
Monday, June 4, 2012

Dalton "Ornges & Lemons" McGuinty

Lemons mostly.  Just thinking of this guy uses up my entire quota of  the allocated daily venom.   I am depleted, defanged and deflated already.... and it's still only midday.

The Ontario government investigated 26 deaths involving its troubled air ambulance service over the past six years, secret government documents show.

The deaths were related to 145 incidents involving Ornge since 2007 that were investigated by the Ministry of Health, according to the confidential papers obtained by the Progressive Conservatives.

They included delays in dispatching air ambulances, paramedics unable to perform CPR due to cramped conditions in the helicopters, staff shortages and paramedics running out of supplies like oxygen and medication.

Chief coroner Andrew McCallum said Friday that his office has investigated all of the Ornge cases brought to its attention, and some investigations are still ongoing.

"Of our completed investigations, there have been no cases in which issues with air ambulance transportation materially affected the course of the patient's illness or injury," McCallum said.

One investigation of a car crash in the London area on July 17, 2011, noted that Ornge didn't respond to the call -- even though there was an aircraft available in Toronto -- because its dispatch centre was waiting to see "if the patient was hurt enough." One person died and the coroner was notified.

Forty of the incidents -- five of which involved the death of a patient -- were opened this year, after the government installed new leadership at Ornge.......

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