
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Pakistani diplomats in Canada show their hatred of India and Hindus

If  what is claimed by the writer below is indeed  the case, why do we tolerate these people?  Why can't we send  these hate-filled Sunni diplomats connected to the Pakistani embassy in Ottawa back to the country where they can behave like the apes they are  ....  just like we did with the Iranian Shiite diplomats we sent packing a few months ago?  

Tahir Gora  writing at HuffingtonPost:
Are Pakistani Diplomats in Toronto Beyond Diplomacy? At a time when two rival nations in South East Asia, Pakistan and India, are struggling for better relations with each other, a seasoned diplomat of Pakistan Consulate in Toronto, Mr. Imran Ali, writes hateful remarks against India and Indians on his Facebook page: "And the state a terrorist state [India] killing its own people to make anti terrorist policy. Proud to be a Pakistani and Jinnah [Founder of Pakistan] who separated us from these criminals".

He wrote this comment after providing a link of the news from Times of India, "Minor girl molested by coach in MP".

Before writing this hateful comment, his first mocking commentary appeared on Facebook on the same day: "Life in the democratic and secular republic of India".

Contrary to Imran Ali's remarks calling India "a terrorist state" and Indians "criminals", Pakistan's new Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif expressed his wishes in these words after taking oath as Prime Minister: "We want to move toward better relations with India, to resolve the remaining issues through peaceful means, including that of Kashmir."

It doesn't seem that a former acting Consul General and sitting Councillor in Pakistani Consulate in Toronto, Imran Ali, appreciates his own Prime Minister's efforts and words.

Recently, journalist Jonathan Kay wrote a piece in the National Post, "Pakistan's toxic obsession with Kashmir is still generating fresh victims".

He writes, "Notwithstanding this year's relatively peaceful election in Pakistan, the larger pattern in this country is unmistakably grim: Anyone who deviates in any way -- whether theologically or politically -- from hardline Islamo-nationalist rhetoric is seen as a potential target."

Jonathan Kay is right.

However, the situation is becoming little more tense here as some Pakistani Diplomats in Toronto are targeting some Canadian journalists of Pakistani origin.

The very diplomat call those Canadian journalists of Pakistani origin "Prostitutes" and "Indian agents" frequently on the Facebook who are not willing to tow his propaganda line..........

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