
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Jason Kenney imports drug dealers, "honor" killers, murderers and every kind of riff-raff from Muslim countries

Blaming the Liberals for doing the exact same thing that the Conservatives are doing will get us nowhere.  How long has it been since the Conservatives came to power?  We make fun of Obama and gang for always blaming things on the ex-Prez and his administration for anything that goes wrong.  What about  us?  Don't we do the same thing here?  We blame the Liberals for doing exactly what the Conservatives are now doing,  willingly and wholeheartedly.

Blame Minister Jason Kenney and his inefficient Department of Immigration for approving the immigration applications of rogues from the Muslim countries.  

Immigrant from Lebanon sucking on disability cheques, caught smuggling cash into the USA:
How did someone receiving  disability cheques from the government manage to amass more than $70,,000 in cash?

The lower figure of $59 K quoted in the article below, is wrong.  Between the mother and daughter and their belongings they had over $70K.  They seem to be originally from Lebanon and  their last name El-Asmar is to be found in both Muslim and Christian families there.

Also, I don't understand how our Canadian govt. does not come down hard on citizens who take the dole or are on disability and yet manage to  fly away to destinations all over the world for their "vacations" or to visit "sick relatives".   So many things broken in our system and nobody wants to do anything much about it expect tax the taxpayers even more. There's an economic disaster waiting to happen in Canada.

U.S. border agents say  they have caught a Canadian woman and her teenage daughter trying to cross the border with $59,000 hidden in their bras.
The Detroit Free Press and the Windsor Star say a complaint was filed Tuesday in Detroit federal court against a 51-year-old woman.
The complaint says border agents detained Moura El-Asmar and her 16-year-old daughter at the Detroit-Windsor Tunnel on their way to Detroit Metropolitan Airport for a flight to visit relatives in Lebanon.
It's alleged that agents found $15,300 in El-Asmar's purse, and that a pat down found "a bulky mass" in her bra that led to the pair's hidden cash.
The Windsor-area woman is charged with cash smuggling and lying to a federal agent.........

Killers and dealers in drugs and guns ... Immigrants from Somalia 

From the TorontoStar they must be hoping the laptops  will have the crack video.  Dream on.
Police launched massive predawn raid targeting guns and drugs Thursday, focusing on the Toronto neighbourhood that’s ground zero for the Rob Ford crack video scandal. The home of one of the young men pictured with Mayor Rob Ford outside a suspected crack house was part of a massive police sweep early Thursday.
One police cruiser and two grey police identification vans pulled up outside Muhammad Khattak's home on Mercury Rd., a 10-minute drive northwest of the Dixon Rd. apartments.
Five officers left the home around 7:30 a.m. One officer carried a file-folder-type brown box and others carried clear plastic evidence bags. One bag appeared to hold a Toshiba laptop......

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