Martin The look on his face at certain points in the movie made me laugh aloud.
Friday, January 31, 2014
Movie: The Joyriders
Martin The look on his face at certain points in the movie made me laugh aloud.
Sarah Palin slaps Peggy Noonan .... hard!
Many of the MSM's journalists are still in Obama's back pocket where they made their abode from 2008, however, some are now climbing out or giving that impression. A bit too late, wouldn't you say? Peggy Noonan is one of the escapees ... for now.
Noonan's article is behind a pay wall, I have copied/pasted whatever I could find from the few lines at the link and from her Facebook page.
Sarah Palin at her facebook page:
Great article, Peggy, but where the heck were you when I and other commonsense conservatives were sounding the warning bell in '08? You joined the "cool kids" in mocking and condescendingly criticizing -- ultimately demanding that we "sit down and shut up." Better late than never, though, Peggy and your ilk, because, meanwhile back in America...
Peggy Noonan at WallStreetJournal:
The growing distance between Washington and the public it dominates. The State of the Union was a spectacle of delusion and self-congratulation in which a Congress nobody likes rose to cheer a president nobody really likes. It marked the continued degeneration of a great and useful tradition. Viewership was down, to the lowest level since 2000. This year's innovation was the Parade of Hacks. It used to be the networks only showed the president walking down the aisle after his presence was dramatically announced. Now every cabinet-level officeholder marches in, shaking hands and high-fiving with breathless congressmen. And why not? No matter how bland and banal they may look, they do have the power to destroy your life—to declare the house you just built as in violation of EPA wetland regulations, to pull your kid's school placement, to define your medical coverage out of existence. So by all means attention must be paid and faces seen.
I watched at home and thought: They hate it. They being the people, whom we're now supposed to refer to as the folks. But you look at the polls at how people view Washington—one, in October, had almost 9 in 10 disapproving—and you watch a kabuki-like event like this and you know the distance, the psychic, emotional and experiential distance, between Washington and America, between the people and their federal government, is not only real but, actually, carries dangers. History will make more of the distance than we do.....
sarah palin
Climate change and the benefits of it awaiting Canada and Russia
Below is a lefty version of how Canada and Russia will benefit from climate change and how both countries' governments are in denial about "human-induced" warming of our planet. Why are lefties so full of themselves? Anyone who believes that the changes in climate that our Earth is experiencing has everything to do with man and nothing to do with Earth's relationship to the Sun are, IMHO, arrogant individuals.
Paul Rogers writing at DemocracyNow:
....If long-term climate disruption is a reality, so is the prospect of short-term benefit for states such as Canada and Russia. But their governments' denial of climate change looks back not forward.....
.....The same trends of new sea routes and the massive new hydrocarbon exploitation are also set to occur in the north of Canada and Russia (see Øyvind Paasche, "The new Arctic: trade, science, politics", 7 April 2011). This is reflected in both Russia and Canada's new focus on enhancing naval forces suited to the Arctic, not least icebreakers.....
..........Yet the two largest countries bordering the region, Russia and Canada, are set to be beneficiaries from climate change, in two ways. First, as already major producers of fossil fuels, they will gain access to new resources in their Arctic regions. Second, a warming climate will allow their agriculture and people to “move north”. The counterpart is that the governments of both countries, led respectively by Vladimir Putin and Stephen Harper, refuse to accept that climate change is human-induced; both too want to intensify the exploitation of their own hydrocarbon resources, even though climate scientists overwhelmingly believe that this will make matters worse.....
.......The attitude of Ottawa and Moscow echoes that of the fossil-fuel industry, which equally refuses to accept the human-climate change link while happily seeing the Arctic opening up for business. The only small concession made by the industry and producer countries in recent years - taken with little fuss or public acknowledgment - is acceptance that the climate is changing, though the link is still a complete taboo.......
Blah blah blahing continues in Geneva while 1800+ go to meet the unknown in Syria
If you have even an inkling to the workings of the Muslim mentality and the dhimmihood of other non-Muslim negotiators at the table in Geneva, you can expect that these "peace" talks will take several more weeks to end ... in achieving nothing. What more does the world need to see after the decades of "Israeli-Palestinian peace talks" ... take it for granted the ongoing one in Geneva will be similar to those. If you are smart, you will ignore everything and anything happening or said or implied or promised in Geneva.
Bottom line: Muslims can NEVER be trusted to keep their word ... NEVER.
From NYTimes:
...At least 1,870 people died ...At least 1,870 people died across Syria during the first nine days of the "Geneva 2" peace negotiations that began in Switzerland on January 22, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Friday.
The Britain-based monitoring group said more than 470 of the deads were civilians, including 40 people who died from inadequate access to food and medicine in areas besieged by government forces.
The first round of talks in Geneva ended on Friday without making progress towards ending the civil war and also failed to achieve more modest aims, like an agreement to allow aid convoys into the central city Homs where thousands of civilians have been trapped for months.
Aid convoys this week delivered more than 1,000 parcels of humanitarian aid to residents in the besieged Damascus suburb of Yarmouk, which houses 18,000 Palestinians as well as some Syrians.
But the residents' needs still far outstrip the available humanitarian aid. The Observatory said most of the people who died from inadequate food and medicine in the last nine days had been living in Yarmouk...........
al qaeda,
civil war,
exodus of christians,
saudi arabia,
Barbara Hall dreams of finding erections, lots of them .... in her bathroom
As the dysfunctional hag can't find any in her own domain, she wonders why other women don't welcome unwelcomed erections where and when they find them.
