Brainwashing of our youth is an intensive ongoing project of the Left.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Debunking "The Story of Stuff"
Brainwashing of our youth is an intensive ongoing project of the Left.
Brian Lilley,
sabotage by the left,
suffer the children,
USA mad at Turkey because Turkey opted to buy Chinese instead of USA-made missile system ... tsk tsk, so sad
All everything boils down to is money, money, money for the USA manufacturers of equipment to kill humans.
The United States said on Saturday it had expressed serious concerns to Turkey over its decision to co-produce a long-range air and missile defense system with a Chinese firm under U.S. sanctions.
Turkey, a member of the NATO military alliance, announced this week that it had chosen the FD-2000 missile defense system from China Precision Machinery Import and Export Corp, or CPMIEC, over rival systems from Russian, U.S. and European firms.
CPMIEC is under U.S. sanctions for violations of the Iran, North Korea and Syria Nonproliferation Act.
"We have conveyed our serious concerns about the Turkish government's contract discussions with a U.S.-sanctioned company for a missile defense system that will not be inter-operable with NATO systems or collective defense capabilities," a State Department spokeswoman said.
"Our discussions on this issue will continue."..........
usa islamized,
world war
Sednaya (Saidnaya) another Christian stronghold in Syria on verge of falling into hands of terrorists backed by Judas countries
May the worst kind of misfortune fall on those near and dear to Obama, Cameron, Hollande and on the near and dear of all other leaders who are the architects of the destruction of Christians and Christianity in Syria. What goes around comes around, if not today then some other day. An injustice done to one Christian is injustice done to all.
From Fides:
Missiles on the churches, battle Sednaya, the historic seat of Christianity reports email article.
Damascus (Agenzia Fides) - Increase from day to day concerns of the Syrian Christians: after Maalula village north of Damascus invaded by jihadist groups, is at risk sednaya, another Christian village in the north of Damascus, "the beating heart of Syrian Christianity" , home to many monasteries and churches of different denominations and historic place of pilgrimage. Also continuing targeted attacks against churches: as learned from Fides, yesterday we were hit two, and Yabroud Hassaké. "Never in the history of Syria we recorded these sacrilegious attacks and sectarian.
The Syrians would not do that, are attacks on foreign groups and this is a danger for us Christians. We continue to pray for peace, following the path traced by Pope Francis, "says saddened by Fides greek Catholic Patriarch Gregory III Laham.
According to the story of the Patriarch, yesterday on the outskirts of the village of Sednaya there was an armed conflict between unidentified armed groups, who were trying to infiltrate into the city, and the locals. A young greek-catholic was killed. The population of sednaya and terrified, remembering what happened to Maalula.
Yesterday four missiles hit the Catholic Church of Saint George in Yabroud, causing serious damage to the dome and the pastoral-catechetical center. The Melkite Archbishop Jean-Arbach Abdo, who oversees the church, went to the scene to assess the damage and comfort the faithful scared. In the night, as reported to Fides by local sources, an Orthodox church was burned to Hassake, while two days ago Islamist groups have desecrated two churches in Raqqa, removing crosses and sacred images. The Christians of Raqqa, explains to Fides the Syrian Orthodox priest Fr. George Boulos, were forced to flee, mainly to Hassake and Qamishli, and are victims of a "religious discrimination." In the Raqqa - where he was kidnapped Jesuit Fr. Paul dall'Oglio - there are fierce clashes between Islamic groups that are fighting each other. The 'Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, "fighting" Jubhat explaining the "Free Syrian Army units and cons (FSA). "It 'a conflict for power and money," notes the priest.
Speaking to Fides, a veteran of the FSA notes: "For us, it becomes impossible would protect the most vulnerable, such as religious minorities. In some places we want to be helped also by the regular army, because we have seen the barbaric killings. " According to Fides sources, "the purpose of such actions against minorities is to show that it is impossible for them to live here and shatter Syria on a sectarian basis." (PA) (Agenzia Fides 09/28/2013)
From JohnSaidopoulos blog:
The Cave Chapel of the Prophet Elijah in Sednaya, Syri Macarat village is located outside Sednaya on the outskirts of Damascus, the capital of Syria. At the village of Macarat there is a cave chapel dedicated to the Prophet Elijah (Mar Elias) which local workers had discovered in 1982. The medieval paintings in the cave chapel date from the first half of the thirteenth century and were painted by the hand of a Byzantine-Cypriot master.
The cave is said to be the site where the Prophet Elijah escaped the forces of Jezebel, the queen of Israel, who was determined to kill him as an obstruction to her immoral reign.
The cave chapel once belonged to the Greek Orthodox Church but today it is under the control of the Melkite (Greek Catholic) Church.
The ongoing WW3 in Syria has participants from 83 countries
So .... if the world is made up of approximately 200 countries and if there are citizens of 83 countries killing each other in Syria... that's WW3. You don't need to see a Declaration of War from USA and the rest of the Judas countries to start making up your own mind.
From RTNew:
The Syrian government is fighting against “terrorist groups from 83 countries” as part of its “constitutional right” to protect the country’s people, Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem told the UN General Assembly in New York.
In his speech to the UN Assembly, Muallem on Monday dismissed the definition of the Syrian conflict as a civil war, saying that the Syrian government is engaged in a “war against terrorism that recognizes no values, nor justice, nor equality, and disregards any rights or laws.”
“Confronting this terror in my country requires the international community to act in accordance with relevant resolutions on countering terrorism, particularly the UNSC resolution No. 1373 of 2001,” he said.
The Syrian Foreign Minister said that “terrorists from more than 83 countries are engaged in the killing of our people and our army under the appeal of global Takfiri jihad.”
Terrorist groups, including those linked to Al-Qaeda, who are violating Syrian people’s human rights “on a daily basis,” he stressed. Any Syrians who do not share the extremist ideology risk being “killed, slaughtered,” with the women also taken as “captives on the basis of perverted concepts of religion that have nothing to do with Islam."
'Foreign countries supply rebels with chemical agents'
“We are the ones who were targeted by poisonous gases in Khan Al-Assal, near Aleppo,” Muallem asserted, saying that Syria asked the UN inspectors to include in its mandate the ability to determine who used chemical weapons, but that it was omitted due to pressure from the US, the UK and France.
