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The War on Reality
by C.J. Hopkins / July 1st, 2021
............. Now imagine that you were an immensely powerful, globally hegemonic
ideological system, and you wanted to impose your ideology on as much of
the entire world as possible, but you didn’t have an ideology, per se,
or any actual values at all, because exchange value was your only real
value, and so your mission was to erase all ideologies, and values, and
truths, and belief systems, and so on, and transform everything and
everyone in existence into de facto commodities that you could
manipulate any way you wanted, because they had no inherent value
whatsoever, because their only real value was assigned by the market.
How would you go about doing that, erasing all existing values,
religious, cultural, and social values, and rendering everything a
valueless commodity?
Well, you wouldn’t want to destroy reality completely, because people
wouldn’t stand for that. They would freak right out. Things would get
ugly. So, instead, you might want to go the other way, and generate a
lot of contradictory realities, not just contradictory ideologies, but
actual mutually-exclusive realities, which could not possibly simultaneously exist … which would still freak people out pretty badly.
Naturally, there would be one official reality that you would force
everyone to rigidly conform to at any given moment in time, but you
would change the official reality frequently, and force everyone to
conform to the new one (and pretend that they’d never conformed to the
old one), and then, once they had settled into that one, you would
change the official reality again, until people’s brains just shut down
completely, and they gave up trying to make sense of anything, and just
tried to figure out what you wanted them to believe on any given day.
If you repeated that process long enough, eventually, nothing would
mean anything anymore, because everything could potentially mean
anything … at which point, you could basically tell people anything you
wanted and they would go along with it, because what the hell difference
would it make? A narcissistic billionaire ass-clown could be a Russian
agent and literally Hitler. A half-assed riot could be an
“insurrection.” Children could be born “systemically racist.” Men could
menstruate. But wait … it’s gets better.
You could stage an apocalyptic global pandemic that only happened in
certain countries, or in certain parts of certain countries, and that
more or less mirrored natural mortality, and that didn’t drastically increase historical death rates, but was nonetheless totally apocalyptic.
Perfectly healthy people could become “medical cases.” You could count anyone who died of anything as having died of your apocalyptic virus. You could tell people in no uncertain terms, that medical-looking masks will not protect them from viruses,
and then turn around and tell them that they will, and then, later,
publicly admit you were lying in order to manipulate them, and then deny
you ever said that, and tell them to wear masks.
You could experimentally “vaccinate” millions of people whose risk of
becoming seriously ill or dying from your apocalyptic virus was
minuscule or non-existent, and kill tens or hundreds of thousands in the
process, and the people whose brains you had methodically broken would
thank you for murdering their friends and neighbors, and then rush out
to their local discount drugstore to experimentally “vaccinate” their
own kids and post pictures of it on the Internet......