Canada is a crazy, crazy place .... and that's because we have idiots like Barbara Hall in seats of power that some like-minded idiots like herself voted her to.
stupid women
Rockets hit Baghdad airport
Déjà vu. But this time around, Iraqis destroying their own instead of the Americans.
Guess who's been supplying the terrorists in Iraq and Syria with all the state-of-the-art weaponry they are showing off now? They have missiles, rockets, tanks ... you name it, they have it and more. Saudi Arabia is the supplier, that we know .... but who are the culprits supplying Saudi Arabia knowing what the scum there will do with the goods?
From Reuters:
...Three rockets were fired at Baghdad's heavily guarded international airport on Friday, hitting a runway and plane but causing no casualties, a security source said.
Air traffic was not disrupted, but the ability of militants to strike such a site is likely to heighten concerns about the vulnerability of Iraq's vital infrastructure as security deteriorates across the country.
One of the rockets landed outside the airport perimeter, but a second struck the runway and the third hit a plane, the source said. No group claimed responsibility for the attack.
Sunni Islamist militants including an al Qaeda affiliated group have been regaining momentum in Iraq over the past year, driving violence to its highest level in five years, with more than 9,000 people killed in 2013...
al qaeda,
civil war,
saudi arabia,
usa islamized
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Oh No, No, No ! Not another Messiah
Why are people always looking for someone to lead them? A new cult emerges with yet another madman leading others afflicted with mental problems like himself, but as he has declared himself the honcho madman, he exalts in his power over the never-ending supply of mad sheeple to be found all over the world. *sigh*
Here's more on the Vissarion cult
Iraq and Iran planning to outdo Saudi Arabia's oil exports
And, if that happens, it would also mean less kowtowing by our overlords to the scum in Saudi Arabia and more importantly, the price of filling up our gas tanks will cost us less.
From AlBawaba:
....Iraq is poised to triple its crude oil output from three million barrels per day to nine million by 2020.
And Iraqi ministers are helping their Iranian counterparts to attract investment in oil ahead of the possible lifting of international sanctions imposed on the country.
Hussain al-Shahristani, Deputy Prime Minister for Energy in Iraq, told a conference in London: "We feel the world needs to be assured of fuel for economic growth.
"Iran has been in touch with us. They want to share our contracts model and experience."
The ambitious plan could see Iraq clash with Saudi Arabia - which pumps 9.8m barrels per day and uses its influence in OPEC to keep oil prices above $100 a barrel.
And if Iraq and Iran decide to sell more crude on the open market rather than stick to OPEC’s quotas, the price of oil could plummet - potentially leading to lower petrol prices........
The combined oil reserves of Iraq and Iran are greater than that of Saudi Arabia - the world’s second largest producer of crude after Russia..........
saudi arabia
Travel advisory for Sochi Winter Games
Canada's Foreign Affairs dept has issued the following:
...January 30, 2014 - The Honourable Lynne Yelich, Minister of State (Foreign Affairs and Consular), today announced that the Government of Canada has updated its travel advice and information for Canadians as they make plans to attend the Sochi 2014 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in Russia. The last update issued was on Friday, January 24, 2014.
Public transportation: Whenever possible, limit your use of public transportation that is not affiliated with the Games. If you must use public buses or trains, be particularly vigilant and aware of your surroundings at all times.
Travel outside of designated Olympic sites: Be particularly cautious. There remains an ongoing insurgency in the North Caucasus, located approximately 150 kilometres from Sochi; consult our Advisories against travel to the North Caucasus republics of Chechnya, Ingushetia and Dagestan.
Prescription medications: Russian authorities have placed special security measures and restrictions on various items and materials, including prescription medications and medical supplies, at Olympic venues. Travellers are encouraged to bring a copy of the prescription with them and be prepared to show it to officials.
“We continue to advise all Canadians travelling to the 2014 Winter Games to take sensible precautions and maintain a high level of vigilance at all times and in all places,” said Minister of State Yelich. “Although consular services will be available on the ground, individual travellers need to take responsibility for their own safety. In order for Canadians to stay well informed about the risks, we strongly urge all those travelling to the Games to visit our website for the latest information and register with Registration of Canadians Abroad. Updates are also available on our Twitter feed and Facebook pages.”
The 2014 Olympic Winter Games will be held in Sochi from February 7 to 23, 2014, and the Paralympic Winter Games from March 7 to 16. Some events will also be held in the resort town of Krasnaya Polyana. Because any high-profile international event may be the target of a terrorist attack, special......
How wonderful! Muslim prez of the USA powwows with prez of the strongest branch of the Muslim Brotherhood
One Sunni brother to another Sunni brother discussing how to Caliphate the world with Shariah?
From GlobalMBWatch:
....UK Muslim Brotherhood Leader With Obama In White House; Anas Al-Tikriti Supported Iraqi Insurgents.
UK Muslim Brotherhood leader Anas Al-Tikriti, who once supported the Iraqi insurgency against the US, has been part of a White House meeting held last week with an important Iraqi leader. A photo available on the White House Flickr feed shows Mr. Al-Tikriti standing to the right of Osama Al-Nujaifi, Speaker of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, as al-Nujaifi is shaking hands with President Obama. The caption to the photo states:President Barack Obama greets Speaker Osama al-Nujaifi, Iraqi Council of Representatives, after he drops by Vice President Joe Biden’s meeting with the Speaker in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, Jan. 22, 2014.
