When you live in a city like Toronto and every single day you come across sissified men who use skin conditioners twice a day and empty-headed women who paint their nails at least once a day ... even when they are using public transport, you learn to appreciate men like Adam Shoalts. To stress on how much of a lean towards metrosexuality the Toronto men have taken, let me tell you of just one remark I heard recently from a young man of my acquaintance. He said men, including himself, look at women's nails ... to check if they are nicely manicured and tastefully painted to match the color of their clothes. Yup .... believe it or not ! Would you want your daughters to hitch up with such robotic nobodies or with someone like Adam Shoalts?
Jake Edmiston writing at NationalPost:
...Aerial photographs from the 1950s didn’t prepare Adam Shoalts for what he was about to encounter. The self-dubbed “modern explorer” was canoeing a stretch of little-known whitewater rapids just south of Hudson Bay when the river started to disappear in front of him.
“I’ve discovered a waterfall and now I’m about to go straight over it,” Mr. Shoalts thought. “This is not good.”
He tried to back paddle, but the current was too swift. And then, “It’s past the point of no return.”
The current pivoted his canoe sideways, sending him down the 12-metre waterfall. As he fought against the undertow and swam to shore, Mr. Shoalts couldn’t help congratulating himself for making a discovery that “just doesn’t happen in the 21st century.”
The August 2012 trip marked the first time on record that anyone had traversed the Again River, a 100-kilometre tributary straddling the Northern Ontario-Quebec border that was too likely too marginal to sustain ancient aboriginal populations and too rocky for fur traders.
After rescuing most of his gear downstream and using duct tape to repair his dented canoe, Mr. Shoalts proceeded along the river to find six more uncharted waterfalls. And now, with the backing of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society (RCGS), Mr. Shoalts is poised to return to the area this week to properly document one of the last blind spots acknowledged by Canadian geographers.
Already, the RCGS has lauded Mr. Shoalts for “changing the map of Canada, a true rarity in 21st-century exploration.”........
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
On Israel's decision to release 104 murderers
It is clearly apparent, even to the blind, that Israel has always made "lopsided trades" as Dr. Daniel Pipes says in his article below. IMO, whatever Israel does to satisfy her enemies should be dumped in the "feeding your enemies only makes them greedier" folder with a big Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Who can forget how Israel exchanged more than 1000 prisoners for one kidnapped soldier? That was a breaking point for many well-wishers and supporters of Israel, moi included. Such a stupid move has never been recorded in the history of the world. Was that move done to pacify the haters of Israel all over the world? If so, it didn't work but Israel is the only one not able to chew on that fact.
The latest gift from the Israelis to the Palestinians is another pacifier. This time the release of over a 100 hardcore murderers from Israeli jails. Maybe, Israel has surmised that those released will make their way to Syria and get themselves sent to their porn headquarters where those never-ending 72 virgins in "use after expiry date" packages await them. However, no amount of good gestures from the Israelis will ever please the Palestinians but will the Israelis ever reconcile themselves to that fact? Never.
....Israeli leaders have a long history of making lopsided trades with their Arab enemies. These include:
1985 – 1,150 prisoners for 3 captured Israelis
2000 – 450 Arab prisoners for 3 Israeli bodies and a kidnapped Israeli;
2008 – 5 Arab prisoners (including the psychopath Samir al-Kuntar) and 199 Arab bodies for 2 Israeli bodies;
2011 – 1,027 Palestinian prisoners for Gilad Schalit.
I strenuously opposed these unbalanced exchanges (e.g., the Schalit one), even as I acknowledged the honorable Israeli intent not to abandon soldiers.
But there is nothing redeeming whatsoever in the exchange that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu proposed today, releasing 104 murderers as a good-will gesture to encourage the Palestinian Authority to negotiate. Netanyahu justified this decision on the basis that "sometimes prime ministers are forced to make decisions that go against public opinion - when the issue is important for the country."
This is a specious argument. Much more persuasively, Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon argues that this gesture "is a prize for the Palestinians, just for their willingness to sit with us at the negotiating table. This defines future standards of far-reaching concessions by Israel, vis-à-vis ridiculous demands by the other side." Danon rightly calls the release of dozens of terrorists who have the blood of hundreds of Israelis on their hands "lunacy."
Lunacy, but also immorality. The exchange betrays the families of victims and it betrays Israel's allies. It is a repugnant action......
The latest gift from the Israelis to the Palestinians is another pacifier. This time the release of over a 100 hardcore murderers from Israeli jails. Maybe, Israel has surmised that those released will make their way to Syria and get themselves sent to their porn headquarters where those never-ending 72 virgins in "use after expiry date" packages await them. However, no amount of good gestures from the Israelis will ever please the Palestinians but will the Israelis ever reconcile themselves to that fact? Never.
....Israeli leaders have a long history of making lopsided trades with their Arab enemies. These include:
1985 – 1,150 prisoners for 3 captured Israelis
2000 – 450 Arab prisoners for 3 Israeli bodies and a kidnapped Israeli;
2008 – 5 Arab prisoners (including the psychopath Samir al-Kuntar) and 199 Arab bodies for 2 Israeli bodies;
2011 – 1,027 Palestinian prisoners for Gilad Schalit.
I strenuously opposed these unbalanced exchanges (e.g., the Schalit one), even as I acknowledged the honorable Israeli intent not to abandon soldiers.
But there is nothing redeeming whatsoever in the exchange that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu proposed today, releasing 104 murderers as a good-will gesture to encourage the Palestinian Authority to negotiate. Netanyahu justified this decision on the basis that "sometimes prime ministers are forced to make decisions that go against public opinion - when the issue is important for the country."
This is a specious argument. Much more persuasively, Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon argues that this gesture "is a prize for the Palestinians, just for their willingness to sit with us at the negotiating table. This defines future standards of far-reaching concessions by Israel, vis-à-vis ridiculous demands by the other side." Danon rightly calls the release of dozens of terrorists who have the blood of hundreds of Israelis on their hands "lunacy."
Lunacy, but also immorality. The exchange betrays the families of victims and it betrays Israel's allies. It is a repugnant action......
palestinian tricks,
usa islamized
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Saudi Arabian ghouls whining because even $$$$$$$$$$s thrown at PR firms to demonize fracking fails miserably
Necessity is not only the "mother of invention" it is also the mother of "fracking for oil" in order to escape from the clutches of Saudi ghouls and their blackmail and bribery that the West has been subjected to by the lowest of the species on God's good earth ... the oil-rich Saudis . Thank you Necessity! You have made us realize that our survival depends on finding our own oil and gas .... and giving the Muslim oil producing hellholes a big fat middle finger.
I wonder how much per hour anti-fracking activists and anti-Keystone pipeline protesters make from their "real" paymasters, the Saudis, and whether they do it knowingly or not.
....Saudi Prince: Fracking Is Threat To Kingdom. A Saudi prince has warned that his oil-reliant nation is under threat because of fracking technology being developed elsewhere around the world.
Billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal said the Gulf Arab kingdom needed to reduce its reliance on crude oil and diversify its revenues.
His warning comes as rising shale energy supplies in the United States cut global demand for Saudi oil.
In an open letter to his country's oil minister Ali al Naimi and other government heads, published on Sunday via his Twitter account, Prince Alwaleed said demand for oil from Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec) member states was "in continuous decline"..........
oil sands,
saudi arabia
Oh lookee, lookee! NATO's Utopia of Libya bringing back Gaddafi-era security agency
Of course, we can take it for granted that it's all being done with the best blessings of all the NATO partners involved in the sodomizing and killing of Libya's "dictator" Gaddafi. Don't you know that that vile dictator was a vile person because his army of men who made up that fearful security system were torturers and killers of the poor suffering Libyans under his rule and that's the reason why our great leaders bombed that country into smithereens and did away with a vile dictator? What a wonderful world eh?!! Replace one dictator not liked by NATO with a new dictator chosen by NATO.
Libya’s premier said yesterday he would restore a feared Gaddafi-era security agency and reshuffle the cabinet to help resolve a political crisis and end a wave of violence.
Ali Zeidan said he would reactivate the Internal Security Agency which helped keep the former dictator in power for decades to try to stem a spate of bombings and assassinations, particularly in the east of the country.
“I understand the population’s opposition to this agency that was used by the former regime to repress the people,” he said.
“But without an efficient intelligence body, we cannot stop the attacks,” he said the day after two explosions outside the courthouse in second city Benghazi wounded 43 people, according to the latest health ministry toll.
Zeidan told a news conference in Tripoli that a new defence minister had been chosen and that by Wednesday a new list of ministers would be presented to the country’s highest political authority, the General National Congress.........
Libya’s premier said yesterday he would restore a feared Gaddafi-era security agency and reshuffle the cabinet to help resolve a political crisis and end a wave of violence.
Ali Zeidan said he would reactivate the Internal Security Agency which helped keep the former dictator in power for decades to try to stem a spate of bombings and assassinations, particularly in the east of the country.
“I understand the population’s opposition to this agency that was used by the former regime to repress the people,” he said.
“But without an efficient intelligence body, we cannot stop the attacks,” he said the day after two explosions outside the courthouse in second city Benghazi wounded 43 people, according to the latest health ministry toll.
Zeidan told a news conference in Tripoli that a new defence minister had been chosen and that by Wednesday a new list of ministers would be presented to the country’s highest political authority, the General National Congress.........
NATO islamized,
Syrian Orthodox Christian bishops kidnapped in April 2013 .... what's happened to them?
Does anybody know the fate of Syriac Orthodox Bishop of Aleppo Youhanna Ibrahim and Greek Orthodox Bishop of Aleppo Boulos al-Yaziji? There are rumors flying around that they have been killed but by now we know that propaganda tricks during war are to be expected from all sides concerned in the conflict.
