What is going on at the commie TorontoStar ??? I visited them after a very long time to see how loud they were crowing about Injustice Charles Hackland's ruling and although I found an item gloating about it, I found very few of the usual rabid lefties who dwell on the TorontoStar premises. My jaw kept dropping to the floor with the kind of comments I found there. What a pleasant surprise to see that the disenfranchised voters in Toronto are letting out their anger at the scum who has conspired against this rarest of human beings....a good and honest politician.
Daniel Dale wrote this gloating article and I bet he and others at the TorontoStar were not expecting all the kicks they got from Torontonians. There are hundreds of more comments of similar vein at the link.
In the wake of Mayor Rob Ford’s stunning ouster from office on Monday, someone started a “Thank You Paul Magder” group on Facebook.The group would have more aptly been called Thank You Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler.Magder, a businessman, was the Average Joe face of the lawsuit that brought Ford down. Celebrated lawyer Clayton Ruby tried the case pro bono. But it was Chaleff-Freudenthaler — labour relations professional, Ryerson student, near-lifelong left-leaning activist, canny observer of City Hall procedure, 28 years old on Wednesday — who set the wheels in motion from the shadows.....
Some of the comments to the article:
scarborough miner You guys all disgust me Ford was the first descent mayor Toronto has had. Scarborough has been getting ripped off by these former mayors when we were promised a subway when we joined the rest of Toronto. How about the cousellor who spent 12 grand on his retirement party or Adam G. who used tax payer money to take a cab to city hall so he could cheat on his girl friend on his couch on city hall. The only thing Ford did was he cared for city youth who arn't as privalged as people like Hackland. Perhaps he took offence to that which resulted in his ruling. How disgusting. I refuse to tell people I'm from Toronto anymore.
CanCrit Nothing to be Proud of This guy proves only that politically-based litigation is appalling and is no basis on which to seek to (let alone actually) remove a mayor. Why hide behind an "average Joe" rather than admit your Anti-Ford downtown Millerite agenda? And what Ryerson student can pay Clayton Ruby's fees? And why is the Star gloating over this manufactured conflict?
JERKY Ford is the latest victim of a person standing between the left and their entitalments.Do you believe this vacant stare even understands the millions he just cost the poor or the fact that he helped oust the only politician who's aim was to return the city to solvency, not a chance ,you see a man who's only concern is the gravy train be continued so the lefts snout can remain firmly in the trough.
BR So in other words this was definitely a left wing conspiracy of those who where unhappy with a democratically elected representative.
mudder Explain how this is a good thing? The city is without a Mayor, the Left Leaning folk have cost the city another 7 Million of tax payer money, and we will go further in debt with socialist ideals. The city of Toronto was being run very well by Ford and his staff. Self righteous activists should be be ashamed of themselves for costing us more money because of a grudge. He may have had his flaws but his business sense was brilliant.
967PontiacGTO It's a bad law that allows a few malcontents to disenfranchise people who voted for Rob Ford......over money raised for a boys football team. The law was probably aimed to address politicians with secret business interests from voting on contracts that would benefit those interests. Nothing of the sort happened here. The debate and vote were all out in the open, and it was about money raised for what was essentially a charitable purpose. The law should be tossed out, not Rob Ford.
Greenteadrinker Good for you Adam, put this on your resume, you cost Toronto more than 20 million , waste You fools, you undermined a leader for all the wrong reasons. Toronto cannot afford your welfare demands, so you undermine the leaders. How stupid. YOu left wing nanny state unions can do damage, no doubt about it, but can you work, can you add value to a province? City? No, you just take, take and do damage. You think proud? You hurt your city measurably you fools. Point blank fools. Idiots.
LIBERAL LEECHES Rob Ford for Premier of Ontario. Thank you Adam, NDP and Government Unions for obstructing Democracy and ignoring the taxpayers who still believe that they have rights to choose and vote for mayor.
-Sn "Ford and Ford alone stood in that room and cast his vote, take responsibility!" Yes, that is true. It is also true that at no time did Rob Ford hide.
