
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Winners take all .... Losers go into exile

The Coptic Christians from Egypt and the Syrian Christians will be clamoring to either migrate or come as refugees to Canada and other countries where they can live in peace.  What our Immigration dept and our Refugee Board must realize is that the Christians from those parts of the world have been marinated in hatred for the Jewish people, not as much as the Muslims, but quite a bit.  If  I was fortunate enough to be a somebody high up in the govt body,  I would contrive a special document or insert an additional sentence in any legal documents, these Christians should be made to sign before stepping into Canada, to ensure that they better dissipate their hatred of Jews if they want to make Canada their home.  A precise and no-frills warning can prevent future headaches... headaches like sectarian conflicts between all types of immigrants and refugees coming from the conflict-ridden countries.

Our immigration policy must be changed and changed soon.  Canada's future does not look good and only because our powers-that-be, including Immigration Minister Jason Kenney, refuses to put an end to Muslim immigration to this country.

The vid below is from one year ago.  From the few reports we are getting here about the present situation in Egypt, I doubt the Coptic Christians or for that matter, the millions of secular Egyptians,  have any kind of  a future in Egypt under an Islamist govt.

Trudy Rubin writing at the MiamiHerald
Among the biggest losers  from the current Arab political upheavals are the Christian minorities of the Middle East.

Long before the Arab Spring, Iraq’s historic Christian community had shrunk dramatically, as tens of thousands fled threats and bomb attacks by Islamist militias. The flood of refugees pouring out of Syria includes many of that country’s Christian minority, who fear a radical Islamist takeover if President Bashar Assad falls.

Meantime, most of Egypt’s Coptic Christians, who make up 10 percent of the population, are deeply worried by the election of Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Morsi as president. “There is a feeling that democracy has been a disaster for us,” says Samia Sidhom, managing editor of Watani, a newspaper that serves the Coptic community. (The Coptic church dates back 19 centuries and is based on the teachings of St. Mark, who took Christianity to Egypt.)

What Morsi does, or doesn’t do, to reassure Copts will reveal whether Christians can enjoy equal rights in an Islamist-led Egypt — and will hint at their likely fate in Syria as well.
“At the beginning, Copts had a lot of hopes (in the revolution),” Sidhom told me during my recent visit to Egypt. There were simmering tensions between radical Muslims and the Coptic community under the Mubarak regime, including attacks on the Copts’ places of worship. To open new churches, Copts were required to get presidential permission, which was rarely forthcoming, forcing them to worship in “unlicensed,” and thus vulnerable, structures.

“We thought the revolution would solve our grievances,” Sidhom said, ruefully. “It took a lot of people by surprise that Islamists were able to take advantage of the revolution.”
Under Hosni Mubarak, she said, despite the problems, ultraconservative Salafi Muslims had no power. Now, young Salafis return from the cities to their home villages, where Copts and Muslims have lived side by side, and warn them against Christian “infidels.” She reeled off a list of churches that have been burned down.

Some of these churches were rebuilt by the Egyptian military, including one I visited in the working-class Cairo district of Shoubra. But the military carried out a brutal attack on peaceful Coptic demonstrators near Cairo’s Maspero television building in March, which has left many Copts embittered. More than 20 demonstrators died, some deliberately run over by military vehicles.

Now that Morsi has won, Copts feel there will be even greater discrimination. Sidhom believes Christian women will face social pressure to veil.

The biggest threat — which most terrifies Copts — is that the new government will push to enshrine Islamic sharia law in the constitution. At present, the Salafi-oriented Nour party is demanding the specific application of Islamic law. The Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party still supports the more vague provision in the current constitution, which says sharia “principles” should be the basis for law.....

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