Below are the rumors at this point in time .... which might possibly become non-rumors when we get the actual truth at a later date... if at all. If you attempt to read more than two lines of the below, be prepared to be totally confused. Don't say I didn't warn you !
From TheStarGazette (Google translation)
After being kidnapped in Syria massacred Yohanna Ibrahim Metropolitan of the Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan Paul Printer Friendly way to Istanbul, Konya was captured three suspected murderer. Being pregnant is one of the three people in Russia, Chechnya and was delivered to the Syrian authorities.
Both Metropolitans killed three suspected Captured SYRIA TURKEY
SYRIA abducted and murdered near the Aleppo Yohanna Ibrahim Metropolitan of the Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan of the printer and murderers Paul was caught in Turkey. Russian, Chechen and Syrian nationals Mogammed A., Ahmad R. Fatim with M., who killed and were killed not a citizen of Turkey, was returned to the scene in the country due to a foreign country. Kidnapped on April 22 near the city of Aleppo in Syria, Hatay, Adana and Mersin is connected to the Patriarchate of Antioch in Damascus Orthodox Church Metropolitan of Aleppo on the Rami (Boris, Paul), the printer and the Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim of Aleppo perform the execution traces of the security forces of viewing parties reached a massacre.
Those who have not announced orders..........
From HurriyetDailyNews Turkey:
...Three suspects have been detained and released in the Anatolian province of Konya after being suspected of killing Aleppo’s Greek Orthodox Bishop Boulos Yaziji and Syriac Orthodox Bishop Yohanna Ibrahim, who were kidnapped by armed men in Syria.
However, the nephew of the one of the bishops has previously denied rumors his uncle had been killed after the circulation of an undated video showing two Christians, including a bishop, being brutally killed.
Fadi Hurigil, the head of the Antakya Orthodox Church Foundation, also said they were sure that the bishops in the video were not Yaziji or Ibrahim.....
Below are the rumors at this point in time .... which might possibly become non-rumors when we get the actual truth at a later date... if at all. If you attempt to read more than two lines of the below, be prepared to be totally confused. Don't say I didn't warn you !
From TheStarGazette (Google translation)
After being kidnapped in Syria massacred Yohanna Ibrahim Metropolitan of the Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan Paul Printer Friendly way to Istanbul, Konya was captured three suspected murderer. Being pregnant is one of the three people in Russia, Chechnya and was delivered to the Syrian authorities.
Both Metropolitans killed three suspected Captured SYRIA TURKEY
SYRIA abducted and murdered near the Aleppo Yohanna Ibrahim Metropolitan of the Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan of the printer and murderers Paul was caught in Turkey. Russian, Chechen and Syrian nationals Mogammed A., Ahmad R. Fatim with M., who killed and were killed not a citizen of Turkey, was returned to the scene in the country due to a foreign country. Kidnapped on April 22 near the city of Aleppo in Syria, Hatay, Adana and Mersin is connected to the Patriarchate of Antioch in Damascus Orthodox Church Metropolitan of Aleppo on the Rami (Boris, Paul), the printer and the Syrian Orthodox Metropolitan Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim of Aleppo perform the execution traces of the security forces of viewing parties reached a massacre.
Those who have not announced orders..........
Claims that Aleppo's kidnapped bishops were both killed. Turkish authorities have killers in custody. http://t.co/Bmno2H7k4p #Syria #Syrië
— Syrisch Nieuws (@SyrischNieuws) July 25, 2013
From HurriyetDailyNews Turkey:
...Three suspects have been detained and released in the Anatolian province of Konya after being suspected of killing Aleppo’s Greek Orthodox Bishop Boulos Yaziji and Syriac Orthodox Bishop Yohanna Ibrahim, who were kidnapped by armed men in Syria.
However, the nephew of the one of the bishops has previously denied rumors his uncle had been killed after the circulation of an undated video showing two Christians, including a bishop, being brutally killed.
Fadi Hurigil, the head of the Antakya Orthodox Church Foundation, also said they were sure that the bishops in the video were not Yaziji or Ibrahim.....
Several bomb blasts in Nigeria....Is Saudi Arabia, UAE and Qatar funding Boko Haram to kill Christians?
The city of Kano in northern Nigeria has become a favorite target for the Nigerian Muslim terrorists calling themselves Boko Haram which means "non-Muslim education is bad" when roughly translated. This group has grown into an army just like the terrorist group that was plaguing Mali. The vid below is from about a year ago when the same city had been bombed in five different areas. The number of dead in the blasts of a few hours ago is unknown at this time.
Where's the money coming from to enable these murderers of innocent people to make their bombs and buy weapons? Is it coming from Saudi Arabia or from Qatar? Maybe from the UAE too. They have been "awarding" hundreds of .scholorships to Nigerian students. It's their way of bribing the young and vulnerable into their cult of no return. This is also one of the reasons why we here in the West should never permit entities from these Muslim countries to "award" their bribes into our own schools and universities, no matter in what benign guise they are connivingly done.
According to this article, the terrorists are well equipped with state of the art weaponry, because:
When the Nigerian military announces its victories against Boko Haram, it usually includes a list of the weapons that soldiers have recovered. It used to be mostly AK-47s, ammunition and bombs. More recently the list has included machine guns mounted on trucks, anti-aircraft and anti-tank guns.
Political analyst Nkwachukwu Orji says there is no doubt the group is well-funded.
"If not, they would have fizzled out a long time ago. But for them to have continually been able to recruit, to train, to acquire their equipment and resources - that means there’s a sustainable way of funding that organization," he said.
Orji wouldn’t even speculate as to exactly who is paying the bills, as very little is known about the group or its funding. If Nigeria’s intelligence agencies know who is sponsoring the insurgency, they aren’t saying.
What is known, however, is that Boko Haram operations are far more sophisticated than they were when the group began its uprising in 2009 and since then, thousands of people have been killed.
Ibrahim Garba and Michelle Faul wiriting at AP:
.....Multiple explosions rocked a Christian area in Nigeria's northern Kano city Monday night, with security forces ferrying scores of wounded to hospitals.
A mortuary attendant at Murtala Mohammed Specialists Hospital said at least 10 bodies had been brought in from the scene. He spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to reporters.
Nigeria is fighting an Islamic uprising by extremists based mainly in the northeast, where the government has declared a state of emergency. Kano city and state are not part of that emergency.
Nigeria's government is fighting an Islamic uprising by a network called Boko Haram, which means "Western education is forbidden." The group wants Islamic law imposed in Nigeria, Africa's most populous nation of more than 160 million, which is divided almost equally between Christians who live mainly in the south and Muslims who dominate the north.
Witness Kolade Ade said at least one blast appeared to come from a Mercedes-Benz parked beside a kiosk selling alcohol and soft drinks.
"After the first bomb, I threw myself into the canal (drain) to hide. There were at least three blasts," he said.
The explosions came as hundreds of people thronged the area in Sabon Gari neighborhood, where some were playing snooker and others table tennis.....
boko haram,
saudi arabia,
Monday, July 29, 2013
News from the Molotov Cocktails of Egypt, Turkey, Syria and other hellholes
From Platts Financial:
....The key northern oil pipeline from Iraq to the Turkish port of Ceyhan is expected to resume flows within 72 hours following yet another explosion on the line on Sunday, sources said Monday.
A bomb placed under the Kirkuk-Ceyhan line in Iraq's Ninewa province exploded early Sunday halting flows, a senior Iraqi oil official told Platts.
"The exports were completely stopped from Kirkuk," said the senior official with the state-run North Oil Company, who asked not be identified.
The official said the explosion took place in Ain al-Jahsh, south of the city of Mosul, in the middle of an area increasingly rife with al-Qaeda and other militants..........
From Turkish Govt mouthpiece TodaysZaman:
. ...Chief Executive Officer of Twitter Dick Costolo has denied the rumors that Twitter is suspending the accounts of people who tweet against the Turkish government.
Answering questions of Turkish users, the CEO of the world's largest microblogging site denied the rumors, saying: “That is simply not true. There are issues with opposing groups there reporting each other's accounts for abuse. We are on it.” Costolo did not elaborate on how Twitter is handling the abuse reports.
Twitter has 500 million registered users and only around 180 million of them are active users. Thus, last week the company started to suspend accounts that have not been not active for a certain period of time. This policy caused a dramatic decrease in number of followers of many Twitter users, which sparked a rumor in Turkey that the Turkish government may have a hand in this action to silence the voice of Gezi protesters on Twitter..........
From NYTimes
Fears of a new round of violent confrontations in Egypt loomed on Monday as the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies organized protest marches on Interior Ministry buildings nationwide in defiance of warnings by the military-led government, even as the European Union’s top foreign policy official was visiting Cairo and talking to both sides in an attempt to mediate an easing of the crisis.
The European official, Catherine Ashton, who arrived in Egypt late Sunday, was meeting with the interim president, Adli Mansour; his vice president, Mohamed ElBaradei; and the chief of the armed forces, Gen. Abdul-Fattah el-Sisi. She also was scheduled to meet with some of the remaining Muslim Brotherhood leaders who have not yet been arrested......
From NPR:
......Photographer Marcin Suder was staying at a media center in the rebel-held town of Saraqeb in Idlib province when a group of masked men reportedly stormed in Wednesday morning. They beat a Syrian media activist, stole equipment and abducted Suder.
It's unclear who might be responsible for the kidnapping. According to The Associated Press, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk said Friday that it's likely Suder was taken by radicals seeking ransom and that the abduction "probably has the character of a robbery.".........
From Reuters Picture Gallery:
21 pictures of war-torn Syria
From TimeMag:
....Initially carved out of the desert as a short-term refuge for up to 60,000 refugees, Zaatari has become Jordan’s fourth largest city and the world’s second largest refugee camp behind Dadaab in eastern Kenya. Of the estimated 650,000 Syrians who have crossed into Jordan, 350,000 have filtered through Zaatari and 150,000 call it home. The influx, sometimes 3,000 refugees per day, is unprecedented.....
