
Sunday, February 9, 2014

The disintegration of the EU continues

The whole thing is as fragile as a house of cards.  Watch for the EU to collapse sooner than later ... because collapse it will .. that's a given. Add another failed venture to the list  of hare-brained ideas from the dysfunctional short-sighted Left. 

This just goes to show that more and more people are waking up to the danger of the wrong kind of immigrants crossing their borders. Moreover, in the EU, some of the more generous "dole giving" nations are being flooded by citizens of the almost bankrupt countries of the EU and one had to be totally blind not to have foreseen that. Our overlords think that more immigrants make for a stronger workforce and a stronger economy, which is partly  true .... but at the same time one has to be careful of the kind of immigrants one lets in. 

Tyler Durden writing at ZeroHedge:
Europe Stunned, Angry As Switzerland  Votes To Curb Immigration.  This wasn't supposed to happen. At a time when the European Union, reeling from the ongoing near collapse of the Eurozone, has been preaching its key benefits - the removal of borders and the free transit of labor - moments ago Switzerland, with a tiny majority of 50.4%, voted in favor of new immigration curbs which requires the government to set an upper limit for foreigners, risking a backlash from the (utterly toothless) European Union.

In some ways this was a vote of the urban vs rural population: Voters in the cities of Zurich and Basel and cantons in western Switzerland opposed the measures, while those in rural German- speaking cantons and the Italian-speaking region of Ticino backed it, reports Bloomberg.

John Lichfield writing at IndependentUK:
...Relations between Switzerland and the rest of Europe have been plunged into confusion after the Swiss appeared to have voted in favour of a ceiling on foreign migrants – including citizens of the EU.
Against all expectations, early counts suggested narrow approval of a referendum proposal to stop “mass migration” which will tear up agreements with the EU on free movement of people and goods.

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