Good speech given yesterday by George Galloway outside Belmarsh Prison where Assange is being held. #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli #FreeAssange.— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 15, 2019
Looks like Israel Firsters have hypnotized part of UK Labour Party just like done w parties in USA n Canada. Those who try 2 make level field 4 all humankind, r fired, forced out, slandered, etc. Our controlled demolition world! #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 15, 2019
1) "..The ongoing Libyan conflict - flush with weapons pouring in from foreign sponsors - has also fuelled regional terrorism impacting neighboring Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Niger, and Chad, as far west as Mali and Nigeria, and.. #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 15, 2019
Sad! I hope not too many of little birds and squirrels residing in bushes and hedges in the ground and who happily interact w visitors for snacks, have not succumbed to the smoke. #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 15, 2019
Andre Vltchek: "Stop that Gucci and Prada Talk: Chinese and Russian People want to live too!! " #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 15, 2019
The Edward Snowden snowjob by Glenn Greenbacks!! Almost every1 gets bought. There's real danger when yr outfit gets 2big 4 the PTB's comfort. The PTB will buy u or else kill u - only a handful have the power to resist. #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 15, 2019
"..Donald Trump has never heard of WikiLeaks, the publishing organization whose work he repeatedly and unequivocally touted during the 2016 election campaign. “I know nothing....— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 16, 2019
”Assange and the Cowardice of Power"#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli #FreeAssange
".. Basic human rights have been denied Julian Assange that even Isis fighters under interrogation have from the barring of Julian Assange’s lawyer....— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 16, 2019
"Why Julian Assange Matters for the Freedom of the Press"#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli #FreeAssange
Caitlin Johnstone: "US Government Won't Care About Your Definition Of Journalism After The Assange Precedent Is Set" #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli #FreeAssange.— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 16, 2019
Patrick Cockburn: "Accusing Assange of Being a "Narcissist" Misses the Point " #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli #FreeAssange.— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 16, 2019
James Petras: "Why Venezuela has not been Defeated" #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli #FreeAssange.— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 16, 2019
Justin Raimondo: "Julian Assange and the Sins of the World"— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 16, 2019
"..The Deplorables didn’t vote for military intervention in Venezuela. They didn’t vote to jail Assange. They didn’t vote for any of this....#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli #FreeAssange.
Vomit-inducing to c the ugly American in bed with the ugliest Israeli. I need a bigger barf bucket.— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 16, 2019
Philip Giraldi: "Trump Dances to Israel’s Tune" #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli via @grtvnews
Wanna c a listing of the Who's Who panting like dogs in heat for Venezuela's downfall?— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 16, 2019
Max Blumenthal: "US Military Attack on Venezuela Mulled by Top Trump Advisors and Latin American Officials at Private DC Meeting" #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli #FreeAssange
Stanislas Grosse has a passion 4 ancient books and knowledge. If the keepers ( filthy rich Catholic Church) of such had these books readily available to the public, wud he have succumbed to the sin of thievery? I think not!! #Libraries #cdnpoli #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 16, 2019
Can't the 1% see things need to change? Can't they c the 99% r becoming very, very, very angry ... whether instigated by sinister forces or not?— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 16, 2019
"Extinction Rebellion London protest: Arrests top 200" #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli
The Chinese are right! Pompous Pompeo has lost his mind. The entire WH residents r loonier than the inmates we saw in "One flew over the cuckoo's nest" #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 16, 2019
Sophie Shevardnadze talks to Richard Stallman on how Facebook, Google n others are collectors of our private data and how selling that data has become as lucrative as the oil industry. #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 16, 2019
AND there u have it! #Trump becomes the single biggest enabler of providing every means possible to kill children n civilians in Yemen. How ironic that this ugly American is anti-abortion but pro killing of born kids. #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 17, 2019
Jason Kenny, remember the guy who changed his Twitter avatar to Ukraine's flag along w his boss Harper when they went full swing in2 regime change there, well ...he becomes Premier of Calgary. Ugh!! Libs got ZERO.Cons 60+ NDP 25+ #cdnpoli #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 17, 2019
Chris Hedges talks to Dr Vijay Prasad on Julian Assange's ongoing crucifixion. #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli #FreeAssange.— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 17, 2019
"..what goes on at Diego Garcia. For instance, the British government admitted that the Americans were using the island to transit “extraordinary renditions,” people seized during the Afghan and Iraq wars between 2002 and 2003...#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 17, 2019
"..To think that the UK has become such a willing accomplice and satellite of the American Empire that it would do such a thing in contravention with all laws, moral, ethical, and actual legal restrictions is...#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli #FreeAssange.— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 17, 2019