From DailyStar:
Lebanese police have arrested “one of the most dangerous men” wanted for drug trafficking, the Internal Security Forces said in a statement over the weekend. Police said they arrested the wanted Palestinian man Friday after the anti-drug department received information on his whereabouts.
The man was identified by his initials, A.D. and is also known by his nickname Al-Sanfour, The Smurf......
From AlAkhbar:
A Saudi court sentenced on Monday a rights activist to seven years in jail and 600 lashes for setting up a "liberal" network and alleged insults to Islam, activists said.
"Raef Badawi has been sentenced to seven years in jail and 600 lashes," lawyer Waleed Abualkhair wrote on his Twitter account, adding that the judge ordered the closure of the website of the Saudi Liberal Network.
He said Badawi, a co-founder of the Saudi Liberal Network, was charged with criticizing the religious police, as well as calling for "religious liberalization."
A judge had referred Badawi in December to a higher court for alleged apostasy, a charge that could lead to the death penalty in the medieval, US-backed kingdom.....
Something "truthful" has happened at the New York Times OR ...
possibly a handful of their journalists have decided to run with "part" of the truth. I wonder why! Of course the reasoning behind American jihadis going to Syria is bullshit. If American Muslims are making a beeline to Syria because they are "motivated by the desire to help the people suffering there" then are we to surmise that American muzzies are so mega dumb that they are totally unaware of the dirt poor Muslims suffering in the heart of Africa who need to be rescued from their own Muslim overlords much more than those "suffering" under Assad? Or are the American Muslims not shedding tears for Muslims in black-skinned Africa for obvious reasons?
Eric Schmitt writing at NYTimes
....A rising number of radicalized young Muslims with Western passports are traveling to Syria to fight with the rebels against the government of Bashar al-Assad, raising fears among American and European intelligence officials of a new terrorist threat when the fighters return home.
More Westerners are now fighting in Syria than fought in conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia or Yemen, according to the officials. They go to Syria motivated by the desire to help the people suffering there by overthrowing Mr. Assad. But there is growing concern that they will come back with a burst of jihadist zeal, some semblance of military discipline, enhanced weapons and explosives skills, and, in the worst case, orders from affiliates of Al Qaeda to carry out terrorist strikes.
“Syria has become really the predominant jihadist battlefield in the world,” Matthew G. Olsen, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, told a security conference in Aspen, Colo., this month. He added, “The concern going forward from a threat perspective is there are individuals traveling to Syria, becoming further radicalized, becoming trained and then returning as part of really a global jihadist movement to Western Europe and, potentially, to the United States.”
Classified estimates from Western intelligence services and unclassified assessments from government and independent experts put the number of fighters from Europe, North America and Australia who have entered Syria since 2011 at more than 600. That represents about 10 percent of the roughly 6,000 foreign fighters who have poured into Syria by way of the Middle East and North Africa...........
Eric Schmitt writing at NYTimes
....A rising number of radicalized young Muslims with Western passports are traveling to Syria to fight with the rebels against the government of Bashar al-Assad, raising fears among American and European intelligence officials of a new terrorist threat when the fighters return home.
More Westerners are now fighting in Syria than fought in conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia or Yemen, according to the officials. They go to Syria motivated by the desire to help the people suffering there by overthrowing Mr. Assad. But there is growing concern that they will come back with a burst of jihadist zeal, some semblance of military discipline, enhanced weapons and explosives skills, and, in the worst case, orders from affiliates of Al Qaeda to carry out terrorist strikes.
“Syria has become really the predominant jihadist battlefield in the world,” Matthew G. Olsen, the director of the National Counterterrorism Center, told a security conference in Aspen, Colo., this month. He added, “The concern going forward from a threat perspective is there are individuals traveling to Syria, becoming further radicalized, becoming trained and then returning as part of really a global jihadist movement to Western Europe and, potentially, to the United States.”
Classified estimates from Western intelligence services and unclassified assessments from government and independent experts put the number of fighters from Europe, North America and Australia who have entered Syria since 2011 at more than 600. That represents about 10 percent of the roughly 6,000 foreign fighters who have poured into Syria by way of the Middle East and North Africa...........
ny times,
usa islamized,
HAHAHAHAHAH! Insufficient training operating a bazooka or just plain dumb?
I'll take "dumb" Alex.
Was this guy holding the bazooka aimed at the enemy or at his own headchoppers? You decide.
Was this guy holding the bazooka aimed at the enemy or at his own headchoppers? You decide.
Will American, British and French warmongers answer for the war crimes of their terrorist buddies ?
In Aleppo 51 soldiers from Assad's army were executed by the terrorist army of the USA, UK and France .... even though the soldiers had surrendered. According to Syrian forums I visit, the surrender came about because they had run out of ammunition in the city besieged by terrorist headchoppers and cannibals and replenishment of ammunition had not not arrived in time because of blockage of main roads to the city by the rebels.
Hania Mourtada and Rick Gladstone writing at NYTimes:
....Islamist extremists in Syria’s insurgency killed 150 soldiers in a battle for control of an Aleppo suburb this week, including 51 who were executed after they had surrendered, according to a Syrian monitoring group that has been chronicling casualties and evidence of atrocities.
The group, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which sympathizes with the opposition and reports daily tallies of combat and violence from a network of contacts on the ground in Syria, corroborated its assertion on Friday with a video posted on the Internet.
The video, dated Wednesday, showed what appeared to be an execution ground, with dozens of lifeless bodies clumped against a wall pockmarked with bullet holes. The video’s authenticity could not be independently confirmed, but Rami Abdulrahman, the Syrian Observatory founder, quoted witnesses as saying 51 soldiers taken prisoner were later shot. Among the total who had surrendered, he said, “very few were taken hostage.”............
Hania Mourtada and Rick Gladstone writing at NYTimes:
....Islamist extremists in Syria’s insurgency killed 150 soldiers in a battle for control of an Aleppo suburb this week, including 51 who were executed after they had surrendered, according to a Syrian monitoring group that has been chronicling casualties and evidence of atrocities.
The group, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which sympathizes with the opposition and reports daily tallies of combat and violence from a network of contacts on the ground in Syria, corroborated its assertion on Friday with a video posted on the Internet.
The video, dated Wednesday, showed what appeared to be an execution ground, with dozens of lifeless bodies clumped against a wall pockmarked with bullet holes. The video’s authenticity could not be independently confirmed, but Rami Abdulrahman, the Syrian Observatory founder, quoted witnesses as saying 51 soldiers taken prisoner were later shot. Among the total who had surrendered, he said, “very few were taken hostage.”............
france islamized,
UK islamized,
usa islamized,
war crimes
Day of Reckoning for Pedophiles and Sex Traffickers of children
FBI raids Child Sex Trafficking dens in more than 70 cities. I wonder how many American muzzies are involved in the trafficking of kids in the USA. Their brothers in the UK made up almost the entire percentage of pedophiles and traffickers of young white girls.
The FBI video of the raids at the link below might as well have not been released. It shows nothing relevant and says even less. However, the vid at bottom, also from the FBI just released by them via twitter a few minutes ago is watch watching.
From RTNews:
The FBI says they’ve recovered 105 missing and exploited children over the weekend by orchestrating a massive crackdown on crime rings that trafficked minors for sex.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation made the announcement Monday morning, and reportedly has arrested 150 pimps involved in selling minors through an underground sex trade that exploited missing children ages 13 through 17 around the country............
The FBI video of the raids at the link below might as well have not been released. It shows nothing relevant and says even less. However, the vid at bottom, also from the FBI just released by them via twitter a few minutes ago is watch watching.
From RTNews:
The FBI says they’ve recovered 105 missing and exploited children over the weekend by orchestrating a massive crackdown on crime rings that trafficked minors for sex.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation made the announcement Monday morning, and reportedly has arrested 150 pimps involved in selling minors through an underground sex trade that exploited missing children ages 13 through 17 around the country............
human trafficking,
suffer the children,
Economic Security not looking good for the USA
Hard to believe AP's article that only 20% of the present day Americans will not suffer joblessness, near poverty or reliance on welfare during their lifetime. IMO, if this is really the case, it should be blamed largely on the credit card industry. If not for the easy money, people would have learnt to spend within their means and would have also learned to keep aside something from their paychecks for a rainy day knowing they would have no other recourse but themselves to look after themselves if times turned ugly. The free money from the lenders plus the government's "goodies for votes" strategy is the ruin of not only America but many other countries.
What never ceases to amaze me is how developed countries like the USA can let their own countries decline to such horrific and deplorable low standards (according to same article more than half the population living in certain areas live below the poverty line) but keep sending billions of dollars overseas to uplift people of other countries. "Charity begins at home" .... is a wise saying but meant to be understood only by the wise, and unfortunately that breed is not found in Washington DC.
Hope Yen writing at AP:
....Signs of declining economic security. Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.
Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor and loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend.
The findings come as President Barack Obama tries to renew his administration's emphasis on the economy, saying in recent speeches that his highest priority is to "rebuild ladders of opportunity" and reverse income inequality.
Hardship is particularly on the rise among whites, based on several measures. Pessimism among that racial group about their families' economic futures has climbed to the highest point since at least 1987. In the most recent AP-GfK poll, 63 percent of whites called the economy "poor."
"I think it's going to get worse," said Irene Salyers, 52, of Buchanan County, Va., a declining coal region in Appalachia. Married and divorced three times, Salyers now helps run a fruit and vegetable stand with her boyfriend, but it doesn't generate much income. They live mostly off government disability checks.
"If you do try to go apply for a job, they're not hiring people, and they're not paying that much to even go to work," she said. Children, she said, have "nothing better to do than to get on drugs."
