The first part is from TheNational, an online news website based in Abu Dhabi, UAE. The second is from an article by Pam Geller of Atlas Shrugs writing at the American Thinker.
In the first part, as highlighted by moi, it is apparent that the UK is permitting muslim men to migrate to the UK with multiple wives as long as those wives were their "property" before gaining ingress to the UK. In the second part, you will see how our schools' curriculum is being manipulated to brainwash infidel kids to think that having multiple wives is good for the family structure as there is then supposedly no divorce. All kids are terrified of their parents getting divorced, and stealth jihad uses that fear to it's advantage.
Do you still have any doubts that we are giving in to the stealth jihad and thus to the rise of the caliphate ???? We are being invaded and we don't seem to give a damn about it.
Sharia councils in Britain are reporting an unexpected and "dramatic" rise in the number of Muslim men taking second or third wives.
A prominent Muslim legal expert warned that, because polygamy is illegal in the UK, second and any subsequent wives and their children could be left destitute and without recourse to the courts should these marriages break down.
Official government figures estimate the number of polygamous marriages in Britain at about 1,000. However, Muslim social workers believe the actual total could be 20 times greater.
The only legal polygamous marriages in the UK are ones that involve foreign nationals who marry in countries where they are lawful. And they have to have been carried out before any of the people involved arrive in Britain.
A BBC report this week said British Muslims were getting around this by taking one wife legally and then subsequent ones in unrecognised nikah services carried out in homes or mosques......
....Last week, we found that schools across Georgia were Islamizing the curriculum by selling misogyny to children. They were using a lesson plan that glorifies the cloth coffin that Muslims dress women in, as well as polygamy:
My name is Ahlima and I live in Saudi Arabia. ... Perhaps two differences Westerners would notice are that women here do not drive cars and they wear abuyah. An abuyah is a loose-fitting black cloth that covers a woman from head to toe. I like wearing the abuyah since it is very comfortable, and I am protected from blowing sand. ... I have seen pictures of women in the West and find their dress to be horribly immodest. ... Women in the West do not have the protection of the Sharia as we do here. If our marriage has problems, my husband can take another wife rather than divorce me, and I would still be cared for. ... I feel very fortunate that we have the Sharia......