
Monday, June 4, 2012

$28 an hr pouring coffee at Tim Hortons OR how public sectors pour money down the drain

Close your gaping mouth. I know it opened involuntarily like mine did when I read that coffee pourers could make that much.

.... Money-losing Tim Hortons in Newfoundland hospital paid staff $28 an hour. ...Located in St. John’s Health Sciences Centre, the Tim Hortons outlet lost $260,000. It’s the fourth fiscal year in a row that the franchise has seen red, according to hospital documents. From 2008 to 2009, it bled nearly $300,000....

----Spokesperson Zelda Burt said the hospital coffee shop was paying its staff higher wages than other Tim Hortons employees would typically receive.

“They charge you $1.94 for a large coffee, but the situation was that staff who were pouring that coffee were Eastern Health staff. They were actually getting paid $28 an hour.”.........

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