Syria had “waited for five months” for the UN chemical inspectors to arrive, and even before the completion of their work “certain states began beating the drums of war,” Muallem said. He added that Syria was committed to fully implement the provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention and cooperate closely with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). ......
al qaeda,
france islamized,
UK islamized,
usa islamized,
world war
When lions turn on their trainers
Are you loving this or what?! I sure am.
According to some news reports, ISIL, that's Al Qaeda to you and me ... why complicate things with all the silly names the terrorists give their numerous groups, is threatening Turkey with suicide bombings if their demands to open some borders are not met pronto. What can be more lovely? It's the nature of the beast and the trainers once inside the cage with the lions should always expect the worse. Let's sit back and enjoy the circus. Lots of blood letting in the offing....and Turkey is not the only turkey in the cage.
From TodaysZaman:
....The al-Qaeda-linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has threatened Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan with initiating a series of “suicide attacks” in İstanbul and Ankara and demanded that Turkey reopen the Bab al-Hawa and Bab al-Salameh crossing points, which authorities closed after ISIL seized control of the town of Azaz.
According to a statement attributed to the radical extremist al-Qaeda-linked group, ISIL has given Erdoğan's government a deadline of no later than next Monday, Oct. 7, to open the border crossings.
The organization also claimed responsibility for twin car bombings in the town of Reyhanlı in the southern province of Hatay which killed 53 people and wounded more than 100 in May. Reyhanlı is an important refuge point for Syrian refugees who have fled the violence in their country.
The confrontation in the town of Azaz in mid-September that preceded the closures was one of the most serious clashes between the al-Qaeda affiliate, made up mostly of foreign fighters, and the more ideologically moderate homegrown opposition forces trying to topple President Bashar al-Assad.
The struggle of ISIL, however, is less about ideology and more about a fight for territory, resources and the spoils of war -- with armed ISIL fighters positioned to defend the town and a nearby opposition brigade trying to broker a cease-fire.
Turkey has been one of the strongest backers of the opposition forces in the two-and-a-half-year uprising against Assad. While it denies arming them, fighters including extremists have been able to cross its border into Syria.
al qaeda,
suicide bombers,
usa islamized
The Judas countries of the USA, UK, France and others have achieved their objective of destroying Christians and Christianity in Syria and Iraq ...
and they would have achieved the same in Egypt too if not for the strong opposition from secular Egyptians who not only drove the West's agents, the Muslim Brotherhood into the ground, they told the USA in no uncertain terms to bugger off and leave them alone.
Michael Carl writing at WND:
Christian community fleeing Syrian crisis. Islamic insurgency may change character of region. Church leaders in Syria are expressing dismay at the large number of Christians who are fleeing the country under the threat of Muslim jihadists linked to al-Qaida who are trying to overthrow the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.
The flight of Christians is a rerun of Iraq a decade ago, when Saddam Hussein was removed from power, and will similarly change the character of the region, the church leaders say.
Father Nicola Antiba and his Chaldean Catholic counterpart Pope Raphael Sako both issued statements decrying conditions forcing Syria’s Christians to leave their native country.
Neither Syrian Christian leader could be reached for comment.
Western human rights groups report that the pressure on Syrian Christians to leave their homeland is becoming intense. International Christian Concern Middle East analyst Todd Daniels says Syria’s Christians live with daily threats.
“For many of them the immediate threats have forced them to leave as they are being threatened by opposition groups who have taken over the villages,” Daniels said.=
Daniels said a Syrian church leader told him recently of how rebels came into a village and began calling out names using the loudspeakers of the mosques. The Christians were given 48 hours to leave.
“We are continuing to hear stories from Syria of forced conversions or killings by those who did not convert,” he said. “It is these existential threats that are leading Christians to flee.”
Open Doors USA spokesman Jerry Dykstra confirmed that the Syrian bishops have a reason for concern.
“Over 2 million people, many of them Christians, have been forced to flee the country. Many of them are in refugee camps along the borders with such countries as Turkey and Lebanon,” Dykstra said.
Dykstra noted that Christians used to make up 8 percent of Syria.
But he noted the targeting of Christians in the Middle East is nothing new. He cited a Pew report said that in the 20th century, Christians once made up 20 percent of the region’s population. Now it is an estimated 4 percent.....
From Fides:
The Catholic Patriarchs of the East: the Arab Spring has turned into fire and sword. In November, a summit with Papa Francesco.
On Friday 27 September, the Council of Catholic Patriarchs of the East met in the seat of the Maronite Patriarchate in Bkerké (Lebanon) for a shared reflection in front of the seizures that disrupt the Middle East region, putting at risk the future of the Christian communities of apostolic tradition rooted in that area. The meeting, hosted by the Maronite Patriarch Bechara Boutros Rai and cardinal, was attended by among others, the Chaldean Patriarch Raphael I Louis Sako, the Greek-Melkite Patriarch Gregoire III Laham, the Syrian Catholic Patriarch Ignatius III Yunan Yusuf and the Armenian Catholic Patriarch Nerses Bedros XIX. In his opening, the Patriarch Rai has referred to the Ordinary Synod on the Middle East held at the Vatican in October 2010, noting that it was the end of that Synod "coincided with the beginning of the Arab Spring.
Unfortunately, "said the Maronite Patriarch" that Spring has turned into winter, fire and sword, in massacres and destruction, just as the people aspired to a new life and reforms, in the universe of globalization. " Today more than ever - continued the cardinal Lebanese - "this region needs the Gospel of Jesus, that of peace, truth, brotherhood and justice, because if the world loses the Gospel, know a situation of destruction, such as that we live in today. " The Patriarch Rai has also reported that the Catholic Patriarchs of the East will gather in Rome for a meeting with Pope Francis "which will take place in November and which will be joined by representatives of the Orthodox Churches." Sources of the Maronite Church confirms to Fides that the meeting between the Pope and the Catholic Patriarchs is scheduled for November 22, after the plenary assembly of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches. In meetings with the Pope and his collaborators, the Catholic Patriarchs of the Middle East, together with the major archbishops who lead the other teams of the Eastern Catholic Church, will draw the attention of pastoral and canonical questions such as the election of bishops in the Eastern Catholic Churches . The summit will also provide an opportunity to reflect on the future of Christians in the Middle East in an effort to outline criteria for discernment ministry shared in front of the conflicts affecting the region, from the tragedy of Syria. (GV) (Agenzia Fides 09/28/2013).
