
Friday, November 11, 2022

I got locked out again from Twitter ....

I should have checked online on what NOT to do to trigger Twitter algorithms when you are on Twitter with a stealth new account after the first one is blocked.  Sooo, what happened to me today  is more to alert others who have new accounts after suspension/blockade of the old one.

Today, I thought I would access my old account like any other twitter account holder and click on the "followers" so I could follow them in my new account.  I succeeded in clicking and following about the first few dozen and thought it would be okay to keep clicking a few dozen more..... and got blocked  for "suspicious activity"  see below.

I am reluctant to give my phone number and that's the reason I won't get on platforms that require one.   So, its Goodbye Twitter .......... for now.

Twitter is still Top Dog and very addictive.   The other platforms pale into nothingness when compared to it

***sigh  ***    sob.... sob.

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