It is true that nothing secret occured and that everyone was well aware as it unfolded. It's also true that Ford's vote made no difference. Further, it's true that "repayment" is really not the city's business because the parties involved gave and did not want it back (it wasn't city money). But mostly it's true that this is not appropriate scale punishment, and it's not a cue to change direction
coolcanuc This is proof that it was in fact a witch hunt by the left. Somehow the left in this country have become so entitled that democracy only works when it is in their favour, otherwise it is not convenient.
vishalrye Karma It is honestly very sad to see Rob Ford being kicked out of office. After a judge's decision he is being kicked out, the voters wanted him in office for FOUR years; he has no right to kick him out. Left wingers have always been part of MANY scandals, have they been kicked out of office? NO! The voters decide! Especially after Ford did this for kids and not for himself? You gotta be kidding me...
Chris Duncan A crime of caring for underpriviledged youth. So if helping and caring for disadvantaged youth is now a crime I guess leftists and special interest groups will have to bring most of Toronto to court. Compassion for others should not be attacked just because of the political leanings of those giving the gift. Attacking someone for caring is attacking all of us. This court case was purely a political move by the left. Shame on you all.
kevinbrown So Ford was right after-all - this was a left wing conspiracy. Was Judge Hackland aware that Adam Chaleff Freudenthaler - a man with a history of attacking Ford for political reasons - was the REAL force behind this lawsuit? Was Judge Hackland aware that this was not a lawsuit brought forward by a "concerned citizen" but that Madger was used as a proxy for Chaleff-Freudenthaler a person with ties to David Miller?
Elbee56 Pot calling the kettle black The left-wingers are totally out of control, not to mention out of their minds. Where were they when Kyle Rae spent $12,000 of taxpayer money to throw himself a retirement party at the Rosewater Supper Club? If that isn't corruption, I don't know what is. Joe Mihevic thinks Chaleff-Freudenthaler will be remembered as a hero. I've got news for you Joe... he won't be remembered at all.
Sn Third time trying to make a point...Why is this the first we are hearing of this guys involvment? Why did he not bring the complaint forward? Why the need for Madger (third party). And being as he stayed "in the shadows" why is he being spotlighted here. Heros don't hide snakes do. Funny, Ford's conflict was far more up front and transparent than the tactics used to nail him for it.
johnner26 So if I understand correctly... because Rob Ford improperly accepted $3,150 to his football foundation and voted to excuse himself of the obligation Toronto is willing to pay $7 million for a by-election? How does that make sense? Are any of the people behind the complaint going to benefit financially if a by-election is held? If so isn't isn't that a much bigger conflict of interest that will cost the city a lot more?
The Right Choice procedure procedure Sometimes procedures are wrong. Sometimes common sense is required. A sledgehammer of a law should be set aside when it makes no sense. Even the judge recommended in his statement that the law should be changed to reflect commonsense
alpha_1 The left should be deeply ashamed. Make no mistake, Mayor Ford will be sorely missed.
Interceptor Yep This thing reeks of political partisanship The judge was blind not to see it. This Adam Whats-hisname should have his butt hauled up in front of the appeal judges, if I was Rob I wouldn't settle for less.
mark333 What? Torontians voted in favor a mayor who did exactly what Rob has done, "cut the fat out of our local government" yet he is so hated?
a1965o Hence the conspiracy theory that has a ring of truth! We knew magder wasn't doing a 'good" deed for mankind in Toronto - he had someone behind him - and it was a leftover miller fan who from day one couldn't stand ford - really he should be doing something more worthwhile with his life - maybe help the homeless? We know he won't become mayor because he won't win.....
NoNameBrand Sounds like sour grapes to me Adam Chaleff-Freudenthaler. Now, go raise some money to replace the millions spent on lawyers and the millions more that will be spent to elect a new mayor. I would like to know who is behind financing this travesty you created.
SilObserver Did you prove Mr Ford have got any benefit from the donation or the football foundation ? Yes or no is the main point to classify you have the merit or not. If you claim he voted for any issue with his own financial interest, you might sue all the city councilors sitting inside the city hall also. Why ?