
Thursday, August 15, 2013

HAHAHAHAHAHA! Washington Post hacked by Syrian Electronic Army

Love it!   Yesterday,  after seeing the horrendous video of the two kids being executed by the "opposition" to Assad,  I searched high and low on the internet thinking  that at least one news outlet from the MSM would have something on the horror and hoping againt hope that I would find something that said it was a propaganda vid made by pro-Assadists and that the kids were play-acting.  Alas, besides a few bloggers having news of the execution,  NOT ONE SINGLE news outlet had the story.  If this is how the heartless bastards in our news media want to behave,  then kudos to the hackers of such outlets.  Hack away dear hackers until only the truth is told by the MSM, the whole truth and nothing but the truth !!

From The Editor of WashingtonPost:
.....  Update, 12:52 p.m.   Washington Post Managing Editor Emilio Garcia-Ruiz: “A few days ago, The Syrian Electronic Army, allegedly, subjected Post newsroom employees to a sophisticated phishing attack to gain password information. The attack resulted in one staff writer’s personal Twitter account being used to send out a Syrian Electronic Army message. For 30 minutes this morning, some articles on our web site were redirected to the Syrian Electronic Army’s site. The Syrian Electronic Army, in a Tweet, claimed they gained access to elements of our site by hacking one of our business partners, Outbrain. We have taken defensive measures and removed the offending module. At this time, we believe there are no other issues affecting The Post site.”

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