Look ... if you are an advocate for the truth and nothing but the truth, why would you hold it against those hackers who are also after the same thing ?
In case you are wondering about Britam, their full name is Britam Defence Systems and
here's their website. The highlights below are my doing.
From CyberWarNews:
....The emails in this leak and files and information mainly trace back to two Britam defence administration, one of which is the founder and dynamic director, Philip doughty and his Business Development Director David Goulding.
Extremely personal information such as a self complied C.V, copy’s of passports and more have been leaked from David and Philip as well as emails and other plans.
From a lot of the documents its very clear that britam is working closely and even offering types of training programs to the National Saudi Gaurd and some of its internal departments and specialist groups.
Company’s that have contracts with Britam range from a couple of thousand up to Millions of dollors and have been on going for some time now..
In the hackers release note they made it clear they got the data from a Malaysian based server and from a chart found within this data its shocking to see that Britam is using the security of McAfee but is not implementing this on the said server which is listed as a mail server.
Syria Folder:
288 KB
2 PDF files and 1 email file.
File name: CV P Doughty CV2 091.pdf
CV for Philip doughty who is the dynamic director and founder of Britam Defence, currently resides in UAE according to his CV.
File name: Phil Doughty PP1 7200830372.pdf
PDF copy of current English, Irish passport for Philip Doughty.
File name: Sirian Issue.eml
Email between David Goulding who is the Business Development Director and Philip regarding a new offer about an operation in syria.
We’ve got a new offer. It’s about Syria again. Qataris propose an attractive deal and swear that the idea is approved by Washington.
We’ll have to deliver a CW to Homs, a Soviet origin g-shell from Libya similar to those that Assad should have.
They want us to deploy our Ukrainian personnel that should speak Russian and make a video record.
Frankly, I don’t think it’s a good idea but the sums proposed are enormous. Your opinion?
Kind regards
Iran folder:
Size: 938kb
16 doc files and 1 email file total
The Iran folder contains heaps of operation plans of attack and defend as well as procedures for preventing or using chemical warfare luring targets to kill zones, medical help, intelligence to the surrounding of operations and more. all together there appears to be 15 plans of operation.
It also has a file named Draft which is a email draft used for the announcement of the current operations. Appears the .doc operation files are the results of an attachment to from that email.
Preview of each of the attachments from the email.
[Gallery not found]
There is also a file named Iranian Issue.eml
Contact between phil and david over confirmation of plans of operations in iran by the saudis.
Please see attached details of preparatory measures concerning the Iranian issue.
Participation of Britam in the operation is confirmed by the Saudis.
Iraq Folder:
Size: 153 MB
9 Folders, 7 PDF Files, 7 DOCX Files, 6 CSV Files, 2 image files
First file looked at was a summury report from STRATFOR titlled “Curious U.S. and French Military Deployments”. Other files include incident reports, weather reports, management plans for trips, data sheets and more.........................