TomTato makes debut
Leaps in science and technology are so exciting!
Ever heard of a Muslim country giving something like this to the world? Definitely not in the last 100 years! Death and destruction is their cup of tea ....and even if they venture into the science and technology field, it's only to create new methods to kill humans.
From BBC:
TomTato' tomato and potato plant unveiled in UK. A plant that produces both tomatoes and potatoes, called the TomTato, has been developed for the UK market.
Ipswich-based horticultural firm Thompson and Morgan said the plants were not genetically modified.
Similar plants have been created in the UK, but the firm said it was thought to be the first time they had been produced on a commercial scale.
Guy Barter, of the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), said it was looking at the plant with "real interest".
Mr Barter said many of these plants - created by a technique known as grafting - had been created before but taste had previously been a problem.
"We're looking at it with real interest because Thompson and Morgan are a really reputable firm with a lot to lose, but I wouldn't rule out that it could be a very valuable plant to them," said Mr Barter, who is a contributor to BBC Gardener's World.
"In the past we've never had any faith in the plants - they've not been very good - but grafting has come on leaps and bounds in recent years.
Thompson and Morgan director Paul Hansord claimed the tomatoes were tastier than most shop-bought tomatoes and said the plant had taken a decade of work.
"It has been very difficult to achieve because the tomato stem and the potato stem have to be the same thickness for the graft to work," he said.
"It is a very highly skilled operation. We have seen similar products. However, on closer inspection the potato is planted in a pot with a tomato planted in the same pot - our plant is one plant and produces no potato foliage."
The firm said the plants last for one season and by the time the tomatoes are ready for picking, the potatoes can be dug up...........
HAHAHAHAHAH! Terrorists needed a white woman after all, as their Chief Commanding Officer no less! HAHAHAHHAHA
The cult of islam is nothing but a joke. Who needs Comedy Central when we have these Muslim idiots who can do nothing good for the betterment of the world but kill and rampage. Take the guns, knives, grenades, suicide belts from the scum and they are only sniveling brainless brats high on koran and drugs and nothing more. How wise of our politicians to import these degenerates to live among peaceful citizens of the West ... isn't it? We didn't have enough entertainment before that ... especially not the gory kind.
Interpol searching for "the White Widow". She could be back in the UK already, hiding behind a burka.
— Tommy Robinson EDL (@EDLTrobinson) September 27, 2013
From Independent IE:
'White Widow' smeared her face in blood to flee Irish-born terrorist rented a unit in mall for months before attack that left 67 people dead.
THE Irish-born terror chief dubbed the 'White Widow' slipped out of the Kenyan shopping mall after smearing blood over her face, security sources in the country have exclusively told the Sunday Independent.
They also revealed how Samantha Lewthwaite, the Co Down-born widow of London suicide bomber Germaine Lindsay, rented a unit at the Westgate Shopping mall months ago, in preparation for last week's terror killing spree.
She hung up newspapers around the shop unit to conceal what was going on inside, pretending to be stocking up on goods.
Staff have told police in Nairobi they helped a woman fitting the description of Samantha Lewthwaite lift boxes into the shop unit.
And witness accounts reveal a woman closely resembling the 29-year-old mother of three was seen being led away among panicked survivors, her face and upper clothes splashed with blood.
Interpol has issued a "red flag" international arrest warrant for Lewthwaite, based on intelligence that she led the attack and escaped.........
al qaeda,
christians killed,
muslim women,
usa islamized
"SmartWater" an efficient tool to catch crooks
Don't you just love new inventions, especially if they are instrumental in ridding us of scum?
From TelegraphUK:

As he stole items including a laptop he activated a system which sprayed him with the substance and alerted police the car had been broken into. Ultra violet lights showed Askale covered in the spray.
Releasing the images as a warning, Detective Inspector Madeline Ryder, of Brent Police, said: "This is another excellent example of the thorough work completed by Brent Officers. Using the trap car technology we were able to charge Askale and put him before the courts.
"The trap car forms part of an overall crime reduction strategy designed by SmartWater which is an effective weapon in the armoury of tools that we routinely use in Brent. We will continue to target those who are insistent on committing these types of offence.
"Brent Police say very clearly to any would be thieves - don't come to Brent - our trap cars and trap houses are waiting for you."................
Turkey anxious to join the ranks of cavemen countries into regressive oblivion
Turkey's turkey has introduced a draft on new "democratic" reforms that will do away with the existing ban on Muslim headscarves at public institutions. I wonder why it took him this long. Turkey is a Muslim country ... and hasn't he seen that the supposedly Judeo-Christian countries of the West, including our wonderful Canada, has no ban on Muslim women wearing not only their headscarves but full-fledged black tents in every nook and corner.... so the guy must be thinking " If non-Muslim countries allow my sisters to wear and don Muslim dress, who am I to restrict them. Fuck the old laws as laid down by my predecessor. Let my sisters break free by imprisoning themselves into black tents."
From Itar-Tass:
New democratic reforms announced on Monday by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan will remove the ban on wearing Muslim headscarfs in public institutions and make it possible to teach at schools in foreign languages. The package of democratic reforms that has a strategic meaning for the government is currently a draft bill and will be submitted to Turkey’s parliament in October.
The liberalization in the field of languages concerns private schools, which will be allowed to teach in different languages dialects used in Turkey. In addition, Erdogan announced the authorities’ decision to allow political propaganda not only in Turkish, which contradicts the current legislation.
Turkish Prime Minister claims the government's decision to lift the ban on wearing headscarves in public institutions will be legalized. Although since the founding of the republic women in headscarves are not allowed in state offices, a significant fraction of civil servants are violating this rule in recent years.
