
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Syrian terrorists are now armed to the teeth with surface to air missiles, tanks ... you name it ...

they have it.   The KillKillKill will now begin in earnest with varying cries of  "Allahu Akbar"  and to think that there will be many out here in the West cheering on the Al Qaeda and other murderous gangs only goes to prove how much we have been brainwashed by the media to think that Assad and his regime must go, at all costs.

Rebels fighting to depose  Syrian president Bashar al Assad have for the first time acquired a small supply of surface-to-air missiles, according to a news report that a Western official did not dispute.

NBC News reported Tuesday night that the rebel Free Syrian Army had obtained nearly two dozen of the weapons, which were delivered to them via neighboring Turkey, whose moderate Islamist government has been demanding Assad's departure with increasing vehemence.

Indications are that the U.S. government, which has said it opposes arming the rebels, is not responsible for the delivery of the missiles.  But some U.S. government sources have been saying for weeks that Arab governments seeking to oust Assad, including Saudi Arabia and Qatar, have been pressing for such missiles, also known as MANPADs, for man-portable air-defense systems, to be supplied to the rebels......

update:  USA to the rescue of Al Qaeda and terrorists gangs in Syria   As if we didn't know   it was intended to be so all along.

The second segment of the vid below has the info on rebels now in  possession of heavy weaponry like missiles and tanks.

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