Al-Nujaifi is often described as “the most senior and important Sunni leader” and has been mentioned as a possible future candidate for Iraqi President. According to media reports, during his Washington visit al-Nujaifi held a series of meetings that included:
January 21 Secretary of Defense Charles Hagel (Pentagon)
January 22 Secretary of State (unknown location)
January 22 Vice-President Joe Biden (White House)
January 24 Brookings Institute
One source reported that during his visit, Nujaifi met President Barrack Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden twice, as well as senior US officials.” The date and location of any second such meeting is not known nor is it known if Al-Tikriti accompanied al-Nujaifi during his other meetings in Washington. Reports from Iraq suggest that Al-Tikriti’s presence in the delegation has stirred up significant controversy............
muslim brotherhood,
obama's blunders,
saudi arabia,
usa islamized
The stuff Catholics say and do
There's a bishop in Spain
declaring mutants can be un-mutant
with a dose taken once a day
just like you would for flu.
There's a nun nursing a baby
But she didn't try the old trick
of "I'm a virgin"
She's from El Salvador, not the Middle East.
From NationalPost:
.....When doctors conducted an ultrasound and told her she was in an advanced stage of pregnancy she screamed: “I can’t give birth, I am a nun.”
Father Benedetto Falcetti, head of the regional branch of the Catholic charity Caritas, said Sister Roxana appeared to have become pregnant when she returned home to renew her passport.
“It was the rekindling of a childhood flame,” he said.
Local bishop Delio Lucarelli said Sister Roxana would have to leave the Little Disciples of Jesus convent where she has lived at Campomoro, near Rieti. The head of the convent, Sister Erminia Pusceddu, said: “She did not know how to resist temptation.”..........
From TelegraphUK:
....Spain’s newly appointed cardinal to Rome has insisted homosexuality can be cured with treatment and likened it to other “bodily deficiencies” such as high blood pressure.
The comments by Fernando Sebastian Aguilar, who was named one of 19 new cardinals by Pope Francis last week, provoked an immediate backlash in Spain.
The 84-year-old Archbishop Emeritus of Pamplona said: “Homosexuality is a deficient way of manifesting sexuality because (sexuality) has a structure and a purpose, which is procreation.” “Homosexuality, which can’t achieve this purpose, is a failing,” he said in an interview with Malaga-based newspaper Diario Sur, published Sunday.
He went on to compare it to his own deficiency of high blood pressure. “Our bodies have many deficiencies. I have high blood pressure — a deficiency I have to correct as I can.” With this in mind he continued:“Saying homosexuals suffer a deficiency is not an insult. It’s a help because in many cases of homosexuality it is possible to recover and become normal with the right treatment.” His comments brought swift criticism from some quarters........
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Update on the Ukrainian revolution
In spite of the PM resigning and in spite of concessions made, the protestors remain in the streets.
From TheEconomist:
... On Shovkovychna Street, beyond the first of three police checkpoints on the way to Ukraine’s parliament, a row of portable toilets presents a truly grotesque sight. Evidently it has not been possible to admit a sewage truck to the area. Kiev’s government district has been sealed off for weeks to prevent protesters from occupying it. Police officers’ assorted waste had overflowed, apparently some time ago. Yesterday morning it was frozen solid, like plastic. No smell. Something, the sight seemed to say, has gone seriously wrong here.
Ukraine’s crisis is lurching into chaos. The atmosphere in the camp on Independence Square (known simply as Maidan or Square) is often superficially jolly, but suspicion and confusion are everywhere. It is as though everyone thinks everyone else is a Russian spy. Even so, after the sight of the toilets, plus the decidedly un-European siege security, the atmosphere inside the parliament’s extraordinary crisis meeting was remarkably civilised.
There was none of the brawling for which the house is notorious. Members voted calmly and almost unanimously to repeal nine out of 11 recently passed laws that were seen as putting unacceptable limits on freedom of assembly and expression: laws the opposition had dubbed “dictatorial”. They also effectively re-introduced four of them, and no-one seemed to mind.
Before proceedings got under way, however, they had been interrupted by a message from Mykola Azarov, the prime minister (pictured below), announcing his resignation. According to Ukraine’s constitution, that implies the departure of the entire government (though not the president), which fulfils one of the main demands that the opposition movement has been making ever since the government reneged on its promise to sign an association agreement with the European Union on November 29th...........
From VoiceOfRussia:
....PACE to hold urgent debate on Ukraine's situation Jan 30.
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe will hold an urgent debate on Ukraine's situation on Thursday, January 30. Such a decision was taken at a meeting of the PACE Bureau on Monday, head of the Russian delegation to PACE and chairman of the State Duma international affairs committee Alexei Pushkov said.
"This will be a fierce discussion," Pushkov said. "We hope that reasonable voices realizing that it is impossible to shake the situation "for the sake of democracy" endlessly will also be heard."...
Bombshell from the Liberal Party of Canada
What a well placed resounding slap at the Conservative govt. of Stephen Harper!! Serves the PM right for dilly-dallying on the issue of dismantling the Senate and having only elected senators and not appointed ones. One up for the Liberals. Well done!
There could be something like a scandal or worse behind it all ... but until that's revealed this move by the Liberals will be seen by many as a very positive one.