Wow! Good one from TheJuiceMedia. Had never heard of them, hope they r really genuine n truly on our side n not pretending. #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli #FreeAssange.— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 17, 2019
This is aimed at the "lock her up" "patriots". #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli #FreeAssange.— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 17, 2019
"..other possibility is that the security services produced fake photographs of hospitalised children and slaughtered some ducks, in order to convince Donald Trump. If the latter explanation is true, then the entire Skripal saga....#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 17, 2019
"... Much like America today, with its lack of government transparency, overt domestic surveillance, and rule by the rich, the inner workings of the Roman Empire were shrouded in secrecy, while its leaders were constantly on the...#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 17, 2019
Roger Waters makes an appeal to the British people. Will they listen??????— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 18, 2019
"Pink Floyd's Roger Waters: WHOLE WORLD Must Focus on Julian Assange Arrest! "#UKpoli #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli #FreeAssange
How is it possible that so many Americans have become so shameless n sinful? These folks r very rich, its not like they need a job 2 survive. Yet, these "Christians" continue 2 harm everyone around em. #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli #HandsOffVenezuela— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 18, 2019
Unfortunately, the EU MPs "attempted" to visit Assange and were not able to. The vid is supposedly outside the prison grounds. #FreeAssange— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 18, 2019
Nice!!! US is also a prostitute of Israel, but lets keep that for a braver candidate than Gabbard even if that means exploring outer space 2find one.— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 18, 2019
Gabbard Campaign Video Slams Trump For Making US "The Prostitute Of Saudi Arabia" #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli
"..special place in hell is reserved for a Saudi kleptocracy that wears its barbarism as a badge of honor rather than shame, Britain’s ignoble role..— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 18, 2019
"Britain's role in the suffering of Yemen – squalid beyond belief"#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli
Yup! America has tons of $$$$$$ for waging aggressive wars n regime changes but ZERO to remedy the poisoned water routed to the American poor. Disgusting! Why can't big mouth @Oprah look in2 why her people r being poisoned? #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 18, 2019
Bernie Sanders: "...America has THREE families owning more wealth than half of American society....#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 18, 2019
Guess where America stands on the Press Freedom Index. Is in the top 10, top 20, top 30 ... even lower? Much, much lower???#cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli #FreeAssange— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 18, 2019
".. journalists Trevor Birney and Barry McCaffrey has obvious parallels with that of Julian Assange locked up in Belmarsh maximum security prison. In both cases powerful states seek to silence truth seekers who have exposed... #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 18, 2019
This is reason why Hondurans r at US border— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 19, 2019
"..Under US installed rule, Honduras is Latin America’s death squad capital...
Stephen Lendman: "Militarized Capitalism”: Trump Regime Hardliners Want Venezuela to Become Another Honduras" #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli
George Galloway talks to Redacted Tonight on our topsy-turvy world in the dying days of the US empire. #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli #FreeAssange.— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 20, 2019
I wish a huge asteroid cud zoom in n get rid of planet Earth b4 its inhabitants make a mess of the Universe. "Zombie Science: Researchers Kept The Brains Of Decapitated Pigs Alive For 36 Hours" #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 20, 2019
I wish a huge asteroid cud zoom in n get rid of planet Earth b4 its inhabitants make a mess of the Universe. "Zombie Science: Researchers Kept The Brains Of Decapitated Pigs Alive For 36 Hours" #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 20, 2019
What a hypocrite of a @FoxNews host going after Gabbard 4 her visit to Syria's Assad but does a single entity from US MSM ever question US govt's almost every congress person's idolization of genocide enabler Netanyahu? Topsy-turvy world of 2day.— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 20, 2019
On the journalist killed in Northern Ireland. "Two teenage men arrested in connection with journalist's killing" #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 20, 2019
That NK's Kim is smart 2want Pompous Pompeo out of nuke talks. NK can c that PP is a career blood-thirsty warmonger n a slave 2the US war machine. PP is 4 war, anywhere, anytime, anyhow. He n weasel whiskers Bolton r swamp creatures. #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 20, 2019
Shame on the #Trudeau govt n shame on FAMinister Freeland 4 butting in2 affairs of Venezuela. Have either looked at KSA n what's happening in Yemen?? History will show that Canada was on the side of evil. This from March #cdnpoli #TOpoli #HandsOffVenezuela— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 20, 2019
USA is sucking up to Vietnam now so it can disrupt the relationship between China and Vietnam. Are Vietnamese that stupid they can't c it? Have they forgotten how millions have died there coz of Americans? #cdnpoli #tcot #TOpoli— MariaS Nunes (@Dodocanspell) April 21, 2019
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