
Saturday, May 10, 2014

How the Bahraini uprising news is being blocked

Wanna know the reason why we the public are not told or ever shown even an iota of what's happening in Bahrain?  
Reason 1 is of course because Bahrain is the USA's ally and ditto for Canada and the UK and we all know that our allies can do no wrong.
Reason 2 is below:

From Wikipedia 
....Public relations firms hired by government ]
Bahrain's government spent millions of pounds on public relations, particularly with PR companies in Britain and the US, with which the regime has close diplomatic, military and commercial links, in an effort to try and improve its bloodied image.

The list of companies or individuals hired by or linked to the Bahrain government since the start of the uprising includes:

Bell Pottinger Private
Potomac Square Group
British military general Graeme Lamb
United States House of Representatives member Eni Faleomavaega
American Democratic campaign consultant Joe Trippi
David Cracknell and Big Tent Communications
Earl of Clanwilliam Paddy Gillford and Gardant Communications
Good Governance Group (G3)
Sorini, Samet & Associates
Sanitas International
New Century Media
Dragon Associates
M&C Saatchi
Barbour, Griffith and Rogers (BGR Group)
Policy Impact Communications and Bahrain American Council
UK role
In 2011, the government of the United Kingdom approved the sale of military equipment valued at more than £1m to Bahrain, following the violent crackdown on demonstrators.[358] This included licenses for gun silencers, weapons sights, rifles, artillery and components for military training aircraft; at least some of the equipment used by Bahraini authorities to suppress demonstrations was imported from Britain.[358] The UK subsequently revoked many of its export licenses to Bahrain, amidst public pressure.[358]

The 2012 status of these licenses has not been substantially documented. The United Kingdom has close ties with the Bahraini government; indeed, in late 2012, the United Kingdom signed a defense cooperation agreement with the Bahraini government.[359][360]

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