James Cudmore writing at CBC:
Justin Trudeau has expelled from his caucus every single Liberal member of the upper house and has declared there is no longer any such thing as a Liberal Senator.
The Liberal leader said the former members of the Liberal Senate caucus will sit as Independents, and they will have no formal ties to the Liberal parliamentary machinery apart from through their friendships.
Trudeau's decision will see some lifelong Liberals and key party operators and fundraisers removed from the party's caucus and forced outside its inner circles – a foundation-shaking decision in a business where power is derived from membership in a political club and the ability to access its best back rooms.
"The 32 formerly Liberal senators are now independent of the national Liberal caucus," Trudeau said. "They are no longer part of our parliamentary team. There are no more Liberal senators.
"The only way to be a part of the Liberal caucus is to be put there by the people of Canada."
The move stunned both Liberal senators and senior Liberal Senate staffers, who had not been formally advised of the decision. It also blindsided veteran insiders and political observers who had no inkling about the change........
Will Egypt lead the way in pulling the Middle East from its cavemen era
A secular Egypt will be a powerhouse to reckon with for all around it. Nothing they do of late is an issue for criticism by those who are clear thinkers. Great going !!
A hit at the Al Jazeera network is a hit at Qatar and also a mild one at Saudi Arabia. Nice!
Sarah El Deeb of AP via YahooNews:
....Egypt to put 20 Al-Jazeera journalists on trial for allegedly joining, aiding terrorist group.
Egypt said 20 journalists, including four foreigners, working for Al-Jazeera will face trial on charges of joining or aiding a terrorist group and endangering national security — an escalation that raised fears of a crackdown on freedom of the press.
It was the first time authorities have put journalists on trial on terror-related charges, suggesting authorities are expanding the reach of a heavy-handed crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood since the military's ouster of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi on July 3.
A trial date was not set, and the full list of charges and names of defendants not yet issued. But they are known to include three men working for Al-Jazeera English — acting bureau chief Mohammed Fahmy, a Canadian-Egyptian, award-winning correspondent Peter Greste of Australia and producer Baher Mohamed, an Egyptian. The three were arrested on Dec. 29 in a raid on the hotel suites where they have been operating from.
The charges are based on the government's designation last month of the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. Authorities have long depicted the Qatar-based Al-Jazeera network as biased toward Morsi and the Brotherhood. But police largely targeted its Arabic service and its Egyptian affiliate, and while journalists have been detained the decision to refer cases to trial is unprecedented.
Al-Jazeera denies bias and has demanded the release of its reporters, whose arrest sparked an outcry from rights groups and journalist protection organizations. Authorities have also denied the network's reporters accreditation.....
muslim brotherhood,
Comments on the SOTU from people who pretend to have watched it even before the event
This is so funny ... but also very, very sad. This is the actual State of the Union.
Sarah Palin on the SOTU address
Gov. Palin writing at her Facebook page:
...If you skipped huddling around the TV last night for the State of the Union address because you’ve heard it all before, plus you were just busy with life, well… so did I. Putting the real world on hold to watch the fantasy declaration of “utopia’s-on-its-way” just isn’t efficient.
My truck radio was tuned in though. And driving kids to and from ball games with me negotiating control of the dial allowed me to hear what I’d forebodingly anticipated. Later, reading the President's remarks on my cell phone made sitting on sticky steel bleachers (that exacerbate parents’ sore backs) that much more uncomfortable. It was all confirmation that we HAVE heard it all before – how more government is supposedly the answer. But the extreme hubris and naïveté that emanated from that speech was something new and alarming.
Ronald Reagan said the nine most frightening words in the English language are “I’m from the government and I’m here to help.” Well, last night's promise to grow even more unaffordable, unsustainable bureaucracy confirms we need rescuing from government like never before.
Consider all the “help” a bloated bankrupt federal government has given us…
In an attempt to “fix” our health care system, government has taken away our health insurance and forced us to buy worse plans we don’t want and can’t afford.
To “stimulate” the economy, government blew a trillion dollars on a failed stimulus scheme that sunk us deeper into such a pile of debt that our great-great-great grandchildren won’t be able to pay it off. And our government still wants to blow more money we don’t have on “investments” that will incur more deficits year after year.
To “lead” us to energy independence, government throws billions at bankrupt boondoggle green energy gimmicks that conveniently reward campaign donors. Meanwhile, the President stymies development of conventional resources that we actually use and he kills a pipeline that’s guaranteed to provide jobs and reliable energy...........
sarah palin,
tea party,
usa elections
Atlanta has no experience whatsoever with snowy weather
Are you pretending to feel sorry for what the weather is doing this year to the people of the warm sunshiny places? I am not! Give them
Citizens of Atlanta need a
Yes ... people have been brought to their knees with a few snowflakes falling in places they usually don't make a landing. Fun to watch ! One of these days, I hope to see how Californians will handle the white stuff from the sky ... we know they are experts with the other type.
Most people are blaming the government of Georgia for ... everything. For poor regionalism planning, poor roads, no de-icing plans, etc.etc.etc.
From The Atlantic
How 2 Inches of Snow Created a Traffic Nightmare in Atlanta.....
....The issue is that you have three layers of government—city, county, state—and none of them really trust the other. And why should they? Cobb County just “stole the Braves” from the city of Atlanta. Why would Atlanta cede transportation authority to a regional body when its history in dealing with the region/state has been to carve up Atlanta with highways and never embrace its transit system? Why would the region/state want to give more authority to Atlanta when many of the people in the region want nothing to do with the city of Atlanta unless it involves getting to work or a Braves game?.....
