
Monday, February 3, 2014

Libyan terrorist linked to US State Dept. tried to kill 700 gays in a Seattle nightclub

Lots more to the story as the writer below has found out.

Debbie Schlussel writing at her blog:
Musab Mohamed Masmari EXCLUSIVE:  Muslim Arsonist of Gay Club Was Obama State Dept Arab Cultural Ambassador! Feds: Terrorism

A Muslim charged with and videotaped pouring gasoline on a gay club and setting it on fire was an “Arab Cultural Ambassador” for the State Department when it hosted visiting Iraqi “journalists” in Seattle. Quick, somebody alert 50 Cent that it’s time to update “In Da Club.” In Al-Klub, Habibi......


  1. " Arab Cultural Ambassador "
    How ironic.
    Must be part of his job description.
    Maybe the gay leftists will rethink their position.

    1. No ... the gay community will never stop thinking that Christians are their biggest enemies. In spite of the general impression, almost all Christians accept gays and their lifestyle although some still stupidly believe gays can be "cured" but even so these same folks would never wish harm to a single soul in the gay community ... unlike Muslims.
      But, try telling that to a gay person.


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