The reforms also include criminal liability for obstruction of religious worship and observance of traditions. "We are introducing the punishment of one to three years in prison for those who oppose the image of a person's life based on his beliefs or faith," Erdogan said.
The Prime Minister paid special attention to plans to reform the electoral system. He noted that this issue still needs to be discussed, in particular, the issue of the percentage threshold required for entering parliament. At present, it is 10%, however, Erdogan suggested to lower it to 5%, or to abandon such practice. "We can leave the current system, but we offer three options for discussion," he said.
muslim women,
Maaloula news ...September 30, 2013 ... day 27 of attack and invasion by USA-backed terrorists
The most informative but saddening news about Maaloula is from the Tass News agency below:
Also, it should not have come as a shock or a surprise for Maaloula Christians (see last link) to see their Muslim neighbours turning against them and in fact being complicit in the planning and execution of the attack and invasion of Maaloula. There's no excuse for self-imposed dhimmihood.
MAALOULA, Syria, September 29 (Itar-Tass) - Syrian militants have annihilated one of the most ancient active Christian churches in the world and have either stolen or destroyed its widely acclaimed icons, Itar-Tass correspondent covering the crisis in Syria said in his eyewitness dispatch from the small town of Maaloula, known as one of a handful of places where people still speak and pray in Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago…
The Church in the name of St Sergius and St Bacchus, two Roman warriors put to death for their faith in Christ during the reign of Emperor Maximilian, was built at the beginning of the 4th century. Most recently, its compound was housing a convent but the nuns had to resettle urgently to the Convent of St Thecla, also in Maaloula, about a month ago when militants of the Jabhat at-Nusra terrorist front drove into the town.
The nuns and about forty orphaned children are still taking shelter in Mar Takla, as the convent is known in Arabic. It is totally impossible to approach its territory even now, as the militants open dense fire from sniping rifles, sparing no one including journalists.
The problem is that standing nearby the St Sergius and Bacchus’s Church /called by the local residents Mar Sarkis or Abu Serga/ is the hotel Safir that provided accommodation to numerous Christian pilgrims and tourists in the past but was then seized by Islamic extremists.
Syrian government troops have practically razed the building to the ground but the militants are still hiding out in its basement floors and in the adjoining caves, which the Christians monks reshaped into cells.
The dwellings that were once the hermitages for contemplation of divine issues and prayer have now turned into reinforced positions for incessant firing.
The list of works of art and historic relics that have been lost forever in Mar Sarkis includes the invaluable icon of St Sergius painted in the 13th century that the believers and visitors could see earlier right at the entrance. The iconostasis and its central icons of the Virgin Mary with Jesus the Hierarch have been scourged.
The latter icon always amazed researchers for the fact it showed Jesus wearing a long silk dress with gold threads - a style of icon-painting much more typical of the 18th century Damascus than of the earliest centuries of Christianity.
The altar of the church dedicated to St Sergius and Bacchus does not exist anymore either. Its semicircular shape and the small enough flange were clearly indicative of its linkage to pagan altars.
Only fragments of it remain today.
It is a really wild guess forecasting how much time and efforts the experts will need to estimate the damage inflicted on this religious shrine and its unparalleled relics ............
Does Pompey th Great's involvement in Syria resonate today? In light of Maaloula,I wrote this for Oct @StandpointMag
— Daisy Dunn (@DaisyfDunn) September 30, 2013
Daisy Dunn at standPointMag:
Syrian rebel groups recently attacked the ancient village of Maaloula, near Damascus, one of the few places where Aramaic is still spoken, and where Muslims and Christians had been living in peaceful coexistence. Among the buildings said to have been hit in the struggle is the convent of St Thecla, a follower of the Apostle Paul, whose vision famously took place when Saul of Tarsus (as he still was) travelled the road from Jerusalem to Damascus to persecute Jewish-Christians. It has been reported that the rebels in Maaloula ordered Christian residents to convert to Islam.
The incident has sounded a further cautionary note against Western support of rebels opposing Bashar al-Assad's regime. But the ancient history of the region complicates the question of how far our involvement in Syria can be dictated by the potential reaction of rebel forces..........
Video: Maaloula was religious cleansing, not a military target
— Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) September 28, 2013
Ed Morrissey writing at HotAir:
.... Maaloula was religious cleansing, not a military target. Rebels overran the ancient Christian village of Maaloula in Syria on the fourth of September, and held it for eleven days until the Syrian army could retake it. It always made for a curious target in a broad civil war. Maaloula had no particular strategic value; it’s 56 kilometers north of Damascus in rugged mountain territory, enough of a backwater that it’s one of the few places where Aramaic is still spoken along with Arabic. It’s off the highway between Damascus and Homs, and away from the railroad that links the two Syrian cities. Why bother with Maaloula at all?...............
Lee Stranahan writing at WashingtonExaminer:
....A woman who survived an assault by Syrian rebel coalition forces says that her small village of Maaloula was terrorized by anti-Christian Islamic jihadists....
.... Additionally, residents reported that relatives were kidnapped by rebel forces. Kidnappings have become a common tactic across Syria for rebels to raise money or use as bargaining chips for possible future negotiations
Maloulaa has been almost completely abandoned by Christian residents in the aftermath of the rebel attack. It once had a population of about 3,300 people but now is nearly empty.......
Maaloula. I saw myself last week how perverse was this assault on the largely Christian Syrian town #Christian homes, crucifixes h b smashed
— adnan hobalah (@adnanhobalah) September 30, 2013
Robert Fisk writing at Independent:
...The Diab family can never return to Maaloula. Not since the Christians of this beautiful and sacred town saw their Muslim neighbours leading the armed Nusrah Islamists to their homes. Georgios remembers how he peered over his balcony and saw Mohamed Diab and Ossama Diab and Yasser Diab and Hossam Diab and Khaled Turkik Qutaiman – all from Maaloula – walking in the street with men whom he said were dressed in Afghan-Pakistani clothes. “One of them had a Kalashnikov rifle in one hand and a sword in the other,” he says, shaking his head in disbelief.