Those USA-made missiles are being put to good use in the most unlikely places
I likey like!
From BBCNews:
US strike 'targets al-Shabab chief' in Somalia. The US military has carried out a missile strike in Somalia against a suspected militant leader with ties to al-Qaeda and al-Shabab.
Local residents told the BBC that an al-Shabab commander and four others were killed but US officials say this has not been confirmed.
The strike was aimed at a vehicle in a remote area of southern Somalia, near the coastal town of Barawe.
Al-Shabab is the main al-Qaeda-linked group in East Africa.
The Pentagon says the target was a senior leader in the two organisations.
Local residents told BBC Somalia correspondent Mohamed Mwalimu that al-Shabab commander Sahal Iskudhuq and the others had been killed as they were travelling in a convoy which was hit by a missile.
Al-Shabab fighters cordoned off the area after the attack, they added.
The group has not yet commented.
Iskudhuq was said to be close to al-Shabab leader Ahmed Godane, with a large number of fighters under his control, our correspondent says...........
Mexico legalizes vigilante action groups
More power to the people to take care of the people in a much better format than used by the government. What's not to like?
The VICE vid is from several months ago.
From CBSNews:
"Self-defense" groups confronting a drug cartel in the western state of Michoacan have agreed to join government law enforcement forces after months of firefights with gang members, many times as federal police and troops stood by.
The government announced Monday that it had reached a deal with vigilante leaders to incorporate the armed civilian groups into old and largely forgotten quasi-military units called the Rural Defense Corps. Vigilante groups estimate their numbers at 20,000 men under arms.
"The self-defense forces will become institutionalized, when they are integrated into the Rural Defense Corps," the Interior Department said in a statement.
Vigilante groups began springing up almost a year ago against the Knights Templar cartel, which ruled many parts of Michoacan with an iron fist, demanding extortion payments from businesses, farmers and workers. The civilian forces have gained ground in recent months, seizing a number of towns from the gang, sometimes after intense gunbattles.
The rise in fighting proved an embarrassment for President Enrique Pena Nieto, drawing criticism that the administration brought on the rise of the armed groups by failing to stop the cartel's abuses, and the government hopes the agreement will help restore order and get it back in control........
The Islamization of America is on a roll
The other day, a devil's advocate in my own family who takes pleasure in confronting moi at every opportunity, argued:"Why are you so much against Muslims, look at the govt. sessions here or in the USA ... see any Muslims there? How will less than 5% of the population impose the shariah you harp on, on 95% of the population?" and much more of the blah, blah, blah to imply I am off my rocker.
My response was to point out how the Queen of England and the royal family are just tokens of power and Christianity in their own country, just like the politicians we see yapping away in the govt. houses of Canada, the USA and the UK. The real power lies outside the govt. houses and outside the Queen's castle and in the hands of the most evil manipulators and that there will come a time when the least of the % will turn out to be the mightiest because that small percentage will not be held back by a human being's code of conduct.
Sadly, when one is talking to people who don't see Muslims as invaders, whatever you say to them is like water on a duck's back.
Allen West writing at his blog:
....We often hear that “America is a land of immigrants,” especially from those advocating a path to citizenship for people who have defied our sovereign rule of law and are here illegally.
I recall the words of President Theodore Roosevelt who believed no man should be discriminated against because of where he was born, but insisted any immigrant who arrives on our shores should become an American in terms of faith, allegiance and language, “If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest of America, then he isn’t doing his part as an American. We have room for but one soul loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people.”
Contrast that with the New York scene Daniel Greenfield writes about in Frontpage Magazine,
Walk along Church Avenue and turn east onto McDonald Avenue and you will see where the old standards of working class Brooklyn give way to mosques and grocery stores selling goat meat. Mosques grow like mushrooms in basements, cell phone stores offer easy ways to wire money back to Bangladesh and old men glare at interlopers, especially if they are infidel women. This is where Mohammed Siddiquee settled a dispute the old-fashioned way by beheading his landlord.A creeping sharia has immigrated into our America and like a cancer is spreading and attempting to take over its “host.” Greenfield notes that New York City has always had its micro communities of culture,
But Islam is not just a culture and the cultures who carry its baggage with them to the old worlds and the new are not toting it along like another ethnic food, a dialect or a national holiday. In Chinatown, Buddhist temples and protestant churches sit side by side and in Latino neighborhoods, Adventist storefront churches and massive Catholic edifices co-exist; along with them can be found synagogues, Hindu and Zoroastrian temples and the whole dizzying array of religious diversity of a port city defined by its swells and tides of immigrants.As those of us not under the spell of political correctness know, Islam does not coexist. And in its “Al Hijra” views immigration, as Greenfield says, “a form of supremacist manifest destiny to colonize the Dar al-Harb (the non-Islamic world) and subdue it with sheer numbers or sheer force” -– just look at Europe if you need proof.
Greenfield points to Jamaica in Queens, where Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis plotted the mass murder of Americans and the bombing of the Federal Reserve, hoping to “destroy America.”..........
muslim immigrants,
usa islamized
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Melting Arctic is a reality ...
we are in a mini ice age in some parts of the world and a mini warming age in others. Whatever is happening with our Earth and our world is not man-made as some of the nutty lefties are forever screaming about. Why can't we just say, yes something is happening to our Earth's weather but it's not man-made and we have no power over the elements and Mother Nature?
