
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Al Jazeera TV, a propaganda machine working for Qatar on behalf of terrorists

UPDATED:  Video added

Qatar is neck-deep in the muck of  terrorism funding.  Qatar is funding terrorist gangs not only in Syria but wherever muslims want to create havoc and go on killing sprees.  Their support of Boko Haram, the terror gangs in Nigeria, has long been suspected.  Now, with Al Jazeera starting its propaganda machinery in Nigeria, purporting to have had an interview with a Nigerian soldier who shifts blame for civilian deaths on the Nigerian government,  they are clearly trying to recruit more muslims in the Boko Haram harem.

From NewsRescue:
Al Jazeera, the Qatar government-owned media, recently released a video of a purported Nigerian soldier, whose identifiers were disguised; claiming there were aggravated civilian deaths in the Nigerian military offensive against Boko Haram......

......Going through comments on the published video release, one could only realize the overwhelming condemnation of Al Jazeera’s intentions in producing such questionable material.....

.....NewsRescue has no answers, but a lot of questions as raised by commentators:
What is Al Jazeera’s(the Qatar dictator’s) intentions in the Nigerian quagmire? 
Does Al Jazeera really believe in the story of the so-called soldier in the video and his claim that he saw over 3000 civilian dead bodies at the “front-line,” since the May 14th Military action? Where are these “3000 dead?” 
Does Al Jazeera in like fashion scrutinize and “expose,” government crack-downs by Middle Eastern brutal regimes, like that of  near-by Bahrain and Saudi Arabia? 
How far does Al Jazeera go in reporting on and exposing the results of Drones used by the west and NATO on innocents in African countries and the Middle East? 
How honest is Al Jazeera’s reporting on the al Qaeda insurgency and militant action in Syria, with terrorist-rebels declaring full allegiance to al Qaeda, being caught with Sarin gas and even eating the heart of government troops? Or was it, in reporting on the terrorist action in the Libya Gaddafi overthrow that later led predictably to the death of US Ambassador Stevens? 
Why has Al Jazeera been obviously upset from the very first day the Nigerian government announced its serious action and state of emergency in response to Boko Haram; the Doha based network immediately publishing videos suggesting the government is “worse than Boko Haram?” 
Does Al Jazeera and Qatar prefer a Boko Haram government in Nigeria?” 
Why would Al Jazeera show a video of only one house with a narration of “houses seen here?” 
Why did Al Jazeera say, “civilians among dead,” if its reliable source said 3000. This means at least 4000 Boko Haram have been killed, for 3000 to be “among,” dead and not “most dead.” 
Why would Al Jazeera show as evidence in the video, military fatigue clad dead Boko Haram rebels, while describing the images as being those of civilians? 
Is Al Jazeera promoting Boko Haram as a civilian association?.........

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