While racial and ethnic minorities are more likely to live in poverty, race disparities in the poverty rate have narrowed substantially since the 1970s, census data show. Economic insecurity among whites also is more pervasive than is shown in government data, engulfing more than 76 percent of white adults by the time they turn 60, according to a new economic gauge being published next year by the Oxford University Press.............
What never ceases to amaze me is how developed countries like the USA can let their own countries decline to such horrific and deplorable low standards (according to same article more than half the population living in certain areas live below the poverty line) but keep sending billions of dollars overseas to uplift people of other countries. "Charity begins at home" .... is a wise saying but meant to be understood only by the wise, and unfortunately that breed is not found in Washington DC.
Hope Yen writing at AP:
....Signs of declining economic security. Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.
Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor and loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend.
The findings come as President Barack Obama tries to renew his administration's emphasis on the economy, saying in recent speeches that his highest priority is to "rebuild ladders of opportunity" and reverse income inequality.
Hardship is particularly on the rise among whites, based on several measures. Pessimism among that racial group about their families' economic futures has climbed to the highest point since at least 1987. In the most recent AP-GfK poll, 63 percent of whites called the economy "poor."
"I think it's going to get worse," said Irene Salyers, 52, of Buchanan County, Va., a declining coal region in Appalachia. Married and divorced three times, Salyers now helps run a fruit and vegetable stand with her boyfriend, but it doesn't generate much income. They live mostly off government disability checks.
"If you do try to go apply for a job, they're not hiring people, and they're not paying that much to even go to work," she said. Children, she said, have "nothing better to do than to get on drugs."
While racial and ethnic minorities are more likely to live in poverty, race disparities in the poverty rate have narrowed substantially since the 1970s, census data show. Economic insecurity among whites also is more pervasive than is shown in government data, engulfing more than 76 percent of white adults by the time they turn 60, according to a new economic gauge being published next year by the Oxford University Press.............
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Papa Francisco gets my nomination for the Best Actor 2013 in the Catholic Category
Let's hear a loud applause.
Part of his speech in Brazil said this:
Oh really?! Really?! The Vatican has neither silver nor gold?! How about all the treasures at the Vatican? The museums full of priceless paintings, priceless sculptures, priceless jewel encrusted crowns, the gold and silver thrones and every other kind of treasure few have ever seen? It takes more than an hour to let your eyes take in even one yard of any given space where these treasures are kept for public display and even longer where they adorn the many churches and galleries in and around the Vatican City. Even in museums in Rome and Florence, many of the works displayed are marked as the property of the Vatican. Selling even one tiny work once a year would fetch the Vatican millions of dollars that they could spend on uplifting the poor. Instead the Vatican keeps begging and begging from the world over. Have you ever known the Vatican to send some of their treasures on a tour of display to other museums around the world ? There are millions of Christians, leave alone people of other faiths, who cannot afford the trip to the Vatican City or to Rome. Isn't that the least the Vatican can do to advertise the faith? It is nothing but any otther kind of government ... what makes it all the more yucky is the fact that those in the government of the Vatican are considered to be good, moralistic people.
Part of his speech in Brazil said this:
I have learned that, to gain access to the Brazilian people, it is necessary to pass through its great heart; so let me knock gently at this door. I ask permission to come in and spend this week with you. I have neither silver nor gold, but I bring with me the most precious thing given to me: Jesus Christ! I have come in his name, to feed the flame of fraternal love that burns in every heart; and I wish my greeting to reach one and all: The peace of Christ be with you!
Oh really?! Really?! The Vatican has neither silver nor gold?! How about all the treasures at the Vatican? The museums full of priceless paintings, priceless sculptures, priceless jewel encrusted crowns, the gold and silver thrones and every other kind of treasure few have ever seen? It takes more than an hour to let your eyes take in even one yard of any given space where these treasures are kept for public display and even longer where they adorn the many churches and galleries in and around the Vatican City. Even in museums in Rome and Florence, many of the works displayed are marked as the property of the Vatican. Selling even one tiny work once a year would fetch the Vatican millions of dollars that they could spend on uplifting the poor. Instead the Vatican keeps begging and begging from the world over. Have you ever known the Vatican to send some of their treasures on a tour of display to other museums around the world ? There are millions of Christians, leave alone people of other faiths, who cannot afford the trip to the Vatican City or to Rome. Isn't that the least the Vatican can do to advertise the faith? It is nothing but any otther kind of government ... what makes it all the more yucky is the fact that those in the government of the Vatican are considered to be good, moralistic people.
HAHAHAHAHAH! Sarah Palin thinks the USA and EU are "developing countries"
Oops .... my mistake! It's Barack Hussein Obama who considers only his Muslim Ummah as developed and the rest of the world being still in the development stages. Isn't it amazing how the Americans got for themselves a muzzie and a black to boot ... all in one fell swoop? But still the whiners there think everybody not black and not Muslim are nothing but racist. Just imagine if Sarah Palin had said what Obama did ! The double standards are truly jaw-dropping.

Nile Gardiner writing at TelegraphUK:
... You can imagine the derision that would have flowed from the liberal “mainstream media” if George W. Bush had referred to the United States as well as its European allies as “developing countries.” This is exactly the term he used in an interview with The New York Times, which has just been published. In the interview, given in Galesburg, Illinois, the site of his distinctly unimpressive speech on the economy at Knox College last Wednesday, President Obama had this to say to reporters Jackie Calmes and Michael D. Shear:
clearly struggles with his words when he is without his beloved teleprompter. He famously claimed to have visited 57 states in his 2008 campaign, and recently was unable to tell the difference between England and Great Britain. I don’t think any American president, however, has ever referred to the United States, leader of the free world, as a “developing country” before, and nor is Europe a country, as much as the emperors of the European Commission would like the EU to be a superstate.........

Nile Gardiner writing at TelegraphUK:
... You can imagine the derision that would have flowed from the liberal “mainstream media” if George W. Bush had referred to the United States as well as its European allies as “developing countries.” This is exactly the term he used in an interview with The New York Times, which has just been published. In the interview, given in Galesburg, Illinois, the site of his distinctly unimpressive speech on the economy at Knox College last Wednesday, President Obama had this to say to reporters Jackie Calmes and Michael D. Shear:
And one of the interesting things that we don’t talk about enough is the contrast between what’s happened in the United States and what’s happened in a lot of other developing countries, Europe in particular. It's pretty rare where we have the chance to look at two policy approaches and follow them over several years and see which one worked. And the fact is there are a lot of European countries who followed the prescription that the House Republicans are calling for right now, and not only have they lagged well below where we've gone in terms of growth, in many cases their debt and their deficits have actually gone up because their economy is still effectively in recession. And although we haven’t been growing as fast as we would like, we have consistently outperformed those countries that followed the recipe that the House Republicans are offering right now.As we’ve seen on a number of previous occasions, Barack Obama
obama's blunders,
sarah palin
Politicians are the #1 traitors .... name any nation of the world, and that fact remains a fact
These same lowlife traitors wield power over millions of us ordinary citizens who tend to believe their lies and vote them to high offices because we keep hoping that a miracle will happen and from the truckload of rotten apples, we will find at least one good apple. Never happens!!
Robert Mendick, and Edward Malnick writing at TelegraphUK:
Lockerbie bomber release linked to arms deal, according to secret letter
The release of the Lockerbie bomber was linked by the Government to a £400 million arms-export deal to Libya, according to secret correspondence obtained by The Sunday Telegraph.
An email sent by the then British ambassador in Tripoli details how a prisoner transfer agreement would be signed once Libya “fulfils its promise” to buy an air defence system.
The disclosure is embarrassing for members of the then Labour government, which always insisted that Abdelbaset al-Megrahi’s release was not linked to commercial deals.
The email, which contained a briefing on the UK’s relations with Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s regime, was sent on June 8 2008 by Sir Vincent Fean, the then UK ambassador, to Tony Blair’s private office, ahead of a visit soon after he stepped down as prime minister.
Mr Blair flew to Tripoli to meet Gaddafi on June 10, in a private jet provided by the dictator, one of at least six visits Mr Blair made to Libya after quitting Downing Street.
The briefing, which runs to 1,300 words, contains revealing details about how keen Britain was to do deals with Gaddafi. It also suggests that:

Lockerbie bomber release linked to arms deal, according to secret letter
The release of the Lockerbie bomber was linked by the Government to a £400 million arms-export deal to Libya, according to secret correspondence obtained by The Sunday Telegraph.
An email sent by the then British ambassador in Tripoli details how a prisoner transfer agreement would be signed once Libya “fulfils its promise” to buy an air defence system.
The disclosure is embarrassing for members of the then Labour government, which always insisted that Abdelbaset al-Megrahi’s release was not linked to commercial deals.
The email, which contained a briefing on the UK’s relations with Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s regime, was sent on June 8 2008 by Sir Vincent Fean, the then UK ambassador, to Tony Blair’s private office, ahead of a visit soon after he stepped down as prime minister.
Mr Blair flew to Tripoli to meet Gaddafi on June 10, in a private jet provided by the dictator, one of at least six visits Mr Blair made to Libya after quitting Downing Street.
The briefing, which runs to 1,300 words, contains revealing details about how keen Britain was to do deals with Gaddafi. It also suggests that:
• the UK made it a key objective for Libya to invest its £80 billion sovereign wealth fund through the City of LondonThe release of Megrahi in August 2009 caused a huge...........
• the UK was privately critical of then President George Bush for “shooting the US in the foot” by continuing to put a block on Libyan assets in America, in the process scuppering business deals
• the Department for International Development was eager to use another Libyan fund worth £130 million to pay for schemes in Sierra Leone and other poverty-stricken countries.
UK islamized,
usa islamized
Curried Turkey with Somali Pepper
The entire situation with the muzzies is so very complicated. Although I love solving cryptic crosswords, I have given up trying to make sense from the various news items we are being fed these days.