From CSMonitor:
....Polar bears have shifted to a diet of more land-based food in response to climate change and melting sea ice in the Arctic, new research finds..
The results suggest that polar bears, at least in the western Hudson Bay area, may be slightly more flexible in the face of climate change than previously thought.
"We found they were eating more of what is available on the land," including snow geese, eggs and caribou, said study co-author Linda Gormezano, a vertebrate biologist at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.
Still, it's not clear that this foraging strategy can offset the negative impacts of climate change, with one scientist saying it is unlikely to make a difference for polar bear numbers.
Polar bears rely heavily on seals and other marine mammals for food. The white bears wait at gaps in the sea ice for their blubbery prey to surface, then pounce, according to the nonprofit conservation organization Polar Bears International.
When the sea ice melts, polar bears come ashore and eat a variety of foods, including mushrooms and berries, in addition to snow geese and other animals. [See Images of Polar Bears Feasting on Prey]
But global warming has reduced Arctic sea ice extent, especially in the late spring when polar bears fatten up on seal pups before moving to land. As a result, the U.S. Endangered Species Act has listed the majestic beasts as a threatened species, and the International Union for Conservation of Nature lists them as vulnerable.......
animal kingdom,
How wonderful! Let's import more Muslims to Canada ...
so they can sue the government en masse, Canada can go into bankruptcy, Saudi Arabia can waltz in at leisure ... as the groundwork for the Caliphate is already nicely laid out ... and we the citizens can start wallowing in the joys of Shariah.
As you read the below, keep the thought firmly at the back of your mind that the Harper government's record for importing Muslims to Canada is the "best" from all previous governments. By "best" I mean the numbers imported far surpasses the number under any other administration. Jason Kenney was the kapo in charge of immigration until a few months ago.
Andrea Janus writing at CTVNews:
....Muslim group serves PMO with libel notice.
The National Council of Canadian Muslims is serving the Prime Minister’s Office with a libel notice, claiming that Stephen Harper’s communications director defamed the group in an interview earlier this month.
The NCCM is demanding “an unequivocal apology and retraction of the defamatory words” that Jason MacDonald, Harper’s communications director, used in an interview with Sun News Network on Jan. 16.
The notice quotes the offending statement as: “We will not take seriously criticism from an organization with documented ties to terrorist organization such as Hamas.”
The notice says MacDonald made the statement when asked about the NCCM’s objection to the inclusion of a particular rabbi on Harper’s official delegation to the Middle East.
The council had criticized the inclusion of Rabbi Daniel Korobkin because he introduced American activists Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, who founded the group Stop Islamization of America, at a Toronto event last fall.
In its libel notice, the NCCM says MacDonald’s words “were meant or were understood to mean that NCCM is, gives material support to, and/or is affiliated with a criminal terrorist organization. These words are defamatory per se.”
The document notes that the federal government has designated Hamas as a terrorist organization.
“The defamatory words were stated maliciously in order to discredit and insult an organization that did nothing other than exercise its constitutional right to freedom of expression to criticize a decision made by the Prime Minister,” the notice states.
The notice is a first step toward what could become a formal libel lawsuit, in which the council “will seek damages, interest and costs against you,” referring to Harper and MacDonald...........
Our enemies in prison are granted more rights and privileges than law abiding citizens
Political correctness by our overlords has become the most terrible plague of our times.
Andrew C. McCarthy writing at PJMedia:
I was invited to provide commentary Tuesday night on Megyn Kelly’s Fox News program (“The Kelly File”) regarding the all too predictable but nevertheless appalling news that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — al Qaeda heavyweight, 9/11 mastermind, decapitator of Daniel Pearl, jihadist warring against America for the better part of two decades, and murderer of nearly 3,000 of our fellow citizens — has been permitted to transmit propaganda out of the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay. The interview is posted on Megyn’s site here — I respond to contentions made by the first guest, defense lawyer and former JAG Charles Swift.
.....Obviously, then, an alien enemy combatant accused of war crimes is not entitled to the extensive contact with counsel afforded in the civilian justice system to Americans who are fully vested with Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights. And even less is an alien enemy combatant entitled to other, more general contact with the outside world....
.......After news broke of KSM’s dissemination of an Islamic manifesto and correspondence with a pen-pal in England, the Obama Defense Department responded to criticism by claiming it had an adequate procedure to vet the combatants’ communications prior to allowing their mailing or publication. That is absurd. .....
....In March 2005, NBC News reported that the jihadists convicted of bombing the World Trade Center in 1993, despite being incarcerated in the “super-max” high-security federal prison in Colorado, had been permitted to correspond with a terror cell in Madrid — and one even got a letter to al-Quds, a popular Arabic newspaper, proclaiming, “Osama bin Laden is my hero of this generation.” Nice vetting job, no? Spanish officials found that the letters from the imprisoned American terrorists were used to recruit jihadists in Spain, and that people on the receiving end of the correspondence were complicit in acts of terrorism.......
......Now, it is being gradually dismantled. Gitmo is being emptied by transferring terrorists back to countries where they can return to violent, anti-Western jihad. American combat forces, already suicidally hamstrung by unconscionable rules of engagement, are being withdrawn from Afghanistan even as the Taliban moves back in. Al Qaeda is ascendant in Iraq and across North Africa. .......
