chief of Mission approval has been extended from December 31, 2013 to September 30, 2014......

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