For example look at the three news items below ... one has you believing that Al Qaeda and affiliates were responsible for the bombing of the Turkish embassy in Somalia where three people lost their lives and several others were injured. The other two items want you to know that Turkey's leader wants Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood back in power and is of the firm opinion that a democratically elected leader should not have been removed in a coup.
Based on those two items, and several others in the same vein from different news outlets, wouldn't you say that it was safe to conclude that Erdogan was a fan of the Muslim Brotherhood and by extension an ally of Al Qaeda and affiliates? So ... how come his Al Qaeda allies attacked the Turkish embassy in Somalia? Don't they know that Turkey's honcho is rooting for them and arming them to the teeth in Syria, don't they know that Turkey is on the side of terrorism and is one of their strongest allies ? Nothing makes sense!! Unless, the bombing of the Turkish property in Somalia was not the doing of Al Qaeda .... that would then mean looking elsewhere for those responsible and that would open up a brand new can of worms. Hmmmmm ........
From PanArmenian:
Car bomb hits Turkish embassy in Somali capital. A car loaded with explosives rammed into the gates of an office housing Turkish embassy staff in the Somali capital, killing three people, witnesses and police said on Saturday, July 27, according to Reuters.
"A suicide car bomb targeted a building housing Turkish embassy workers near k4 (Kilometer Four)," Ahmed Mohamud, police officer told Reuters from the scene of the blast.
Mohamud later said the number of dead was three - Somali civilians and a suspected suicide bomber, while nine others had been wounded.
"The car was taking advantage of a Turkish car that was going into the building, thus the car bomb exploded and destroyed the gate," he said.
Al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab rebels claimed responsibility for the attack, as they have for previous bombings, including one in mid-July that killed eight civilians.
"Mujahideen forces in Mogadishu have just carried out an operation targeting a group of Turkish diplomats in Hodan district," al Shabaab said on its Twitter feed............
From Reuters:
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, an outspoken supporter of Egypt's ousted President Mohamed Mursi, lashed out at the European Union and others for failing to condemn strongly enough the killing of dozens in Cairo earlier on Saturday.....
...."Those who were silent when Egypt's national will was massacred are silent again when people are massacred. What happened to the EU (and) European values, where are those who go around giving lessons in democracy?" Erdogan said in a speech to a group of businessmen in Istanbul in televised comments....
From TodaysZaman:
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has stated that he considers Mohammed Morsi, who was ousted by the military in early July, to be the president of Egypt.
“Currently, my president in Egypt is Morsi because he was elected by the people. Therefore, if we don't consider the situation like this, we would disregard the people of Egypt. Disregarding the will of the Egyptian people means disregarding yourself because in Turkey we respect the will of the people. We would respect the coup regime if they had won at the ballot box,” said Erdoğan at a fast-breaking dinner.......
For example look at the three news items below ... one has you believing that Al Qaeda and affiliates were responsible for the bombing of the Turkish embassy in Somalia where three people lost their lives and several others were injured. The other two items want you to know that Turkey's leader wants Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood back in power and is of the firm opinion that a democratically elected leader should not have been removed in a coup.
Based on those two items, and several others in the same vein from different news outlets, wouldn't you say that it was safe to conclude that Erdogan was a fan of the Muslim Brotherhood and by extension an ally of Al Qaeda and affiliates? So ... how come his Al Qaeda allies attacked the Turkish embassy in Somalia? Don't they know that Turkey's honcho is rooting for them and arming them to the teeth in Syria, don't they know that Turkey is on the side of terrorism and is one of their strongest allies ? Nothing makes sense!! Unless, the bombing of the Turkish property in Somalia was not the doing of Al Qaeda .... that would then mean looking elsewhere for those responsible and that would open up a brand new can of worms. Hmmmmm ........
From PanArmenian:
Car bomb hits Turkish embassy in Somali capital. A car loaded with explosives rammed into the gates of an office housing Turkish embassy staff in the Somali capital, killing three people, witnesses and police said on Saturday, July 27, according to Reuters.
"A suicide car bomb targeted a building housing Turkish embassy workers near k4 (Kilometer Four)," Ahmed Mohamud, police officer told Reuters from the scene of the blast.
Mohamud later said the number of dead was three - Somali civilians and a suspected suicide bomber, while nine others had been wounded.
"The car was taking advantage of a Turkish car that was going into the building, thus the car bomb exploded and destroyed the gate," he said.
Al Qaeda-linked al Shabaab rebels claimed responsibility for the attack, as they have for previous bombings, including one in mid-July that killed eight civilians.
"Mujahideen forces in Mogadishu have just carried out an operation targeting a group of Turkish diplomats in Hodan district," al Shabaab said on its Twitter feed............
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, an outspoken supporter of Egypt's ousted President Mohamed Mursi, lashed out at the European Union and others for failing to condemn strongly enough the killing of dozens in Cairo earlier on Saturday.....
...."Those who were silent when Egypt's national will was massacred are silent again when people are massacred. What happened to the EU (and) European values, where are those who go around giving lessons in democracy?" Erdogan said in a speech to a group of businessmen in Istanbul in televised comments....
From TodaysZaman:
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has stated that he considers Mohammed Morsi, who was ousted by the military in early July, to be the president of Egypt.
“Currently, my president in Egypt is Morsi because he was elected by the people. Therefore, if we don't consider the situation like this, we would disregard the people of Egypt. Disregarding the will of the Egyptian people means disregarding yourself because in Turkey we respect the will of the people. We would respect the coup regime if they had won at the ballot box,” said Erdoğan at a fast-breaking dinner.......
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Uh Oh !! More than 1000 Prison Escapees running wild in NATO's paradise before making their way to Syria
Don't you just love counting the failures of our esteemed leaders ! Of course, it's no strain on anybody's imagination to visualize the scum from this latest prison breakout and the scum from the Iraqi prison breakout of a few days go, all zombie-ing their way to Syria. That jihadi graveyard is gonna run out of holes to bury these lowlives in. I am of the firm belief that these prison breakouts are the doing of Assad's enemies and the most sophisticated of weapons will be put in the hands of these lowlives and they will be sent to perform their terrorist tricks in Syria.
BTW, AlArabiya is the mouthpiece of the Saudis so as with anything from the Saudi camp, take the reasons for the breakout and how it was done with a sackful of salt. Look at the two accounts of the prison break ... and draw your own conclusions.
From English AlArabiya:
....More than 1,000 inmates, mostly common law offenders, escaped during a prison riot and attack on Saturday in the restive Libyan city of Benghazi, a security official told AFP.
“There was a riot inside Al-Kuifiya prison, as well as an attack from outside. More than 1,000 prisoners escaped. Special forces called in as reinforcements were given orders not to fire at the prisoners,” he said, asking not to be named.....
....“Residents of the area carried out the attack because they don’t want the prison near their homes,” he said, adding that border posts had been alerted and given a list of names to apprehend the escapees.........
From RTNews:
More than 1,000 detainees have escaped from a prison in eastern Libya, security forces told AP. It comes as hundreds of Libyans protest against the killing of a prominent anti-Brotherhood activist, blaming Islamists for his death.
The mass jailbreak occurred at Koyfiya prison in the eastern city of Benghazi on Saturday, according to security official Mohammed Hejazi.
Most of the inmates were being held on serious charges, according to another official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
The escape happened as protesters stormed the offices of Islamist-allied parties in cities throughout the country. It remains unclear whether the jailbreak was part of the protests or if inmates received outside help.
Hundreds took to the streets of Lybian cities overnight to denounce the killing of prominent political activist and Muslim Brotherhood critic Abdelsalam Al-Mosmary. ........
BTW, AlArabiya is the mouthpiece of the Saudis so as with anything from the Saudi camp, take the reasons for the breakout and how it was done with a sackful of salt. Look at the two accounts of the prison break ... and draw your own conclusions.
From English AlArabiya:
....More than 1,000 inmates, mostly common law offenders, escaped during a prison riot and attack on Saturday in the restive Libyan city of Benghazi, a security official told AFP.
“There was a riot inside Al-Kuifiya prison, as well as an attack from outside. More than 1,000 prisoners escaped. Special forces called in as reinforcements were given orders not to fire at the prisoners,” he said, asking not to be named.....
....“Residents of the area carried out the attack because they don’t want the prison near their homes,” he said, adding that border posts had been alerted and given a list of names to apprehend the escapees.........
From RTNews:
More than 1,000 detainees have escaped from a prison in eastern Libya, security forces told AP. It comes as hundreds of Libyans protest against the killing of a prominent anti-Brotherhood activist, blaming Islamists for his death.
The mass jailbreak occurred at Koyfiya prison in the eastern city of Benghazi on Saturday, according to security official Mohammed Hejazi.
Most of the inmates were being held on serious charges, according to another official, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
The escape happened as protesters stormed the offices of Islamist-allied parties in cities throughout the country. It remains unclear whether the jailbreak was part of the protests or if inmates received outside help.
Hundreds took to the streets of Lybian cities overnight to denounce the killing of prominent political activist and Muslim Brotherhood critic Abdelsalam Al-Mosmary. ........
NATO islamized,
Will Tunisians manage to get rid of Islamists ?
We will have to wait and see, but I hope they will. A large segment of a society that has enjoyed secularism for hundreds of years cannot turn into "5-times a day headbangers" overnight, no matter how hard the islamists try to make that happen. The failure of that is because the crazier wahhabis and salafis within the Muslim Brotherhood were too impatient to bring on the kind of changes they want to see in their new Caliphates of Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. They should have used the present strategy they are using in the Judeo-Christian countries ... the strategy that is working so beautifully for them ... that of stealth jihad... slowly does it, quiet and quieter, inch by inch ... and if they had not tried to make the seculars drink the poison of islam in one gulp they would have accomplished what they will in the West...eventually.