Twenty years ago, identical tragedies destroyed the villages of Bosnia. Now they are being re-enacted in Syria. “We knew our Muslim neighbours all our lives,” Georgios says. He is a Catholic. “Yes, we knew the Diab family were quite radical, but we thought they would never betray us. We ate with them. We are one people.
“A few of the Diab family had left months ago and we guessed they were with the Nusra. But their wives and children were still here. We looked after them. Then, two days before the Nusra attacked, the families suddenly left the town. We didn’t know why. And then our neighbours led our enemies in among us.”.....
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Mysterious Mars
Lisa M.Krieger writing at MercuryNews:
....A small, made-in-Mountain View device is yielding new insights about the windblown geology of the Red Planet.
The bread box-sized instrument built by David Blake, of NASA´s Ames Research Center at Moffett Field -- analyzing a sheltered sand ripple on Mars -- detected a crust of large particles atop smaller particles, suggesting a history of fierce winds.
"When things like that occur, it means Mars would have windy spells and turbulence," said Blake.
He believes that gale-force winds kick up when restless Mars changes its axial tilt. Unlike Earth, the tilt of Mars has repeatedly swung from 0 to 60 degrees over its 4.5 billion-year life span. He and his colleagues report this and other findings, discovered using a suite of analytic instruments aboard NASA's $1 billion Curiosity rover, in the most recent issue of the journal Science.
The rover, more than 220 million miles from home since its harrowing touchdown a year ago, has tested more than one hundred samples of soil in a sandy patch of the Gale Crater known as Rocknest. It has also returned more than 190 gigabits of data. Among its other findings:
Hydrogen, which scientists interpret as water, bound to fine-grained particles of dirt. They calculate that this soil contains 2 percent water by weight, meaning that astronaut pioneers could extract roughly 2 pints of water out of every cubic foot of Martian dirt they dig up.
10 different minerals. These minerals were amorphous, similar to glassy substances found in some volcanic deposits on earth, rather than crystalline.
A compound with chlorine and oxygen, likely chlorate or perchlorate, which previously was known to exist on Mars only at one high-latitude site. This finding suggests the toxic material is widespread and might complicate future plans for humans to live on Mars.
A football-size igneous rock called "Jake M," named after the late NASA engineer Jacob "Jake" Matijevic, is similar to some rare lava on earth, formed by cooling molten material from beneath the planet's crust....
FIFA officials responsible for awarding 2022 World Cup to Qatar should hide their heads in shame and return the bribes they received ...
without those bribes they would have never considered Qatar, we all know that. No use pretending that the FIFA officials awarded the WC without enriching themselves in the bargain. Some of us are not that naive to believe that they actually and truly thought that a place like Qatar, a country that is one of the worst abusers of human rights, would be the ideal place to hold an event where the free world could visit without being appalled by Qatari cavemen traditions, rules and regulations.
Pete Pattisson writing at TheGuardian:
....Abuse and exploitation of migrant workers preparing emirate for 2022.
World Cup construction 'will leave 4,000 migrant workers dead'
Analysis: Qatar 2022 puts Fifa's reputation on the line.
Dozens of Nepalese migrant labourers have died in Qatar in recent weeks and thousands more are enduring appalling labour abuses, a Guardian investigation has found, raising serious questions about Qatar's preparations to host the 2022 World Cup.
This summer, Nepalese workers died at a rate of almost one a day in Qatar, many of them young men who had sudden heart attacks. The investigation found evidence to suggest that thousands of Nepalese, who make up the single largest group of labourers in Qatar, face exploitation and abuses that amount to modern-day slavery, as defined by the International Labour Organisation, during a building binge paving the way for 2022.
According to documents obtained from the Nepalese embassy in Doha, at least 44 workers died between 4 June and 8 August. More than half died of heart attacks, heart failure or workplace accidents.
The investigation also reveals:
• Evidence of forced labour on a huge World Cup infrastructure project.
• Some Nepalese men have alleged that they have not been paid for months and have had their salaries retained to stop them running away.
• Some workers on other sites say employers routinely confiscate passports and refuse to issue ID cards, in effect reducing them to the status of illegal aliens.
• Some labourers say they have been denied access to free drinking water in the desert heat.
• About 30 Nepalese sought refuge at their embassy in Doha to escape the brutal conditions of their employment.
The allegations suggest a chain of exploitation leading from poor Nepalese villages to Qatari leaders. The overall picture is of one of the richest nations exploiting one of the poorest to get ready for the world's most popular sporting tournament................
Oliver Kay writing at TheAustralian:
....FIFA's controversial choice for 2022 World Cup host, is under fresh scrutiny over reported abuse of migrant workers on construction projects for the tournament - abuse that has been described as amounting to slavery.
FIFA, world football's governing body, said yesterday it was "very concerned" by reports in The Guardian that at least 44 Nepalese workers died in Qatar between June 4 and August 8 amid evidence of forced labour in the construction of Lusail City, a purpose-built city that is due to host the 2022 World Cup final.
FIFA added that its executive committee would discuss the matter in Zurich next week, as well as a proposal to move the tournament to a winter date because of health concerns arising from the oppressive summer heat in Qatar.
FIFA is expected to agree to a period of consultation before making any firm commitments, in part because of the concerns raised by the Premier League and other European leagues and by broadcast companies, some of whom are concerned by the idea of a winter World Cup.
Football Federation Australia has said that if the date is changed, it will seek up to $43 million in compensation for its failed bid, which was predicated on the event being held during the northern summer.
Officials in Zurich maintain, however, that neither the latest revelations nor any of the previous controversies will affect Qatar's hopes of hosting the tournament....
Mini-globalist would like to see Canada and the USA merged into one big country
Man-o-Man! Just when we want to keep far, far away from the madness down south, a mini-globalist pops up with dreams of merging Canada with the USA. Diane "Bonkers" Francis!
On second thoughts, if the merger would mean that we Canadians would be able to buy martini ingredients at the fraction of the price we pay now ... I am all for it!
Jonathan Kay writing at NationalPost:
Veteran National Post columnist Diane Francis has written 10 books. Merger of the Century: Why Canada and America Should Become One Country is easily her most ambitious.
Perhaps a little too ambitious, many readers might conclude.
