
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

How the Caliphate of the United Kingdom is at the centre of most of the discord around the world

Worth reading. You might think of it now, at this our present time, as a conspiracy theory but readers in the future will know it as history.  Don't "pooh pooh" at things that you don't want to think about and label them as just conspiracy theories ... haven't there been times of late that your past opinions have been brought up short?  

From EIR Investigation team at Larouche:
.....Bust the London-Riyadh Global Terror Axis   
If another major terrorist attack like the Sept. 11, 2001 hits on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, or the Sept. 11, 2012 armed assault on the Benghazi, Libya U.S. Mission occurs, you can blame it on George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and the British and Saudi monarchies. The wellspring of all significant international terrorism today is the Anglo-Saudi imperial alliance, expressed most vividly in the 1985 Al-Yamamah arrangements between London and Riyadh that persist to this day.

Al-Yamamah ("The Dove") was ostensibly an arms-for-oil barter deal, first brokered by then-Saudi Arabian Ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar bin-Sultan, and then-British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. Under the cover of the arms-for-crude-oil deal, over the succeeding 28 years, hundreds of billions of dollars in cash have been squirreled into offshore bank accounts in such notorious havens as the British and Dutch Caribbean Islands, Switzerland, and Dubai.

Those funds have bankrolled nearly 30 years of global terrorism and coups d'état, dating back to late-1970s British and American sponsorship of the Afghan "mujahideen" which spawned al-Qaeda and every other Muslim Brotherhood offshoot now imposing a reign of terror across the entire Islamic world, and into Africa, Europe, and the Americas.

Beginning in the mid-1980s, Al-Yamamah slush funds bankrolled the Afghan "resistance," separatist wars in Africa, and the 1990s conflicts in the Balkans following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. An honest and thorough investigation—yet to be accomplished—would all-but-certainly reveal that Al-Yamamah funds bankrolled the 9/11 terrorists.

The existence of an Anglo-Saudi top-down command over al-Qaeda and every other jihadist front group is well known within some circles at the highest levels of the U.S. government—dating back decades. But the successive Bush (41 and 43) and Obama administrations have presided over a brutal coverup of this Anglo-Saudi treachery, making them complicit before, during, and after the fact, in terrorist atrocities that have claimed tens of thousands of lives globally, and provided the pretext for every police-state tyranny that has been wrought on the United States over the past dozen years.

The single most glaring case of coverup of the Anglo-Saudi terror is the refusal of the George W. Bush and Obama administrations to release the 28-page chapter from the final report of the Joint Congressional Inquiry probing the 9/11 attacks, which catalogued the roles of the Saudi Ministry of Defense and Aviation, Saudi Arabia's General Intelligence Directorate (GID), and then-Saudi Ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar bin-Sultan, in the financing and protection of teams of 9/11 hijackers (see accompanying documentation).

Had Presidents George W. Bush or Barack Obama released those 28-pages, and allowed a thorough investigation into the role of British and Saudi intelligence in the September 2001 attacks, it is quite possible that Ambassador Christopher Stevens and the other American diplomats and security officers who were killed or injured in the 2012 attacks on the Benghazi Mission and CIA Annex, would still be alive today. Thousands of others, killed or injured in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Mali, and other frontline battlegrounds, too, might have avoided their fate. And the enormous buildup of the Big Brother espionage state that has now finally been partially exposed by the Edward Snowden, IRS, and other recent revelations, could never have been allowed or justified.

In addition, as the result of the failure to expose and wipe out the Anglo-Saudi authorship, funding, and protection of the global jihadist- and narco-terrorist nexus, the so-called "Global War on Terrorism" has been turned into one of the biggest criminal hoaxes in modern history.

Virginia Republican Rep. Frank Wolf has gathered the signatures of more than 160 House Republicans demanding the creation of a Congressional Select Committee to probe the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks on the American facilities in Benghazi, Libya. The Obama White House is desperate to block any such investigation. In tandem with the release of the buried 28 pages from the earlier Congressional Joint Inquiry into the original 9/11 attacks, such a Benghazi inquiry could unearth the actual roots of the two greatest terror atrocities against the United States since the British sacking of Washington and the burning of the White House in the War of 1812.

An Open Secret
The suppression of those 28-pages has been repeatedly cited by former Sen. Bob Graham (D-Fla.), Lyndon LaRouche, authors Anthony Summers, Robbyn Swan, and others, as the crucial element in a far-broader coverup of the roots of modern irregular warfare and terrorism.

Much of the evidence of the deeper.......

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