
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wanna know what happens when you insult the leaders of the the supposedly democratic countries of The Netherlands and Poland?

In The Netherlands you can be jailed for up to 5 years,  in Poland up to 3 years.  The link below has a list of 12 countries whose leaders think they are gods.

From GlobalPost:
....These world leaders   are all wonderful people, and here’s what you’ll get for saying otherwise.  Some people just can’t take criticism. We mean they really, really can’t take criticism. And when you’re a world leader, you don’t have to.

When the king of Bahrain recently upped the penalty for anyone found guilty of “offending” him, it reminded us just how many countries count defaming their head of state a crime. It may be par for the course in the United States, but in dozens of nations around the world, badmouthing your commander-in-chief will earn you fines, imprisonment or even a flogging..........

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