
Thursday, August 15, 2013

The blanketed news about Bahrain you will not hear from Western MSM

All the PR firms lapping at Arab butts are full of either Americans, Britishers, Canadians, Australians and people from the EU.  The scum in these firms work ceaselessly organizing benign sounding  protest groups that are anti-fracking, anti-pipelines, anti anything that will enable the West to escape the jaws and claws of the Arabs and their oil.  The same scum effectively hide the  numerous human right abuses (the few items that seep out are just that ... few)  against thousands of  citizens inside Sunni Arab countries while at the same time magnifying those happening in the Shiite-ruled countries of Iran, Syria and Iraq. 

Kevin  McCauley writing at O"Dwyer's: 
On the day the Egyptian military stormed  ...  the camps of supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi and slaughtered 150 people (or 2,200 according to the Muslim Brotherhood), Bahrain activists put western PR firms supporting the King's government on notice, threatening cyber-attacks on their websites.
In Bahrain today, police fired teargas and birdshot to break up demonstrators at 60 rallies agitating for democratic reform in the kingdom.
As part of the Tammarrod (Rebellion) Bahrain umbrella coalition, Anonymous Operation Bahrain said beginning today "various websites of the regime and also of anyone who supports the regime" will face cyber-attacks. "This may include western PR firms who are paid to white wash the crimes of the dictator in Manama," said AOB in a press release. "Our action will continue for however long the Tammarrod Bahrain movement sustains the protests in the streets."
Bahrain Watch has published a list of PR firms that have represented the government since the protests began in February 2011 and were ultimately put down by the Saudi Arabian military.
Those firms are Bell Pottinger, BGR Group, Big Tent Communications, Dragon Assocs., G3, Gardant Communications, Hill+Knowlton Strategies, Joe Trippi & Assocs., M&C Saatchi, New Century Media, Potomac Square Group, Qorvis Communications, Sanitas International and Sorini, Samet & Assocs.
Forewarned is forearmed.
Bahrain is home of the U.S. Fifth Fleet. The USS Nimitz aircraft carrier has been docked there for the past few days.....

From PolicyMic:
 .....Invading his family's house    in the middle of the night, Bahraini police woke U.S. national Tagi al-Maidan and took him into custody. There, they tortured him for several hours and forced him to falsely confess to attending a memorial for a dead protester and throwing a stone at a burning police car. The government is charging him with damaging the police car and attempting murder at a pro-Shi'a "disturbance" (the regime's word for protest), accusations that could send him to prison for 15 years. Despite the baseless charges, al-Maidan denies ever attending the protest in the first place......

From BNA:
....Manama, Aug 15 (BNA) -- Egyptian Ambassador   to the Kingdom of Bahrain Issam Awad told Bahrain News Agency that Bahrain's government has dealt with the so-called Bahrain rebellion movement wisely and effectively and in accordance with the international laws followed in such cases, describing the Bahrain rebellion movement as a clone of the Egyptian one, saying that such clone calls have no hope of success. 
He denounced the resort of some individuals of this movement to Beirut and other cities to hold press conferences and guide their followers in an attempt to turn public opinion against the Kingdom of Bahrain, and stressed Bahrainis have grown up and inherited tolerance and freedom of opinion that is unavailable even in some of the European countries. 
In the same context, the Guidance Center for Communities Awareness, based in Hidd, praised the tremendous efforts made by His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa to maintain security and stability throughout the country. .......

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