What's happening with the popular people's revolutions against the MB in their own Muslim countries, will teach CAIR and OIC, both organizations working towards caliphating the world, to be even more cautious in cementing the shariah inroads in Western society our traitorous politicians have let them already construct much to the chagrin of us infidels. Expect the shariah lovers now to be even more stealth, slower and quieter. That means we we will have to be even more vigilant to catch the vermin at their tricks.
Hafez Ghanem writing at Brookings:
...Will Tunisia Follow Egypt? Tunisia has always been considered to be the “Arab Spring” country most likely to succeed in its democratic transition. But recently, there have been worrisome signs. An opposition leader was murdered today, which is bound to lead to widespread protests. A group of Tunisians has started a Tamarod, or rebel, movement. They are emulating the Egyptian Tamarod, which collected 22 million signatures in a petition for early presidential elections and organized the massive demonstrations against President Morsi which ultimately triggered his overthrow by the military. The Tunisian Tamarod’s stated objective is to withdraw confidence from the elected constituent assembly (whose mandate was supposed to end in October 2012) and from the government. The Islamist Ennahda Party has the most seats in the assembly and leads the Tunisian government.
There are two important similarities between Tunisia and Egypt. First, Tunisian society is polarized between secularists and Islamists. Tunisian secularists are even more vocal than their Egyptian counterparts. They are influenced by the French concept of laïcité, which implies a stronger separation between church and state than in the Anglo-Saxon tradition. They complain about the “Islamization” of the civil service and argue that Ennahda’s long-term objective is to turn Tunisia into an Islamic state.
Second, the Islamist-led government in Tunisia has so far failed to deliver on the revolution’s economic demands. About 78 percent of Tunisians are dissatisfied with the general direction that their country is taking, 83 percent feel that current economic conditions are bad, and 42 percent believe that the country was better off under the former dictator. Discontent in Tunisia appears to be even greater than in Egypt (see table 1). On a more positive note, the Tunisian government has recently reached an agreement with the International Monetary Fund, and some 75 percent of Tunisians expect their economy to improve. .........
From Reuters:
....Tens of thousands of Tunisians turned out for the funeral of assassinated secular politician Mohamed Brahmi on Saturday, and called for the Islamist-led government to be toppled.
Military helicopters hovered overhead and hundreds of troops and police lined the route of a procession attended by Brahmi's widow and son and several prominent politicians.
"The people want to topple the regime!" and "With our blood and with our souls we will sacrifice ourselves for the martyr!" people in the crowd shouted...........
From France24:
A police officer was injured after a bomb exploded in a suburb of Tunis on Saturday. It followed a second day of demonstrations on Friday, sparked by the assassination of opposition figure Mohamed Brahmi, during which one protester was killed......
What's happening with the popular people's revolutions against the MB in their own Muslim countries, will teach CAIR and OIC, both organizations working towards caliphating the world, to be even more cautious in cementing the shariah inroads in Western society our traitorous politicians have let them already construct much to the chagrin of us infidels. Expect the shariah lovers now to be even more stealth, slower and quieter. That means we we will have to be even more vigilant to catch the vermin at their tricks.
Hafez Ghanem writing at Brookings:
...Will Tunisia Follow Egypt? Tunisia has always been considered to be the “Arab Spring” country most likely to succeed in its democratic transition. But recently, there have been worrisome signs. An opposition leader was murdered today, which is bound to lead to widespread protests. A group of Tunisians has started a Tamarod, or rebel, movement. They are emulating the Egyptian Tamarod, which collected 22 million signatures in a petition for early presidential elections and organized the massive demonstrations against President Morsi which ultimately triggered his overthrow by the military. The Tunisian Tamarod’s stated objective is to withdraw confidence from the elected constituent assembly (whose mandate was supposed to end in October 2012) and from the government. The Islamist Ennahda Party has the most seats in the assembly and leads the Tunisian government.
There are two important similarities between Tunisia and Egypt. First, Tunisian society is polarized between secularists and Islamists. Tunisian secularists are even more vocal than their Egyptian counterparts. They are influenced by the French concept of laïcité, which implies a stronger separation between church and state than in the Anglo-Saxon tradition. They complain about the “Islamization” of the civil service and argue that Ennahda’s long-term objective is to turn Tunisia into an Islamic state.
Second, the Islamist-led government in Tunisia has so far failed to deliver on the revolution’s economic demands. About 78 percent of Tunisians are dissatisfied with the general direction that their country is taking, 83 percent feel that current economic conditions are bad, and 42 percent believe that the country was better off under the former dictator. Discontent in Tunisia appears to be even greater than in Egypt (see table 1). On a more positive note, the Tunisian government has recently reached an agreement with the International Monetary Fund, and some 75 percent of Tunisians expect their economy to improve. .........
From Reuters:
....Tens of thousands of Tunisians turned out for the funeral of assassinated secular politician Mohamed Brahmi on Saturday, and called for the Islamist-led government to be toppled.
Military helicopters hovered overhead and hundreds of troops and police lined the route of a procession attended by Brahmi's widow and son and several prominent politicians.
"The people want to topple the regime!" and "With our blood and with our souls we will sacrifice ourselves for the martyr!" people in the crowd shouted...........
From France24:
A police officer was injured after a bomb exploded in a suburb of Tunis on Saturday. It followed a second day of demonstrations on Friday, sparked by the assassination of opposition figure Mohamed Brahmi, during which one protester was killed......
I wonder who would have committed this ungodly act
Hmmm ..... haven't seen any reports lately of UFO activity over the Philippine skies or anywhere else on planet Earth, so can't blame aliens unfortunately.
A homemade bomb ripped through a row of upscale bars and restaurants in a southern Philippine city, killing six people and wounding at least 46 others, police said Saturday.
The victims of the blast late Friday were mostly medical representatives and guests of a pharmaceutical company who were attending a medical conference in one of the restaurants, said Cagayan de Oro police chief Graciano Mijares............
A homemade bomb ripped through a row of upscale bars and restaurants in a southern Philippine city, killing six people and wounding at least 46 others, police said Saturday.
The victims of the blast late Friday were mostly medical representatives and guests of a pharmaceutical company who were attending a medical conference in one of the restaurants, said Cagayan de Oro police chief Graciano Mijares............
The two Allahu Akbars ... one of the mad Shiites and the other of the madder Sunnis

Logical conclusion: Both Allahu Akbars are evil and both the Muslim sects know it.
YAY for us infidels!
Let the madness continue with our fervent blessings !!!
More, more, encore, encore !!
....Bahrain Al Khalifa Regime Destroys Another Shiite Mosque. Bahraini security forces have destroyed Sheikh Fadhel al-Asfari Mosque in Bilad al-Qadeem suburb of the capital Manama.

Saudi-backed security forces in Bahrain demolished the mosque in a wave of attacks on mosques and holy places in and around Manama.
They also targeted Imam Baqer Mosque in Barbura, Imam Sadeq Mosque in Salmabad, Sheikh Hamad Mosque in Maqsha and Imam Mojtaba Mosque in Sanabis and shot teargas towards worshippers.
Anti-regime Bahraini protestors staged over 190 protests across the country in past five days and some 25 civilians, including three kids, have been arrested.
The regime forces attacked 98 houses in the late hours of recent nights, al-Wefaq National Islamic Society said in a statement....
Streetcar shooting in Toronto
This is one of the reasons why I don't stop telling all young girls whenever I get a chance to, to never date or marry a policeman. Men in the police force are often prone to violence as much as the lowlives they profess to be against. Women should be extra wary when they have either a policeman, a lawyer or a doctor in their lives. Most of those making up these three "species" have a low regard for other people's lives, especially when they have the upper hand and consider themselves to be demi-gods.
Watch the video and judge for yourself if you think that firing that many shots was justified. Don't the police carry taser guns anymore ? According to the report the guy with the knife was alone in the streetcar ... and it wasn't anything like the Greyhound bus incident. That major scumbag was kept alive and this minor scumbag who didn't injure anybody on the streetcar although he brandished a knife while exhibiting himself to passengers before they all fled, was killed. Justice?
Jonathan Goldsbie writing at NOW:
Police shoot man on Dundas streetcar. Dies after nine shots fired at close range.
The incident began when the man allegedly brandished a knife at fellow passengers aboard a 505 Dundas streetcar. All others on the vehicle, including the operator, fled.
When police arrived, he was still aboard the vehicle, at the front near the driver's seat. Witnesses says that after refusing police orders to drop the weapon, the man took steps toward the officers, who then opened fired.
Jeremy Ing, a passenger on the streetcar who witnessed the events leading up to the shooting, told NOW Magazine:
Watch the video and judge for yourself if you think that firing that many shots was justified. Don't the police carry taser guns anymore ? According to the report the guy with the knife was alone in the streetcar ... and it wasn't anything like the Greyhound bus incident. That major scumbag was kept alive and this minor scumbag who didn't injure anybody on the streetcar although he brandished a knife while exhibiting himself to passengers before they all fled, was killed. Justice?
Jonathan Goldsbie writing at NOW:
Police shoot man on Dundas streetcar. Dies after nine shots fired at close range.
The incident began when the man allegedly brandished a knife at fellow passengers aboard a 505 Dundas streetcar. All others on the vehicle, including the operator, fled.
When police arrived, he was still aboard the vehicle, at the front near the driver's seat. Witnesses says that after refusing police orders to drop the weapon, the man took steps toward the officers, who then opened fired.
