
Friday, September 3, 2010

I got this feeling yesterday .....

that things are improving, economy-wise. Before yesterday, I was sort of not a true believer in the Canadian job numbers. For me, the indicators to look for are when employment ads from headhunters are looking for more "recruiters" that means there is  business coming through the door, be it for casual workers, temps or what-have-you..... it's coming... and the headhunters are getting themselves ready expecting it to only improve from now on.  I saw those type of ads yesterday at some of the online job seekers sites that I visited after more than six months. Six months ago the story was bleak.... not anymore.

Just like the good news viz the economy, there's the other BIG good news about the Left going down in flames. Have you noticed how totally irrational and close to self combustion the lefties have got lately? No matter how dense they are about other things, (and they are, you know that)  I think they can see the writing on the wall in clear cut bold lettering that even the most myopic amongst them (and there are many) have no trouble reading.

One can also feel uplifted by reading this. Thanks Mr. Galganov.

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