It is also, in a way, her most personal. As an American-born dual citizen, Ms. Francis writes passionately about the many historical and cultural ties that bind her ancestral and adopted countries. Merger of the Century makes the case for erasing the formal distinction between the two entirely. “After all, we’re both melting-pot societies,” she says. So why not turn the whole continent north of the Rio Grande into the world’s biggest pot?.......
Things you don't know about our ally Saudi Arabia: US Army women once on Saudi soil have to wear burqas and play dumb ... Part 3
The US never stops licking the ground clean for oil-rich Saudi billionaires to walk on. It matters little whether the presidents of the mighty USA happen to be Republican or Democrat....the SA has shackled them as their favorite slaves ... just as world organizations like the UN, Greenpeace, Human Rights, IMF, what-have-you ... have SA at the core, either as bribe givers or infiltrators. One can fund anything and launder anything with oil money. That money is transparent and can hardly ever be traced back to SA ... only the givers and the takers know what's expected of each and when.
The article below is from over a decade ago.... and if you think the issues are not relevant today, think again.
Maj Martha McSally sued Rumfeld's Department of Defense over the burqa conflict (see second link and vid below)
After watching the vid, if you're wondering if McSally won the Arizona seat she was running for ... no, she didn't. Unfortunately, Americans have become far too dumb and unable to vote for people with caliber.
Edward Proud writing at USAToday:
....The U.S. military directive requiring women deployed to Saudi Arabia to wear a head-to-toe robe conflicts with the official guidance that the Saudi government gives to foreigners and also with the State Department's policy for its employees.
The military policy provoked controversy last week when an outspoken U.S. Air Force female pilot complained that the dress code discriminates against women. Military officials defended the policy. They said it was implemented years ago out of respect for Islamic law and Saudi customs and to protect its women from harassment by the mutawa, or religious police, and from potential terrorists.....
....The State Department bases its dress policy on the Saudi guidance. Its employees are not expected to wear an abaya when on official duty. When off-duty, women use their own judgment about wearing the garment.
Military commanders in Saudi Arabia require women to wear an abaya and a headscarf when they leave their installations. Maj. Martha McSally, the senior female fighter pilot in the Air Force, challenged that policy in an interview with USA TODAY last week.
McSally, who has been serving in Saudi Arabia since November, called the dress code "ridiculous and unnecessary." She urged the U.S. command responsible for troops in Saudi Arabia to modify the policy. She argued that women should be able to wear their uniforms on official business and dress in long pants and long-sleeve shirts when off-duty.
Asked to explain their policy in the context of the Saudi guidance, military officials offered no explanation Tuesday........
From Wikipedia:
....McSally was represented by the Rutherford Institute in a successful 2001 lawsuit against the Department of Defense, challenging the military policy that required U.S. and U.K. servicewomen stationed in Saudi Arabia to wear the body-covering abaya when traveling off base in the country.[4][5] At the time of the lawsuit McSally, as a Major (O-4), was the highest ranking female fighter pilot in the U.S. Air Force. McSally's suit alleged that "the regulations required her to send the message that she believes women are subservient to men."[6] In addition to the issue of religious garb, McSally noted that policies also included other requirements:
In a "60 Minutes" interview broadcast on CBS on Jan. 20, she described the discrimination she experienced under the policy: "I have to sit in the back and at all times I must be escorted by a male . . . [who], when questioned, is supposed to claim me as his wife," she said. "I can fly a single-seat aircraft in enemy territory, but [in Saudi Arabia] I can't drive a vehicle."[6]........
saudi arabia,
usa islamized,
So ironic, isn't it?! France is fighting same breed of terrorists in Mali that it arms in Syria.
All we need for evidence to prove that the world has gone totally, irredeemably insane is to look at world leaders and their actions. Look at Obama, look at Cameron, look at Hollande, look at Harper, look at Netanyahu ... and we have no option but to come to the sad conclusion that our Earth does not have an ounce of hope to escape the Caliphate. Keep white sheets handy for making flags to indicate your surrender to the black flag of the cult of islam.
From AlJazeera:
Four suicide bombers have blown themselves up at an army barracks in northern Mali, killing two civilians in an upsurge in violence against the military since the failure of peace talks with rebel groups.
The bombers let off explosives on Saturday in a car in front of an army camp in the desert city of Timbuktu, also wounding six soldiers, the government said, just 24 hours after troops in the rebel bastion of Kidal were hurt in a grenade attack.
"This cowardly attack resulted in the death of six people, including two civilians and four fighters who were killed on the spot. The explosion resulted in extensive damage," the government said in a written statement, according to AFP news agency.
Witnesses said the suicide bombers detonated their vehicle near the Malian army camp in Timbuktu, killing both occupants of the vehicle and two passers-by.
"The city was shaken by a loud explosion followed by the crackling of machine-gun fire," Fatoumata Cisse, whose house is near the military camp said by telephone........
From TradeArabia:
...French President Francois Hollande suggested for the first time on Thursday that Paris could arm Syrian rebels in a "controlled framework,"....
.... Paris has so far provided non-lethal aid ranging from bullet-proof vests, night-vision goggles or communications equipment. Its main focus has been helping to structure the Free Syrian Army's leadership, providing training to rebels in Jordan as well as sharing intelligence....
....Hollande has over the past week held meetings in Paris with senior Saudi Arabian and Qatari officials, two countries that already supply weapons to the rebels, and has vowed to increase military support to help change the balance of power on the ground.
The leader of the Free Syrian Army, Salim Idriss, who has called for the international community to provide his forces with heavy weapons, is due in the French capital next week to meet defence and intelligence officials....
stephen harper,
world war
Libya rocking to the beat of "NATO gave us hell on Earth...rah, rah, rah ... NATO gave us Civil War ...rah, rah, rah ...NATO gave us bullshit ..rah, rah, rah"
sounds wonderful to my ears .... because it proves how utterly stupid and corrupt are the leaders we have placed to seats of power. It also proves that we the voters are helpless ... totally, utterly helpless. No matter who gets our vote, that person once elected morphs into exactly the kind of person we would have never voted for, ever.
