
Saturday, September 14, 2024

Items on the attempted coup in Venezuela; the planned USA/NATO war on Russia; the attacks on freedom of speech by the West akin to the Soviet Union of the gulag era, etc.

 The US Attempted Coup in Venezuela uses new Cyber Tools, but cannot Break the Chavista Wall

The peoples around the world have looked to Venezuela as a vanguard leading Nuestra América in its second independence struggle, against the US. The US rulers operate as the inheritor of the European colonial empires, assuming the right to interfere in other countries’ elections, and dictate who are the winners. No other country – save US underlings in Europe, and Israel – dares to violate international law so brazenly.

The Venezuelan right-wing had no real plan to win a democratic election, but instead prepared for a coup d’etat even before the polls closed. Working with the US government and corporate media, they allege President Maduro stole the July 28 presidential election, then committed human rights abuses to crush protests. This opposition declares it beat President Maduro 70% to 30% but refuses to present their “evidence” to the National Electoral Council (CNE) or Supreme Court. The opposition claimed fraud in every election during the 25-year period of Chavista rule – except twice, when they won.

The attempted coup bears much in common with recent US coup attempts in Nicaragua (2018), Bolivia (2019) and Venezuela (2013, 2014, 2017, 2019). If the US-backed candidates lose, the election is “fraudulent.” This scheme drove Evo Morales from power in Bolivia. The US even appointed its own president for Venezuela after its 2018 presidential election, and then proceeded to steal tens of billions of dollars of Venezuela’s resources held overseas.,....................




Putin: Supporting Long-Range Strikes on Russian Territory Would Put NATO ‘at War With Russia’

POLITICO reports the US is preparing to expand where Ukraine can hit inside Russia with US and British missiles

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday strongly warned the US against allowing Ukraine to use NATO missiles in long-range strikes inside Russian territory, saying the move would put the Western military alliance “at war with Russia.”

Putin’s comments came after POLITICO reported that the White House was finalizing plans to expand the areas inside Russia where Ukraine can use US and British-provided missiles.

“This would in a significant way change the very nature of the conflict,” Putin told a TV reporter, according to AFP. “It would mean that NATO countries, the US, European countries, are at war with Russia. If that’s the case, then taking into account the change of nature of the conflict, we will take the appropriate decisions based on the threats that we will face.”

He added that supporting long-range Ukrainian strikes inside Russian territory is “a decision on whether NATO countries are directly involved in the military conflict or not.”...............




By  John Wight
Special to Consortium News

The legendary Athenian historian and general, Thucydides, was a man who believed in the supposed verities of war and conflict as a means by which to settle the affairs of state.

It is therefore no accident or surprise that his classic account of the Peloponnesian War between Athens and Sparta in the fifth century BC remains a staple of military academies throughout the West.

Therein lies the problem, because unlike in the days of antiquity, when wars between the great powers were fought with spears and swords, in our time hypersonic missile technology and nuclear payloads have raised wars between the great powers — or perhaps reduced it — to the status of a zero sum game.

This is the grim context in which must be viewed the latest escalatory development when it comes to the conflict in Ukraine between Russia and the West. Yes, you read that correctly. This is in truth a conflict between Russia and the West, not per se Russia and Ukraine.

Ukraine in this regard is merely a convenient and bloodsoaked proxy  — a cat’s paw whose manhood has and is being sacrificed on the altar of U.S.-led Western hegemony.


Tampa Trial on Free Speech Exposes U.S. Hypocrisy



As I have written in my last two blog posts (here and here), the U.S. government is prosecuting members of a small political group named the African People’s Socialist Party and its related “Uhuru” movement. The trial is taking place in U.S. District Court in Tampa. The group has been advocating socialism and opposing U.S. imperialism for around 50 years. The feds are prosecuting them as part of their anti-Russia crusade that U.S. officials have been waging since even before the end of World War II. Specifically, the defendants are being prosecuted for failing to register themselves as agents of the Russian government and “sowing discord and conflict” within American voters, especially by opposing the U.S. government’s foreign policy of interventionism, including in Ukraine.

On Day 3 of the trial last week, the feds presented an “expert witness” to establish Russia’s history of disinformation. That’s rich, given that the U.S. government has long been one of the leaders of disinformation............




Free Speech and the Department of Political Justice

by | Sep 12, 2024


In 1966, two famous Russian literary dissidents, Yuli Daniel and Andrei Sinyavsky, were tried and convicted on charges of disseminating propaganda against the Soviet state. The two were authors and humorists who published satire abroad that mocked Soviet leaders for failure to comply with the Soviet Constitution of 1936, which guaranteed the freedom of speech.

Their convictions sparked international outrage. Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice, and then America’s U.N. ambassador, Arthur Goldberg called the charges and the trial “an outrageous attempt to give the form of legality to the suppression of a basic human right.” When a secret transcript of the trial was circulated in the West, it became clear that Daniel and Sinyavsky were convicted of using words and expressing ideas contrary to what Soviet leaders wanted. They were sentenced to five and seven years, respectively, of hard labor in Soviet prison camps.

Last week, the U.S. Department of Political Justice took a page from the Soviets and charged Americans and Russians with disseminating anti-Biden administration propaganda in Russia and here in the U.S. What ever happened to the freedom of speech?

Here is the backstory.

The Framers who crafted the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, both under the leadership and the pen of James Madison, were the same generation that revolted violently against King George III and Parliament and won the American Revolution. The revolution was more than just six years of war in the colonies. It was a radical change in the minds of men — elites like Thomas Jefferson and Madison, as well as farmers and laborers generally untutored in political philosophy...........................



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