Some paras from Part II of the article above:
...I began The Grand Jihad, my 2010 book on the Muslim Brotherhood, with what may, from the Western standpoint, be the most important verse of the Koran, sura 9:29. It commands:
Fight those who believe not
In Allah nor the Last Day,
Nor hold that forbidden
Which hath been forbidden
By Allah and His Messenger,
Nor acknowledge the Religion
Of Truth [i.e., Islam], from among
The People of the Book [i.e., Jews and Christians]
Until they pay the Jizya [which I’ll explain momentarily]
With willing submission,
And feel themselves subdued.
al qaeda,
andrew mccarthy,
terrorism usa
Monday, January 27, 2014
Left terrified of Senator Rand Paul becoming Prez
Glenn Beck, smart man that he is, saw through the tactics of "journalists" Sam Tanehaus and Jim Rutenberg of the NY Times.
A Libertarian-leaning Republican candidate who might run for the presidency in 2016? The Left can't handle that. No way! And, so begins the Alinsky method by which the NY Times will demonize and ridicule one of the best that the Tea Party has to offer to the American voters.
NY Times and the rest of the "controlled" media has done this before ... to Sarah Palin. Americans can be fooled once, twice, thrice .... but how many more times will they continue being fooled by the media... that's the question. From now on, get ready to see the most vilest things being said outright and the most scandalous stuff implied about both Rand Paul and Ted Cruz..... two of the Tea Party favorites.
From GlennBeckRadio:
....New York Times proves it is terrified of Rand Paul in new hit piece. On Saturday, the New York Times published a lengthy article about Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) that read a lot more like an op-ed written by a Paul-detractor than a news story appearing in the paper’s ‘Politics’ section. In “Rand Paul’s Mixed Inheritance,” writers Sam Tanehaus and Jim Rutenberg look at Sen. Paul’s past and speculate about his future as they reveal just how worried the left must be about his chances in 2016.
“The New York Times has an article on Rand Paul that is absolutely amazing. They are so afraid of this guy, so afraid of him,” Glenn said on radio this morning. “And this is not an op-ed piece… They called him every name under the sun… They have made him into the worst monster… They are terrified of Rand Paul. Terrified of him.”..........
glenn beck,
nitwit journalists,
ny times,
sabotage by the left,
tea party,
usa elections
One of the leaders of Al Qaeda affiliated groups in Iraq is none other than Prince Abdul Rahman al-Faisal ....
of the House of Saud. Those of us who think for ourselves, this does not surprise us. We know exactly the what, the who, the why, the how ... of the entire Syrian fiasco which will be bringing tens of thousands of refugees to the West in order to further islamize our lands.
Worldwide genocide of Christians continue while our overlords cry over Muslims killing Muslims but not over Muslims killing Christians
A world gone mad.
Canada floods Nigeria with taxpayers' money as you can see from the Blazing Cat Fur's document below. Look at all the money going to countries that are busy killing Christians and other minorities. We, the stupid voters, have given these bastards in our government the power to send our money to these countries while in our own country we have millions of Canadians living below the poverty level.
Canadian Foreign Aid To Muslim Nations That Persecute Christians.pdf
.....Gunmen kill at least 62 in Nigeria, including in church. Suspected insurgents armed with guns and explosives killed at least 62 people in northeast Nigeria, including at a church service, in a region where Islamist sect Boko Haram is resisting a military crackdown, witnesses said on Monday.
They killed 22 people by setting off bombs and firing into the congregation in the Catholic church in Waga Chakawa village in Adamawa state on Sunday, before burning houses and taking residents hostage during a four-hour siege, witnesses said.
On Monday, a separate assault by suspected members of the shady sect killed at least 40 people in Kawuri village, in remote northeastern Borno state, security officials said. No one immediately claimed responsibility for either attack.
President Goodluck Jonathan is struggling to contain Boko Haram in remote rural regions in the country's northeast corner, where the sect launched an uprising in 2009.
Boko Haram, which wants to impose sharia law on a country split roughly equally between Christians and Muslims, has killed thousands over the past four and a half years and is considered the biggest security risk in Africa's top oil exporter and second largest economy after South Africa.........
Here we go again! Another Muslim immigrant sues Canada for $$$$$$$$$s
Opportunists of the best sort, they are for sure. Don't you just love the way they say "thanks" for giving them a safe harbor from their hellholes? All the mistakes they make are fully forgiven, but if the country that takes them in, as either refugees or immigrants, if that country dares to make a mistake ... all hell breaks loose because the Muslims can see tonnes of dollars sitting waiting for the picking from the same government that gave them refuge.

Who should be criticized for this sorry state of affairs if not our brain-dead politicians for the influx of such humans-in-name-only (HINOs) to this country?
From OttawaCitizen:
Ottawa’s Abdullah Almalki is scheduled to get his day in court — in September 2016 — more than a decade after filing suit against the federal government for its alleged complicity in his torture overseas.
Almalki, a Carleton University engineering grad and father of six, spent 22 months in Syrian jails after his arrest in Damascus in May 2002. He was questioned based on faulty Canadian intelligence and tortured.
“The government has been trying to delay this case as much as they can, but we finally have a court date,” Almalki, 43, said in an interview Friday. “That’s something.”
Almalki and his family are suing the government for $100 million in damages..........
...........After the Iacobucci inquiry issued its report in 2008, a Commons committee recommended the government apologize to Almalki and compensate him.