Essam Mohammed writing at AP .. via ABCNews:
A Libyan security officer says unknown attackers have assassinated three army officers in the eastern city of Benghazi.
Sunday's killings are the latest to hit the security forces in Benghazi, where like much of the country the government faces a challenge from armed groups, many descended from the rebels that overthrew dictator Moammar Gadhafi in 2011.
Col. Abdullah al-Zayedi, spokesman of joint security operations in Benghazi, said two of the officers, one a lieutenant colonel, were killed by bombs attached to their cars. He said a third, who held the rank of colonel, was shot dead by unknown gunmen.
Benghazi has been hit by a months-long wave of targeted killings. Victims have included political activists, judges and members of security agencies.
Why MSM are fucking silent over Libya? "@MagdulienAbaida Libya - 3 girls kidnapped from school, another one killed.
— Sunset (@_darkhours) September 26, 2013
Callum Wood writing at TheTrumpet:
....Libya currently exports 130,000 barrels of oil per day, a veritable dribble compared to the amounts gushing forth pre-2011. Today exports are at less than 10 percent of the pre-war level. With such a heavy reduction in oil—the lifeblood of the country—Libya is running out of ways to pay its workforce.Many government workers are now striking, fed up with the inefficiency of the administration. Protesting costs the nation around $140 million per day. The cost of strikes on the economy has been $5 billion so far. With daily power and water outages across the nation, the striking looks set to continue, and intensify.
Some are already taking more extreme measures to make a buck. Tired of the weak government, and wishing to capitalize on the country’s instability, some are taking over the country’s oil terminals, selling the oil for their own profit. Security guards have taken over four oil export terminals along the northeastern coastline, and despite government threats and feeble retaliation, the terminals have remained under rebel control.....
.........Water is being cut off to the capital because the Megraha tribe in Sabha cut power upstream in southern Libya. Further south, militants and arms smugglers easily cross the borders with Chad and Niger, facilitating the expansion of the radical groups......
Sunday is day for Muslims to kill Christians in Nigeria
As I write this, there's no concrete news whether the 50+ students killed from a college were mostly Christians or not. However, going by the Boko Haram's attacks on Christians on Sundays, we can conclude that Christians were the target.
Just like our politicians here in the West, the Nigerian government too did not pay much attention to the fears of the administrations of the colleges in that area and neglected to give them police protection. My guess is somebody forgot to bribe the Nigerian MPs for that protection. There were no guards, no security, no protection for the students. It's not by chance that your email inbox is flooded by scam mail coming from Nigeria, the corruptness in Nigeria stinks to high heaven.
How can the largely Christian govt. of Nigeria strike a "peace" deal with these animals like they have been trying to? The Boko Haram plague has to be mowed down and killed to the last bit of scum. The folly of Christians everywhere is too vomit-inducing.
Has anyone noticed how the MSM has stopped using "Christian" for Nigerians killed by Boko Haram? I would like to know who or what gave them that directive. Now, the only time these degenerates in the media use the word "Christian" is when the killing is done in a church ... because then, it is too, too obvious. At other times, the scum writing the items for their news outlets refrain from saying that Muslim bastards are killing innocent Christians.
There's an outright full-scale genocidal war going on aimed at Christians and people who should say so have all turned into ostriches.
From TheGuardian
Suspected Islamic militants have gunned down students as they slept and killed as many as 50 in an early-morning attack in north-eastern Nigeria.
Molima Idi Mato, provost of the Yobe state College of Agriculture said the gunmen also torched classrooms in the attack at about 1am on Sunday in rural Gujba.
The college is about 25 miles (40km) from the scene of similar school attacks around Damaturu town. The state capital, Potsikum, is 79 miles (128km) away.
He said security forces are still recovering bodies so he could not give an exact death toll. He said about 1,000 students have fled....
From Globe&Mail:
....“They attacked our students while they were sleeping in their hostels, they opened fire at them,” he said.....
....The school’s other 1,000 enrolled students have fled the college that is about 40 kilometres north of the scene of similar school attacks around Damaturu town, said provost Mato.
He said there were no security forces stationed at the college despite government assurances that they would be deployed. The state commissioner for education, Mohammmed Lamin, called a news conference two weeks ago urging all schools to reopen and promising protection from soldiers and police.
Most schools in the area closed after militants on July 6 killed 29 pupils and a teacher, burning some alive in their hostels, at Mamudo outside Damaturu.....
From TheIndependent:
....A military offensive ordered by President Goodluck Jonathan in May had appeared to have weakened the sect, which has has consistent bloodshed in Africa's most populous nation and biggest energy producer.
The group - whose name means "Western education is forbidden" - has several factions and an ill-defined leadership structure, stymying efforts to strike a peace deal.....
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Archbishop of Canterbury: "Christians are singled out for violence"
Where's Papa Francois? MIA. RIP Oscar winning papa. If he said anything forceful about the latest atrocities committed against Christians in Pakistan and Kenya, then the adoring lefty media following him didn't find it worthwhile to report on. This should have been when this Pope came out forcefully and sure, but just like our hordes of politically correct corrupt politicians the Catholic pope too turns out to be just like the whole dirty lot. We, the little people, have to fight the big war ahead of us ourselves just like we have been fighting the many battles to date. There's no help coming from the fucks in power.
John Bingham writing at TelegraphUK:
Christians now suffering mass martyrdom, says Archbishop of Canterbury
Christians are being deliberately attacked because of their faith across parts of the Muslim world and even martyred for their faith in large numbers, the Archbishop of Canterbury has warned.
The Most Rev Justin Welby said that there had been more than 80 Christian “martyrs” in the last few days alone.
He was speaking about the bombing of All Saints Anglican church in Peshawar, Pakistan, in which 85 were killed and more than 200 injured.
But he said that Christians were also being singled out for violence in a string of other countries.
Christian communities which have existed “in many cases since the days of Saint Paul” are now under threat in countries such as Syria and Egypt, he said.
Last month around 100 Christian sites were attacked amid the turmoil in Egypt, with 42 churches burnt to the ground. Ancient Christian communities in Syria have also been singled out for violence.......