Jeremy Ing, a passenger on the streetcar who witnessed the events leading up to the shooting, told NOW Magazine:
I was on a westbound 505 Dundas car, preparing to exit at Grace Street. I had my headphones in, so I was interrupted by the shrill screams of young girls, from the back of the car. And when I turned to see what was goin' on, some guy had stood up from his seat with his dick in his hand and also holding a knife. And then as soon as everybody recognized that, they scurried to the front of the car. It took maybe, like, five seconds or so before the streetcar driver realized what was goin' on and opened the doors up. So everybody flooded out, like disorderly, onto the street. The guy remained on the car with the driver for a while. Eventually, maybe like two minutes later or so, the driver managed to get off and then the cops showed up and they basically swarmed it. And then they told him to drop the knife, like many times. And I guess he didn't comply or whatever, and fired off, I dunno, like eight shots or so....
toronto police
Friday, July 26, 2013
Tunisia's Islamist overlords have had their day
The present wahhabi govt propped up by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, before the two had a falling off, is not the right kind of government for the mostly secular society of Tunisia. Many Tunisians have a rich history with ancient Carthage and Phoenicians, (which means they have a connection to ancient Lebanon and ancient Palestine as well) but unfortunately for their ancestors, first the Romans and then the Muslims destroyed what used to be a thriving advanced civilization found in the coastal area of the present day Tunisia. The Tunisian DNA will not be able to tolerate the backwardness of wahhabism and salafism being forced down their throats. The citizens are fighting fit to get rid of the islamist govt and from what's happening as we speak, it will be soon. Hats off to the secularists.
If you want to learn more about the ancient city of Carthage and the influence of Carthaginians and the Phoenicians in North Africa and the Mediterranean long before Rome became the powerhouse, start with the video below.
From BBCNews:
Protesters have gathered in Tunis and other cities across the country calling for the government to resign.
Tunisia's largest trade union has called for a general strike on Friday and Tunisair has cancelled all flights to and from Tunisia for that day....
More here, here and here.
If you want to learn more about the ancient city of Carthage and the influence of Carthaginians and the Phoenicians in North Africa and the Mediterranean long before Rome became the powerhouse, start with the video below.
From BBCNews:
Protesters have gathered in Tunis and other cities across the country calling for the government to resign.
Tunisia's largest trade union has called for a general strike on Friday and Tunisair has cancelled all flights to and from Tunisia for that day....
More here, here and here.
history lessons,
The new Soviet Union is the country that helped destroy the old Soviet Union
Go figure! Ethics Panel is investigating ............no, you are wrong! It's not Obama and gang being investigated as they should have been from day one, INSTEAD .....
Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan writing at Politico:
....The House Ethics Committee is reviewing cases against four members of Congress, including Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and one member of GOP leadership, the panel announced Friday.
The Ethics Committee is probing Rep. John Tierney (D-Mass.), Rep. Tim Bishop (D-N.Y.) and Chief Republican Deputy Whip Peter Roskam of Illinois.........
Jake Sherman and John Bresnahan writing at Politico:
....The House Ethics Committee is reviewing cases against four members of Congress, including Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and one member of GOP leadership, the panel announced Friday.
The Ethics Committee is probing Rep. John Tierney (D-Mass.), Rep. Tim Bishop (D-N.Y.) and Chief Republican Deputy Whip Peter Roskam of Illinois.........
usa elections,
usa islamized
Price Fixing possibilities abound
What a load of crock ! We are supposed to be getting more choices to fly in a less expensive way! Yeah right! The Canadian Business article below is full of how pretty soon we will be paying a lot less when we decide to use Canadian air carriers as we are gonna get two more airlines and that would mean more competition and better service, especially from Air Canada. Give me a break! One of those "new" airlines will be an offshoot of WestJet and the other will be an offshoot of Air Canada. Is that what is called "competition" these days? If only our Provincial as well as the Federal govt. would throw open the doors to competition, we wouldn't be looking down south with envy in our hearts because everything in that country costs much, much, much, much less than what we have to pay up here.
Where are the billionaire Canadian entrepreneurs? Can't these guys see that Canada's population is growing and we need more air transport, land transport, etc. How about competing with the VIA rail too. Their train fares are almost as expensive as the airfares to get to same destinations. When will Canada learn that when amenities and goods are priced within the reach of the common man, those amenities and goods will be more widely used and the profit margin will in fact increase with the additional sales.
Joe Castaldo and Micah Luxen writing at Canadian Business:
....Almost everyone has a tale about a frustrating flying disaster. But finally, there is a reason for optimism. New competition is coming to the Canadian market, with both WestJet and Air Canada recently launching subsidiaries: WestJet unveiled Encore in June to target smaller locations in Western Canada. A few days later, Air Canada rolled out Rouge, to service holiday destinations. Both are low-cost carriers, cheaper to operate than flagship lines, because hiring new staff allows the carriers to pay them less. Each new banner is starting small, but has ambitious expansion plans. Meanwhile, Toronto's Porter Airlines wants to boost competition even more by adding a slew of new jets and destinations in 2016, expanding from a regional player to a national one.
All of these developments mean consumers could benefit through more choice, increased flight frequency and even lower fares. Some carriers are boasting of reductions of up to 50% on certain routes. What's more, we could see a greater focus on customer service as airlines fight for passengers. These potential benefits come with at least one cost, however: your personal space. It's not just legroom you'll lose as carriers try to fit more passengers on their planes. One analyst who toured one of Encore's new planes was alarmed at the tiny, cramped, solitary washroom designed for all 78 passengers. "I'll just go at the airport," he says.
WestJet's Encore will likely have the most dramatic effect on the market. Its handful of Bombardier Q400 planes will target a few destinations initially, such as Fort St. John and Nanaimo in B.C. along with Saskatoon, but that's just the beginning. Encore will........
Where are the billionaire Canadian entrepreneurs? Can't these guys see that Canada's population is growing and we need more air transport, land transport, etc. How about competing with the VIA rail too. Their train fares are almost as expensive as the airfares to get to same destinations. When will Canada learn that when amenities and goods are priced within the reach of the common man, those amenities and goods will be more widely used and the profit margin will in fact increase with the additional sales.
Joe Castaldo and Micah Luxen writing at Canadian Business:
....Almost everyone has a tale about a frustrating flying disaster. But finally, there is a reason for optimism. New competition is coming to the Canadian market, with both WestJet and Air Canada recently launching subsidiaries: WestJet unveiled Encore in June to target smaller locations in Western Canada. A few days later, Air Canada rolled out Rouge, to service holiday destinations. Both are low-cost carriers, cheaper to operate than flagship lines, because hiring new staff allows the carriers to pay them less. Each new banner is starting small, but has ambitious expansion plans. Meanwhile, Toronto's Porter Airlines wants to boost competition even more by adding a slew of new jets and destinations in 2016, expanding from a regional player to a national one.
All of these developments mean consumers could benefit through more choice, increased flight frequency and even lower fares. Some carriers are boasting of reductions of up to 50% on certain routes. What's more, we could see a greater focus on customer service as airlines fight for passengers. These potential benefits come with at least one cost, however: your personal space. It's not just legroom you'll lose as carriers try to fit more passengers on their planes. One analyst who toured one of Encore's new planes was alarmed at the tiny, cramped, solitary washroom designed for all 78 passengers. "I'll just go at the airport," he says.
WestJet's Encore will likely have the most dramatic effect on the market. Its handful of Bombardier Q400 planes will target a few destinations initially, such as Fort St. John and Nanaimo in B.C. along with Saskatoon, but that's just the beginning. Encore will........
No Press Freedom in Turkey just like in other Muslim countries ....
and this country was slated to be part of the EU... and still might be enfolded in that group? I wonder what's happening to tweets from Twitter users in Turkey....hardly any to be seen anymore.
freedom of speech,
I smell something fishy
Forever the sceptic, that's moi! What has set off the "fishy" smell, as far as I am concerned, is the exact number of free coffees that are "paid forward". Is someone trying out a social experiment or is this a Tim Hortons' advertisement gimmick although their spokeswoman denies it to be so?
Jeff Mackey of CanadianPress via Yahoo:
....Wave of anonymous coffee benefactors spreads to more Tim Hortons locations. Coffee was flowing free for hundreds of Canadians at three Tim Hortons locations Thursday as the act of one Good Samaritan appeared to precipitate a wave of copycat java generosity.
Since Monday at least five cases of coffee philanthropy have been reported: one each in Red Deer, Alta., Calgary and Ottawa, and two in Edmonton.
Tim Hortons spokeswoman Michelle Robichaud said the company was "humbled by the generosity" that has been taken place across the country.
"Clearly this is someone who has a very pure heart and just wishes to put smiles on some people's faces and spread some good cheer," said Robichaud.
As news spread on social media, some skeptics speculated that the donations were part of an elaborate publicity stunt by the coffee chain.
But Robichaud said that's not the case.
"As brilliant as this is I can assure you that Tim Hortons has nothing to do with the Good Samaritans that have been purchasing coffees across the country," she said.
The first donation happened on Monday, when a young man in his mid-to-late 20s walked into Tim Hortons in downtown Edmonton and ordered a large double-double and a Boston cream doughnut.
And large coffees for the next 500 customers.
The man paid the $859 bill with his debit card and quickly left.
"It is not uncommon for people to pay it forward at our restaurants. That is something that happens every day," said Robichaud. "But something of this magnitude is not anything we've seen before."
Customers of a Tim Hortons in Calgary were the recipients of free coffee on Wednesday as another java benefactor told a cashier they would buy the next 500 cups of joe.
On Thursday morning a soon-to-retire city bus supervisor named Bob purchased morning coffee for 500 at a Tim Hortons in Ottawa, Robichaud said.
Later the gesture was mirrored again at a Tim Hortons location in Red Deer, and a third time hours later at a Tim Hortons kiosk in the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton...........
Jeff Mackey of CanadianPress via Yahoo:
....Wave of anonymous coffee benefactors spreads to more Tim Hortons locations. Coffee was flowing free for hundreds of Canadians at three Tim Hortons locations Thursday as the act of one Good Samaritan appeared to precipitate a wave of copycat java generosity.
