
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Religion of Pieces tally from July 26 - 31

So jaded, me so jaded with the daily blood and gore from the followers of the cult of darkness.   In this 6 day count, notice how the Muslim murderers have intensified their attacks in Thailand and the Philippines. From now on, this will only get worse.  The Muslim population there must have reached that magic %.  When that happens, they want to have their own little country within the mother country.  They will not stop the bloodshed until that happens, and after that they will start killing each other.   Also, check how a new civil  war is progressing in Iraq ... long before the MSM mentions anything is awry in that country.

 2012.07.31 Yemen Jaar Ansar al-Sharia gunmen on motorcycles open fire on police station, killing  two
2012.07.31 Iraq Baghdad A car bombing outside a restaurant leaves seven dead.
2012.07.31 Syria  Aleppo Approx  forty 'loyalists' are beaten and executed to chants of 'Allah Akbar'.
2012.07.31 Iraq Mosul A man is killed, and his baby, mother and wife injured in their own home by Muslim terrorists.
2012.07.31 Iraq Baghdad Jihadis bomb a passport office, killing fifteen innocent people waiting in line.
2012.07.31 Thailand            Islamic militants fire into a tea shop, killing two patrons.

2012.07.31 Somalia   Mogadishu         An Islamist bomb outside a soft drink factory leaves one dead.
2012.07.30 Afghanistan  Tarinkot         Five civilians at a mosque are sent straight to Allah by Religion of Peace bombers.
2012.07.30 Nigeria Sokoto          Three Boko Haram gunmen shoot a shoe-shine worker to death.
2012.07.29 Iraq Muqdadiya          Jihadi bombers take down four civilians.
2012.07.29 Iraq Fallujah           Seven local cops are bombed or shot to death by Ramadan terrorists.
2012.07.29 Afghanistan Chak A man is killed and his young son injured in an ambush by Sunni fundamentalists.
2012.07.29 Mali Aguelhok         A married couple is buried up to their necks and stoned to death for adultery.
2012.07.29 Thailand Pattani A 45-year-old man is shot three times in the head by Islamic terrorists.
2012.07.29 Yemen Radah A 14-year-old boy is cut to pieces by an al-Qaeda bomb.
2012.07.29 Nigeria Kano         An air force officer is ambushed and killed by Muslim gunmen along with his aide.
2012.07.29 Nigeria Kano Two Christians are gunned down outside their homes by Boko Haram Islamists.
2012.07.28 Thailand Pattani Four Thai soldiers are brutally shot to death at close range by Muslim terrorists.
2012.07.28 Thailand Pattani A teenager is among two Buddhists murdered by Muslim 'separatists.'
2012.07.28 Iraq Samarrah         Mujahideen shoot five women to death in their own home.
2012.07.28 India Anantnag         Two tourists are killed when Muslim militants toss a hand grenade at a taxi.
2012.07.28 Thailand Yala         A Muslim 'separatist' assassinates a rival Muslim in a mosque.
2012.07.27 Pakistan Mardan         Jihadists shoot six people to death in separate attacks.
2012.07.27 Dagestan Makhachkala Three people are killed when Islamic extremists set off a car bomb.
2012.07.27 Thailand Pattani A 66-year-old man is gunned down in a Muslim ambush.
2012.07.27 Thailand Pattani Militant Muslims fire on a young married couple, killing the 18-year-old woman.
2012.07.27 Dagestan Makhachkala A police officer is shot to death in his car by Islamic militants.
2012.07.27 Nigeria Maiduguri Suspected Boko Haram barge into four homes and murder seven residents.
2012.07.27 Pakistan Quetta Wahhabi terrorists torture a Shiite man with knives and then kill him.
2012.07.27 Somalia Baidoa Four local soldiers are killed by an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2012.07.26 Thailand Yala         Muslim militants shoot a local several times in the torso.

2012.07.26 Philippines  Sumisip      Abu Sayyaf terrorists attack a Christian farming village, killing at least five.
2012.07.26 Pakistan Khar     Religion of Peace militants detonate a shrapnel bomb at a crowded market which kills fifteen people, including those dying later in the hospital.
2012.07.26 Nigeria Bauchi     Suspected Islamists ambush a group of policemen, killing three.
2012.07.26 Philippines   Sumisip     An Abu Sayyaf clash wtih local troops responsing to a prior massacre leaves ten dead.
2012.07.26 Thailand Yala    Two villagers are machine-gunned by Islamic 'insurgents'.
2012.07.26 Pakistan Akka Khel   Three people outside a mosque are blown to bits by Religion of Peace rivals.
2012.07.26 Egypt  Shubra         A Christian doctor is brutally blinded by Salafist Muslims after asking them to stop firing weapons in celebration.
2012.07.26 Iraq Hadid    Eleven security personnel are killed in an al-Qaeda ambush.

via: TROP    

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