Peter Standford writing at Telegraph:
Christians are being thrown to the lions again By using the word 'martyr’, the Archbishop of Canterbury has highlighted the worsening persecution of believers taking place around the globe. Archbishop Justin Welby’s choice of the word “martyrs” to describe the 81 Pakistani Christians killed when their church in Peshawar was targeted by suicide bombers has raised eyebrows. It is the sort of language avoided nowadays in the secular, sceptical West, with its taken-for-granted religious freedoms, in case it makes people feel uncomfortable.......
christians killed,
Some of possible reasons why Muslim women wear burqas in infidel lands
A lot of what Deborah Tyler says in the American Thinker article below is smack on truth.
....One psychodynamic model posits that dissocial behavior serves at least one of four purposes: 1) to get attention; 2) to have power over others; 3) to exact revenge; 4) because of an assumption of inferiority, which is masked by bad behavior. The first three of these purposes pertain to observable social dynamics; the fourth is largely intrapsychic.
Attention. The black burqa is an attention-grabber. This particular lady was also attracting special attention within her own religious group.
Power. Knowledge is power. The burqa withholds knowledge about its tenant while allowing her to collect knowledge about others. The cues that maintain social reciprocity and direct choices are a one-way street, giving more power to the concealed individual.
Revenge. America has gone down a suicidal path of admitting millions of illegal and legal immigrants who hold attitudes of resentment, entitlement, and even hatred against this nation. The burqa attacks the political ideal of freedom and the social values of individuality and unity. In the fullness of time, it could be used for more nefarious purposes.
Assumption of inferiority. Does the woman behind the burqa have no sense of the inherent beauty of her unique face? Where does she believe Allah shines forth, if not through her?
The Islamic distaff is the left's new poster child for their post-American vision. Their purpose is to impose a new moral order and government-based economy. They are threatened by traditional values, Christianity, and the Constitution. When progressives see a woman in a burqa, they unconsciously identify with her against America.
America is the place where oppression comes to die. At least 'til now. Our nation has overcome the worst evils that the co-religionists of the shrouded lady in the lobby still practice. During the colonial period,...........
muslim immigrants,
muslim women
Britainistan imports and exports Muslim terrorists on a daily basis
The same is happening in all the
Two men have been charged with terrorism and firearms offences after being stopped in Dover, British police say.
Mohommod Hassin Nawaz, 29, and Hamza Nawaz, 22, of Stratford, east London, are accused of attending a terrorist training camp in Syria.
The pair were stopped by police at the Kent sea port after travelling from Calais in France, a Metropolitan Police spokesman said.....
....They have both been charged with conspiring to attend "a place used for terrorist training knowing" and being in possession of a stash of rifle ammunition.
Mohommod Hassin Nawaz is also been charged with being in possession of a laptop computer containing "information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism".......
Najul Islam, from Newham, east London, was accused at Westminster Magistrates' Court of supplying cash for Shajul Islam and Jubayer Chowdhury, Scotland Yard said.
It is alleged that between January 1 and January 11 last year, he paid for them to travel to Syria, knowing that they would "be engaging or be prepared to engage in acts of terrorism".
He is accused of paying for supplies including night vision goggles, air rifle optic mounts and medical equipment, and driving from the UK to Turkey to deliver them to his brother, who is a junior doctor.
Prosecutors also claim that Najul Islam sent money abroad to his brother.
..The Briton aroused suspicion as he passed through Jomo Kenyatta airport because of bruises to his face and his dark glasses, according to the Daily Mail.
He later told authorities the injuries happened during a visit to Somalia.
His UK passport appeared to be genuine although it is understood he had no record of his arrival in Kenya or travel in the country. He was in possession of a visa.....
A Kenyan intelligence officer and two soldiers each claimed one of the al-Shabaab terrorists who had been killed in the Westgate attack was a white female.
Earlier, a senior Kenyan intelligence source said video footage from within the complex did show a white woman among the attackers.
He said she was actively involved and believed to be British......
muslim immigrants,
muslim women,
UK islamized
A Pulitzer Prize winner would like to see 90% of editors fired
So would many of us.
He also claims that the Osama bin Laden killing, the account of how it was carried out, was one big lie. Tactic to sell his upcoming book? Maybe, maybe not.
Seymour Hersh writing at TheGuardianUK:
....Pulitzer Prize winner explains how to fix journalism, saying press should 'fire 90% of editors and promote ones you can't control'
Seymour Hersh has got some extreme ideas on how to fix journalism – close down the news bureaus of NBC and ABC, sack 90% of editors in publishing and get back to the fundamental job of journalists which, he says, is to be an outsider.
It doesn't take much to fire up Hersh, the investigative journalist who has been the nemesis of US presidents since the 1960s and who was once described by the Republican party as "the closest thing American journalism has to a terrorist".
He is angry about the timidity of journalists in America, their failure to challenge the White House and be an unpopular messenger of truth.
Don't even get him started on the New York Times which, he says, spends "so much more time carrying water for Obama than I ever thought they would" – or the death of Osama bin Laden. "Nothing's been done about that story, it's one big lie, not one word of it is true," he says of the dramatic US Navy Seals raid in 2011.
Hersh is writing a book about national security and has devoted a chapter to the bin Laden killing. He says a recent report put out by an "independent" Pakistani commission about life in the Abottabad compound in which Bin Laden was holed up would not stand up to scrutiny. "The Pakistanis put out a report, don't get me going on it. Let's put it this way, it was done with considerable American input. It's a bullshit report," he says hinting of revelations to come in his book.
The Obama administration lies systematically, he claims, yet none of the leviathans of American media, the TV networks or big print titles, challenge him.
"It's pathetic, they are more than obsequious, they are afraid to pick on this guy [Obama]," he declares in an interview with the Guardian.
"It used to be when you were in a situation when something very dramatic happened, the president and the minions around the president had control of the narrative, you would pretty much know they would do the best they could to tell the story straight. Now that doesn't happen any more. Now they take advantage of something like that and they work out how to re-elect the president.
He isn't even sure if the recent revelations about the depth and breadth of surveillance by the National Security Agency will have a lasting effect.........
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