
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Abu Hamza was and might still be an agent in the pay of UK's MI5 ...

just like so many other Muslims who are purported to be personae non gratae by their governments but are actually in the pay of those same governments.  In Canada,  one has to wonder how many from the Khadr family are working undercover and earning big bucks given to them from us the taxpayers through our lovely government. 

I suspect that the other loudmouth in London, the guy who denounces infidels and makes TV appearances praising shariah and proposing UK become islamic like yesterday (his name escapes me at the moment) is also an undercover agent.

The article below might not say that Abu Hamza was actually getting paid by MI5 but if you know anything about how secret services work, you can draw your own conclusion to how either with bribes or blackmail, people can be turned to sell out their own. Check second link for possible blackmail scenario effectively executed for making him into an informer. Gotta wonder if the house was actually sold.  With the UK rife with such scum, who would have the time to follow up on any one individual.

Philip Sherwell writing at Telegraph:
....Abu Hamza 'secretly worked for MI5' to 'keep streets of London safe'
Radical Islamic preacher helped police and British intelligence 'defuse tensions with the Muslim community', his lawyer claims
Abu Hamza, the radical Islamic preacher notorious for his hate-filled sermons, was in reality working secretly with British intelligence "to keep the streets of London safe" by "cooling hotheads", his lawyer claimed in a US court.
Holding up what he said were reports from Scotland Yard, Joshua Dratel described the cleric as an "intermediary" who cooperated with MI5 and the police to try to end foreign hostage-takings and defuse tensions with the Muslim community in Britain.
The extraordinary admission will fuel conspiracy theories that he was allowed to preach hatred without arrest for so long in the UK because he was working with the security authorities
His portrayal of the fiery Egyptian-born imam presented a very different picture from the one laid out by earlier by prosecutors who have accused him of operating a global terror network from the Finsbury Park mosque in north London.........

From LiveLeak dated early 2010:
....Preacher Abu Hamza's house seized to pay legal bills
Radical Muslim preacher Abu Hamza has had his house confiscated by the Legal Services Commission to pay legal bills.
Hamza, jailed for seven years in 2007 for inciting murder and stirring up racial hatred, is fighting extradition to the US on terror charges.
The LSC has now seized his house in Greenford, west London, despite Hamza claiming it belonged to a relative.
It will be sold to pay some of the £300,000 cost of his defence. Officials hope to raise £280,000 from the sale.
Carolyn Regan, chief executive of the Legal Services Commission, said: "The Legal Services Commission can confirm it has taken possession of Abu Hamza's property, as a contribution to recovering the legal aid costs spent on his defence.
"The LSC will not tolerate people trying to conceal their financial assets in an attempt to have their defence costs paid for by the taxpayer.
She continued: "Legal aid is a vital public resource and we are committed to ensuring it is spent on those who most need help with their legal problems and can least afford it."
'Inhumane treatment'
The High Court granted a seizure order after lawyers proved Hamza was the true owner of the property.
Hamza, an Egyptian national, has been fighting extradition to the US since 2004.
He is accused of helping to set up terrorist training camps.
The case is now at the European Court, where Hamza is arguing that he would receive inhumane treatment in the US.
In February 2006, an Old Bailey jury found him guilty of charges related to speeches at Finsbury Park Mosque in north London.....

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