Since Monday at least five cases of coffee philanthropy have been reported: one each in Red Deer, Alta., Calgary and Ottawa, and two in Edmonton.
Tim Hortons spokeswoman Michelle Robichaud said the company was "humbled by the generosity" that has been taken place across the country.
"Clearly this is someone who has a very pure heart and just wishes to put smiles on some people's faces and spread some good cheer," said Robichaud.
As news spread on social media, some skeptics speculated that the donations were part of an elaborate publicity stunt by the coffee chain.
But Robichaud said that's not the case.
"As brilliant as this is I can assure you that Tim Hortons has nothing to do with the Good Samaritans that have been purchasing coffees across the country," she said.
The first donation happened on Monday, when a young man in his mid-to-late 20s walked into Tim Hortons in downtown Edmonton and ordered a large double-double and a Boston cream doughnut.
And large coffees for the next 500 customers.
The man paid the $859 bill with his debit card and quickly left.
"It is not uncommon for people to pay it forward at our restaurants. That is something that happens every day," said Robichaud. "But something of this magnitude is not anything we've seen before."
Customers of a Tim Hortons in Calgary were the recipients of free coffee on Wednesday as another java benefactor told a cashier they would buy the next 500 cups of joe.
On Thursday morning a soon-to-retire city bus supervisor named Bob purchased morning coffee for 500 at a Tim Hortons in Ottawa, Robichaud said.
Later the gesture was mirrored again at a Tim Hortons location in Red Deer, and a third time hours later at a Tim Hortons kiosk in the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton...........
human interest story
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Movie: Parked
Irish movie with Colm Meaney and Colin Morgan. Morgan as the young druggie shows great talent. Nice symbolism throughout the movie although the story is quite depressing. This movie has won several awards around the EU and Colm Meaney earned a nomination for Best Actor for the Golden Globe Awards 2011. Worth watching.
Killing by ID
That's how the terrorist Al Qaeda and affiliates are killing the Shiites in Iraq. They don't care whether those they are murdering are peaceful and innocent and just want to get on with their lives .... as long as their ID shows them to be Shiites ... it's over for them.
Sunni militants have summarily executed at least 14 Shi'ites after setting up a roadblock north of Baghdad, stopping trucks and checking the IDs of drivers....
....Two local officials said some 150 militants carried out a co-ordinated operation during the night that included the highway killings, in the area of Sulaiman Bek, a town north of Baghdad.
The militants began by attacking the town itself with mortar rounds, rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons late on Wednesday....
...."These criminals belong to what is called the Islamic State of Iraq, and they targeted Shi'ite drivers and left the Sunnis," local official Shalal Abdul Baban told AFP, referring to an al-Qaeda front group.
"It was killing by ID," he said.
Iraqi identification cards list a person's name and place of birth, from which religious affiliation can be surmised.....
Sunni militants have summarily executed at least 14 Shi'ites after setting up a roadblock north of Baghdad, stopping trucks and checking the IDs of drivers....
....Two local officials said some 150 militants carried out a co-ordinated operation during the night that included the highway killings, in the area of Sulaiman Bek, a town north of Baghdad.
The militants began by attacking the town itself with mortar rounds, rocket-propelled grenades and automatic weapons late on Wednesday....
...."These criminals belong to what is called the Islamic State of Iraq, and they targeted Shi'ite drivers and left the Sunnis," local official Shalal Abdul Baban told AFP, referring to an al-Qaeda front group.
"It was killing by ID," he said.
Iraqi identification cards list a person's name and place of birth, from which religious affiliation can be surmised.....
Spanish Train Tragedy
Spanish train crash: Santiago de Compostela cancels festival of St James and instead holds a special service for victims of the train tragedy, many of whom were probably travelling to attend the week-long festivities.
christians killed,
Truth Teller alert!
However, the truth is supposed to be sent only to historians. Why not expose the warmongers and the greedy billionaires whose favorite hobby is manufacturing wars, to the general public? M16 Head intends to keep his vow of secrecy but at the risk of thousands more dying in present and future wars at the whims of traitorous leaders? Come on ... do the right thing. Your vow is not worth the lives of innocents dying in tens of thousands because politicians tell boldface lies...or maybe you are also complicit in the lies.
Melanie Hall writing at TelegraphUK:
....Former head of MI6 threatens to expose secrets of Iraq 'dodgy dossier'
A former head of MI6 has threatened to expose the secrets of the ‘dodgy dossier’ if he disagrees with the long-awaited findings of the Chilcot Inquiry into the UK’s role in the Iraq War.
Sir Richard Dearlove, 68, has spent the last year writing a detailed account of events leading up to the war, and had intended to only make his work available to historians after his death.
But now Sir Richard, who provided intelligence about Saddam Hussein's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) that was apparently 'sexed up' by Tony Blair's government, has revealed that he could go public after the Chilcot Inquiry publishes its findings.
Sir Richard is expected to be criticised by the inquiry's chairman, Sir John Chilcot, over the accuracy of intelligence provided by MI6 agents inside Iraq, which was used in the so-called 'dodgy dossier'.
Now the ex-MI6 boss, who is Master at Pembroke College, Cambridge University, has said: “What I have written (am writing) is a record of events surrounding the invasion of Iraq from my then professional perspective.
“My intention is that this should be a resource available to scholars, but after my decease (may be sooner depending on what Chilcot publishes).
“I have no intention, however, of violating my vows of official secrecy by publishing any memoir.”
Sources close to Sir Richard said that he insists Chilcot should recognise the role played by Tony Blair and the Prime Minister's chief spokesman Alastair Campbell in informing media reports which suggested Saddam could use chemical weapons to target British troops based in Cyprus, a claim which led to Britain entering the war in Iraq......
Melanie Hall writing at TelegraphUK:
....Former head of MI6 threatens to expose secrets of Iraq 'dodgy dossier'
A former head of MI6 has threatened to expose the secrets of the ‘dodgy dossier’ if he disagrees with the long-awaited findings of the Chilcot Inquiry into the UK’s role in the Iraq War.
Sir Richard Dearlove, 68, has spent the last year writing a detailed account of events leading up to the war, and had intended to only make his work available to historians after his death.
But now Sir Richard, who provided intelligence about Saddam Hussein's Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) that was apparently 'sexed up' by Tony Blair's government, has revealed that he could go public after the Chilcot Inquiry publishes its findings.
Sir Richard is expected to be criticised by the inquiry's chairman, Sir John Chilcot, over the accuracy of intelligence provided by MI6 agents inside Iraq, which was used in the so-called 'dodgy dossier'.
Now the ex-MI6 boss, who is Master at Pembroke College, Cambridge University, has said: “What I have written (am writing) is a record of events surrounding the invasion of Iraq from my then professional perspective.
“My intention is that this should be a resource available to scholars, but after my decease (may be sooner depending on what Chilcot publishes).
“I have no intention, however, of violating my vows of official secrecy by publishing any memoir.”
Sources close to Sir Richard said that he insists Chilcot should recognise the role played by Tony Blair and the Prime Minister's chief spokesman Alastair Campbell in informing media reports which suggested Saddam could use chemical weapons to target British troops based in Cyprus, a claim which led to Britain entering the war in Iraq......
spy files,
UK islamized,
usa islamized,
Tunisia's second "Arab spring" in the offing?
The countries where there are too many followers of the book of lies are going downhill in a hurry.
Bouazza Ben Bouazza and Paul Schemm writing at AP:
..... Gunmen shot dead the leader of a leftist Tunisian opposition party outside his house Thursday morning, in the year's second political assassination in the birthplace of the Arab Spring.
Mohammed Brahmi, 58, of an Arab nationalist political party was in his car outside his home when gunmen fired several shots at him, said Interior Ministry spokesman Mohammed Ali Aroui.
The two attackers then sped off on a moped, according to a neighbor cited by the state news agency. Local media reported he was shot 11 times.........
From Reuters:
Tunisia's largest labor organization, the UGTT, said it would hold a general strike on Friday to protest against the assassination of opposition figure Mohamed Brahmi, officials said
"The executive office of the UGTT decided to go on general strike ... it will be a political strike in defense of Tunisia and to protest at this new political assassination," Sami Tahri, a UGTT spokesman, said.........
From RT:
Thousands take to the streets after opposition leader gunned down in Tunisia. Tunisian opposition member Mohamed Brahmi was shot dead in the capital Tunis on Thursday, six months after the murder of another secular leader sparked a national crisis. Thousands of secularists have poured on to the streets in protest.
Several Islamist party offices and government buildings have been set on fire. .........
Bouazza Ben Bouazza and Paul Schemm writing at AP:
..... Gunmen shot dead the leader of a leftist Tunisian opposition party outside his house Thursday morning, in the year's second political assassination in the birthplace of the Arab Spring.
Mohammed Brahmi, 58, of an Arab nationalist political party was in his car outside his home when gunmen fired several shots at him, said Interior Ministry spokesman Mohammed Ali Aroui.
The two attackers then sped off on a moped, according to a neighbor cited by the state news agency. Local media reported he was shot 11 times.........
From Reuters:
Tunisia's largest labor organization, the UGTT, said it would hold a general strike on Friday to protest against the assassination of opposition figure Mohamed Brahmi, officials said
"The executive office of the UGTT decided to go on general strike ... it will be a political strike in defense of Tunisia and to protest at this new political assassination," Sami Tahri, a UGTT spokesman, said.........
From RT:
Thousands take to the streets after opposition leader gunned down in Tunisia. Tunisian opposition member Mohamed Brahmi was shot dead in the capital Tunis on Thursday, six months after the murder of another secular leader sparked a national crisis. Thousands of secularists have poured on to the streets in protest.
Several Islamist party offices and government buildings have been set on fire. .........
muslim brotherhood,
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