The Conservative government, however, has chosen to ignore that recommendation and contest Almalki’s lawsuit. Government lawyers insist Canadian officials played no role in Almalki’s detention or mistreatment in Syria. They blame the Syrians.
In 2001, Almalki was an Ottawa businessman who came under intense scrutiny by the RCMP, CSIS and FBI in the aftermath of 9/11. He was investigated for at least six years: his home was raided, the contents of his computer analyzed, and his friends and relatives interviewed. He has never been charged with any crime.........
canadian muslim population,
muslim immigrants,
The downward spiral of suicidal nations speeding up
USA, UK, Canada, Australia .... all in line to embrace the Caliphate.
From GulfNews:
...Pentagon loosens religious displays regulations. New regulations praised by leaders of national Muslim American groups, but Sikhs have reservations.
Washington: The Defence Department released regulations on Wednesday ensuring the rights of religious-minority service members to display their beliefs outwardly — such as wearing a turban, scarf or beard — as long as the practices do not interfere with military discipline, order or readiness.
According to the Pentagon, requests for such religious accommodation will still be decided on an individual basis but will generally be denied only if the item impairs the safe use of military equipment; poses a health or safety hazard; interferes with wearing a uniform, a helmet or other military gear; or “impairs the accomplishment of the military mission”.
The “expression of sincerely held beliefs” may not be used as the basis for “adverse personnel action” or discrimination, the new regulations state. They spell out “hair,” “grooming practices,” and “religious body art” such as tattoos or body piercings as eligible areas for religious accommodation.
Although the new regulations were praised by leaders of national Muslim American groups as expanding the rights of Muslims and other non-Christians in the US military, some Sikh American organisations criticised them for not going far enough. Requests for religious accommodation will still be decided on a case-by-case basis........
UK islamized,
usa islamized
Ouch, Ouch, Ouch
This is bad, bad, bad! I hope someone disputes the negatives in the list with proper evidence to their inaccuracies.
Alex Roberts writing at Ottawa Citizen:
...Eight years after the January, 2006 election that brought the Conservatives to power under Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Alex Roberts looks at the state of the Canadian economy. Not to be confused with the Harper’s Magazine’s monthly index of “ironic statistics arranged for thoughtful effect.”
Estimated amount spent on taxpayer-funded advertisements since 2009 touting the “Economic Action Plan” and the government’s economic record : $113,000,000
National unemployment rate in January, 2006: 6.6
National unemployment rate in December, 2013: 7.2
Increase in the number of unemployed in Canada since January 2006: 236,200
Youth unemployment rate, January 2006: 12.2
Youth unemployment rate, December 2013: 14.0
Rank of Canada’s unemployment rate in 2013 compared to other G7 countries: 3rd
Rank of Canada among the 34 OECD nations in employment creation 2007-2012: 20th
Number of governments since 1935 that have presided over a slower rate of real economic growth per capita than the Harper Conservatives: 0
Number of consecutive annual federal budget deficits: 6
Number of budget deficit targets hit by Finance Minister Jim Flaherty: 0
Number of consecutive annual federal budget surpluses under the previous Liberal (Chrétien/Martin) governments: 9
Amount added to the federal national debt since Conservatives took power in 2006: $123,500,000,000
Number of years it would take to count to 123,500,000,000, counting non-stop at one number per second: 3,913
Portion of the total federal debt accumulated since 2006: 1/5
Budget surplus in percentage terms, relative to the nominal GDP, 2006: +1.6
Budget balance in percentage terms, relative to the nominal GDP, 2013: -3.0
Percentage increase in the inflation-adjusted average hourly manufacturing wage, 2006-2013: 0
Percentage drop in productivity (GDP produced per employed person), 2006 to September 2013: 1.9...........
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Try finding updates on the Taima excavations in Saudi Arabia or any other ....
on the internet and be prepared to be as frustrated as moi.
I don't want to mislead you, so I won't give any links. Suffice to say that the Saudi PR machines are keeping everything under wraps and the powers-that-be in Israel are also doing same. IMO, several thousand miles extending from the present day Israeli borders ... belong to the State of Israel ... because almost every excavation finds clear evidence of Jewish roots. My biggest peeve with the Israelis is that they are not making a claim for what is rightfully theirs. Why are they doomed to play the defensive role of their own making? Grrrrrrrrrrrr!
saudi arabia
Afghanistan, a lawless country and lawless it is determined to remain
Wish the NY Times had helped to try to bring this journalist to the USA on refugee status. We are bringing in utter illiterates but so many like this man are bypassed. So sad! Or, foolishly, he might have thought he would do a load of good by staying put in his hellhole. I hate it when intelligent, educated people are killed.
Mokhtar Amiri writing at GuardianUK:
.... Afghan journalist Noor Ahmed Noori found dead in Helmand province.
Body of former New York Times journalist, working for radio station in Afghanistan, found burned and mutilated inside a bag.
The burned and mutilated body of an Afghan journalist has been found in a plastic bag behind a car salesman's yard in the capital of Helmand province, local officials said.
It was an ominous attack for an area that has become a focal point of the insurgency, and seen rising violence in recent years, but where the last murder of a journalist was five years ago.
Police are investigating the killing, said Abdul Ahad Choopan, spokesman for the provincial police chief.
"When we found the body around 7pm yesterday we thought there was a bomb inside the bag. We asked our engineers to check, but when they opened the bag it was the body of the journalist."
Noor Ahmed Noori worked for Radio Busd, and until last year had also worked for the New York Times....
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